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Edible News

After watching several documentaries about our food supply and learning just how deficient in nutrients the food we consume has become over the past 30-years, our family has decided to make some serious changes. We are buying organic, eating in season and buying locally. Our meat is grassfed, our bread in homebaked and I feel good about what my family is eating.

If you aren't aware of the danger genentically modified corn and soy products present to your families diet, continue reading. Find out the latest news and commentary on GMO food sources, eating and buying organic foods, nutritional news, food related health issues and much more.

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Contra Costa Times

by Jessica Yadegaran

July 27, 2009

Here, at 1,600 feet above sea level, there is ash underfoot, and Mount Veeder winemaker Dave Guffy coaxes vines from the volcanic soils to produce grapes of beauty and power.

From the Napa Valley to Argentina's towering Mendoza peaks, mountain winemakers speak of a fourth dimension, a "mountain weirdness," says Guffy, that impacts the already challenging conditions present in maintaining mountain vineyards -- power supplies, water rights, erosion and wildlife.

San Francisco Chronicle

by Jessica DeCostole

July 16, 2009

The organic-food business is booming: About 70 percent of Americans buy organic food occasionally, and nearly one quarter buy it every week, according to The Hartman Group, a market research firm.

For most of us, the reason is simple: We want natural food that's better for us and for the environment, says Samuel Fromartz, author of Organic, Inc. But buying organic can cost you -- as much as 50 percent more -- so read on to know when it's worth it.

IceNews - Daily News

by Jarrett Iovine

July 14, 2009

Canadians will soon be drinking water that originated in Greenland now that the government has granted permission to a Canadian company to pursue a plan to fish for ice from its glaciers.

Iceberg Canada Corporation will soon begin exploring ways to harvest ice from the Qoqqup Sermia glacier near Narsaq and the Narsap Sermia glacier near Nuuk; and if the government likes their proposal they will get the green light.

Salt Lake Tribune

by Brooke Adams

July 7, 2009

Brittany Olsen and Havilah Mills are counting on their new clothing line to reshape the way consumers think about their health and the planet, one T-shirt at a time.

The two twentysomethings are owners of The Green Element, which sells tanks, T-shirts, hoodies, hats and a women's underwear line called Eco-Booty -- all made with organic cotton and water-based inks.

Taiwan News

by Central News Agency

July 7, 2009

Suppliers of farm produce that is inaccurately labeled as organic will be slapped with fines from $909 beginning Aug. 1.

The council began to implement new regulations on organic farm produce and processed agricultural products Jan. 31, but offered a grace period so that local manufacturers and retailers could adjust their product labeling.

The Epoch Times

by Laurie Sanders

July 6, 2009

A new study carried out by the Children's Food Campaign has uncovered some terrifying facts about the ingredients going into baby foods.

The survey of over 100 baby food products, exposed just how unhealthy these foods really are. There are many parents out there who research the best options for their children and go on to use organic baby foods. This is surely one of the most misleading marketing campaigns of the moment. On closer inspection, these organic baby food brands may not be as appealing as one may hope.


by Kelli S. Simkus

June 25, 2009

The cost of fresh vegetables is going up every single day just like some of the other necessities that we need in life.

Planting our garden this year has been a learning experience for us. It is our first real attempt at a large garden. We planted 17 different types of vegetables. For the first 2 weeks plants started popping up everywhere. I was so excited about our growing garden.

World Net Daily

by Henry Lamb

June 20, 2009

NAIS, as the program is widely known, was announced in 2005. The announced schedule required all livestock owners to register their premises with the USDA before 2007; tag every livestock animal with an electronic tag (or implant) by 2008...

Rhonda Perry, representing the Missouri Rural Crisis Center, said that NAIS was a proposed solution in search of a problem. If the USDA were really interested in livestock producers, consumers and animal health, she said, they would look where problems are known to exist. She said the millions of pounds of meat recalled from processing plants is not the fault of independent producers. She said the USDA continues to allow imports from countries with known disease problems. "This is not the fault of small family farmers," she said.

Atlanta Journal Constitution

by Chris Rosenbloom

June 18, 2009

Food costs are rising, and consumers are starting to question if paying 40 percent to 150 percent more for organic food is worth it.

There is a widespread belief that organic foods are more healthful than conventionally grown foods with more nutrients and lower risk of food-borne illnesses, and that they may provide protection from or even cure cancer.

Contra Costa Times

by Matt Wrye

June 16, 2009

Churches, nonprofits, food banks and social agencies across the Inland Empire are bracing for an onslaught of residents needing food, clothes, shelter and money as lawmakers hash over the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids program.

If CalWORKS gets axed, more than 1.4 million recipients statewide would lose temporary assistance for food, shelter, clothing and welfare-to-work support services such as child care, including more than 102,000 people in San Bernardino County.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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