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Edible News

After watching several documentaries about our food supply and learning just how deficient in nutrients the food we consume has become over the past 30-years, our family has decided to make some serious changes. We are buying organic, eating in season and buying locally. Our meat is grassfed, our bread in homebaked and I feel good about what my family is eating.

If you aren't aware of the danger genentically modified corn and soy products present to your families diet, continue reading. Find out the latest news and commentary on GMO food sources, eating and buying organic foods, nutritional news, food related health issues and much more.

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December 3, 2015

In approving genetically engineered salmon as safe to eat and safe for the environment, the Food and Drug Administration rejected petitions from environmental and food safety groups asking that companies selling this salmon be required to label it.

The salmon, made by AquaBounty Technologies of Maynard, Mass., has genes inserted that allow it to grow to market size twice as fast as wild salmon. The F.D.A.'s approval permits the engineered salmon to be raised only in land-based hatchery tanks in two facilities - one in Canada, where genes are injected into the eggs of Atlantic salmon, and a facility in Panama, where the fish are grown to market size. Each site has physical barriers to prevent the escape of eggs and fish.

November 29, 2015

Polls indicate alarm over the contamination of everyday foods by pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, synthetic additives and, especially, genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

A recent New York Times poll found that 93 percent of Americans want GMOs labeled, an action already required by 64 nations. Two-thirds of Americans believe that GMOs are unsafe. Millions of consumers are switching over to non-GMO, organic foods, and as a result organics have moved from a niche market into a $40 billion powerhouse. Indeed, Americans now spend more than 10 cents of every food dollar for items that are labeled "organic," "non-GMO" or "natural."

by Elise McDonough

November 27, 2015

State limits the quantity of edibles that can be purchased and forces manufacturers to stamp products with THC warning.

Along with HB 1366, House Bill 1361 makes further changes to the law, limiting the amount of edibles that customers can purchase in a single transaction. "We keep things reasonable as far as price goes, and when it gets too expensive, people will go to the black market," she said.

by Sandi Busch

November 26, 2015

Following a gluten-free diet used to be a dreaded challenge faced only by people who had celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.

Wheat is a major source of gluten. Following a gluten-free diet used to be a dreaded challenge faced only by people who had celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. Now gluten-free products are easy to find and going gluten-free has become a diet option for anyone. But it's not always the best choice. If you're not careful about your food selections, a gluten-free diet may lack essential nutrients. Gluten proteins in wheat, rye and barley trigger an autoimmune response in people with celiac disease. Following a gluten-free diet relieves celiac-related symptoms. However, a medical professional should make such a diagnosis. Deciding to go gluten-free can be risky. You might not be as strict about avoiding sources and forms of gluten as you must be. If you have celiac disease, eating even a small amount of gluten damages your intestines, resulting in health problems throughout your body. Undiagnosed celiac disease also can increase your risk of osteoporosis and thyroid disease. If you experience bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, joint pain or a skin rash, consult your doctor.

by F. William Engdahl

November 24, 2015

For the better part of the past century Western pop culture has systematically denigrated and devalued what should be the most honored profession of all.

Those who labor with the land, day-in and day-out, to deliver the food that we eat have assumed a social status too often similar to the dirt of the soil they till. No one stops to ask a simple question: What do we do when we have killed off all our farmers? Some of the more naïve city-dwellers would retort with little reflection, "But we have industrialized food production; we don't need manual farm labor today."

November 23, 2015

With our hack, you can peel 12 hard-boiled eggs in less than 2 minutes.

Her method-which she uses to peel a dozen eggs in under two minutes!-is simple: Start by bringing a large part of water to a boil. Add cold eggs-not room temperature ones that have been on the counter for an hour-to the boiling water with a slotted spoon and cook for 9 minutes.

by Joanne Marie

November 20, 2015

You know garlic as an odorous but flavorful addition to many food dishes. But garlic cloves are packed with potential health benefits because of their natural phytochemicals that may have positive effects on the body.

Several compounds in garlic are antioxidants that help the body rid itself of unstable molecules called free radicals that form during digestion or after exposure to toxins. Free radicals can raise your risk of atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, which over time can contribute to coronary artery disease, a problem the American Heart Association says is especially prevalent in men over 45.

by Nancy Gagliardi

November 19, 2015

Given Americans increased awareness and demand for more natural foods, it's hardly surprising that organic turkeys are on consumers' radar: production is up 103% in comparison to last year.

"This year, commodity turkeys have seen a scare and tight inventory because of avian flu. But that is not the case for the smaller markets like heritage and organic turkey growers. To tell you the truth, we are lucky that the path involved in avian flu was mostly in the Midwest. Our organic turkey farms are in Pennsylvania."

by Sarah

November 16, 2015

The stories became far too frequent to ignore. Emails from folks with allergic or digestive issues to wheat in the United States experienced no symptoms whatsoever when they tried eating pasta on vacation in Italy.

Confused parents wondering why wheat consumption sometimes triggered autoimmune reactions in their children but not at other times. In my own home, I've long pondered why my husband can eat the wheat I prepare at home, but he experiences negative digestive effects eating even a single roll in a restaurant.

by Melodie Anne

November 9, 2015

Drinking too much soda can cause an array of negative effects in your body, even if you drink diet soda. Carbonated soda drinks do not contain any beneficial nutrients, but typically contribute excessive calories and sugar to your diet.

High levels of caffeine in some sodas may lead to dehydration. Caffeine is a natural diuretic and causes your body to excrete fluid through urine. Since caffeinated sodas can make you need to use the restroom frequently, do not consume them if you are exercising or if you live in a hot climate.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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