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Edible News

After watching several documentaries about our food supply and learning just how deficient in nutrients the food we consume has become over the past 30-years, our family has decided to make some serious changes. We are buying organic, eating in season and buying locally. Our meat is grassfed, our bread in homebaked and I feel good about what my family is eating.

If you aren't aware of the danger genentically modified corn and soy products present to your families diet, continue reading. Find out the latest news and commentary on GMO food sources, eating and buying organic foods, nutritional news, food related health issues and much more.

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February 17, 2016

By preparing the mixture of honey and warm water you have the most beneficial way of consuming the honey. For losing weight this is the best combination and you will be able to wear your favorite skinny jeans in no time.

Even more it will clean your body from harmful toxins. if you think that honey is a typical sweet product that increases body weight you are wrong. So in order to improve your overall health start consuming honey and lose those boring extra pounds.

by Kenneth Chang

February 15, 2016

Organic meat and milk differ markedly from their conventionally produced counterparts in measures of certain nutrients, a review of scientific studies reported on Tuesday.

In particular, levels of omega-3 fatty acids, beneficial for lowering the risk of heart disease, were 50 percent higher in the organic versions. "The fatty acid composition is definitely better," said Carlo Leifert, a professor of ecological agriculture at Newcastle University in England and the leader of an international team of scientists who performed the review.

February 14, 2016

Cacao and cocoa are kind of the same thing... They're also very different! We don't want to confuse you but we want you to discover the truth about their differences.

The studies that boast of chocolate's amazing health benefits are not referring to your average store-bought chocolate bar (damn misleading researchers). The chocolate that they're referring to is raw cacao. Raw cacao is made by cold-pressing unroasted cacao beans. The process keeps the living enzymes in the cacao and removes the fat (cacao butter).

by Chris Arsenault

February 9, 2016

Long known for its cigars and rum, Cuba has added organic honey to its list of key agricultural exports, creating a buzz among farmers as pesticide use has been linked to declining bee populations elsewhere.

rganic honey has become Cuba's fourth most valuable agricultural export behind fish products, tobacco and drinks, but ahead of the Caribbean island's more famous sugar and coffee, said Theodor Friedrich, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization's (FAO) representative for Cuba. "All of (Cuba's) honey can be certified as organic," Friedrich told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. "Its honey has a very specific, typical taste; in monetary value, it's a high ranking product."

by Anya V

February 8, 2016

The food industry's advertising marketers are very creative with their campaigns. They know how to market "food" as natural and (if not better than) healthy. If they put words like, "healthy" and "natural" on their products it must be true, right?

General Mills boasts about their use of natural oats in Cheerios. The first ingredient isn't even oats (remember, ingredients are listed in order by weight of the ingredient) in seven out of the twelve Cheerios varieties currently sold in the U.S.

by Nick Meyer

January 28, 2016

The organic revolution has also coincided with a gluten-free revolution, but there are still millions of people who love their bread way too much to ever give it up.

Our bread has changed in many different surprising ways over the years, but there are plenty of breadmakers doing it the right way that have sprung up as consumers demand healthier, non-GMO and organic choices.

by Nick Meyer

January 28, 2016

Is your favorite organic company owned by a huge corporation or is it truly organic and independent? As our favorite organic companies have grown, many of them have also been gobbled up by huge corporations.

While most organic companies pledge to continue their high standards of organic purity upon being bought out, it doesn't always work that way in practice. For example Silk, a popular almond milk brand, actually switched from non-GMO to GMO soybeans without telling their customer base upon being purchased by WhiteWave, a spin-off company of the massive pro-GMO corporation Dean Foods. At the end of the day, buying organic is always a smart decision. But as the Silk and other stories show, buying small and local is usually the best decision.

by Carrol Krause

January 26, 2016

Last week I was having problems with my digestion, so I stopped eating for a few days. The kind folks at Hospice were alarmed, and sent over a sack filled with different kinds of nutritional "foods" that are designed to keep the life-force strong.

Hospice had the very best of intentions, and I am grateful for their concern. Although I do not wish to malign them in any way, the stuff they sent over was not real FOOD. In fact, I'm outraged at the idea that they feed this stuff to dying people. The first three ingredients in the so-called "pudding" are water, sugar, and corn maltodextrin (a heavily processed starch with a high glycemic index). Yum, yum.

January 26, 2016

Fresh Eggs Daily put up a Facebook post that has everyone stirred up about how to read egg labels and how most eggs are on average, 45 days (or more) in age. The core theme of the post is understanding how egg producers manipulate labels...

So today (1/19) I was shopping and snapped a few photos of some egg cartons. EVERY date I saw on them was between 352-355, meaning that those eggs were put in that carton on the 352nd-355th day of last year. Add to that the 19 days so far this year, and these eggs have all been in the carton for about a month (and could have been laid up to 30 days prior to that) and check out the Sell by dates - these eggs can still sit on the shelf for a few more weeks.

by Elaine Watson

January 25, 2016

A poll* of more than 4,200 US consumers conducted in April 2015 by CivicScience shows Americans believe that 'preservatives / chemicals' are significantly more harmful to their heath than added sugar, saturated fat and sodium.

Not surprisingly perhaps, the over 55s (who are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure) were more likely to consider sodium to be harmful than younger people, while parents and grandparents were more concerned about all of the ingredients on the list than people without children.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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