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JavaScript Decryption Tool

The HTML Decoder

This is just a quick sample of how to accomplish embedded HTML entity decryption with javascript. It's actually only a small portion of the code at the Scumple I wrote several years ago, but it was necessary for another project I am working on, so I dedicated this page to demontrating that functionality.

Back to the point. The code here converts entity encoded values like &0032; to their actual text counterparts, and place results into the box below. To start, just paste or enter some entity-encoded text within the box below. Then click Decode Text.

Results will appear here.

The Code

<script type="text/javascript">
function decodetest(){
//get the input
  var t = document.getElementById('dectest').value;
//remove carriage returns
  t = t.replace(new RegExp("\\=\r\n","gim"), "");
//replace urlencoded values
  t = unescape(t);
//replacement values
  var thechrs = new Array(
    ' ','!','"','#','$','%','&',"'",'(',')','*','+',',','-','.','/','0','1','2','3',
    'p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','{','|','}','~',' ','c','u','e','a',
    '³','²','_',' ');
//replace js numeric array values
  var l = 32;
  for (l = 32; l < 256; l++){
    t = t.replace(new RegExp("\\[" + l + ",","gim"),"[" + thechrs[l-32] + ",");
    t = t.replace(new RegExp("\\[" + l + ",","gim"),"[" + thechrs[l-32] + ",");
  for (l = 32; l < 256; l++){
    t = t.replace(new RegExp("," + l + "\\]","gim"),"," + thechrs[l-32] + "]");
    t = t.replace(new RegExp("," + l + "\\]","gim"),"," + thechrs[l-32] + "]");
  for (l = 32; l < 256; l++){
    t = t.replace(new RegExp("," + l + ",","gim"),"," + thechrs[l-32] + ",");
    t = t.replace(new RegExp("," + l + ",","gim"),"," + thechrs[l-32] + ",");
  ta = t;
  t = t.replace(new RegExp("(\\[[^\\]]+)\\,([^\\]]+\\])","gim"), "$1$2");
  while(ta !== t){
    ta = t;
    t = t.replace(new RegExp("(\\[[^\\]]+)\\,([^\\]]+\\])","gim"), "$1$2");
//replace entities
  var l = 32;
  for (l = 32; l < 100; l++){
    t = t.replace(new RegExp("&#" + l + ";","gim"),thechrs[l-32]);
    t = t.replace(new RegExp("&#0" + l + ";","gim"),thechrs[l-32]);
    t = t.replace(new RegExp("&#00" + l + ";","gim"),thechrs[l-32]);
  var l = 100;
  for (l = 100; l < 256; l++){
    t = t.replace(new RegExp("&#" + l + ";","gim"),thechrs[l-32]);
    t = t.replace(new RegExp("&#0" + l + ";","gim"),thechrs[l-32]);
//return results
  document.getElementById("parsed").innerHTML = t;
Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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