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by Assemblyman CHIVUKULA

September 27, 2004

Allows parents of dependent home-school children gross income tax credits for tuition expenses for certain gifted and talented distance learning classes.

Under the bill, a taxpayer is allowed a credit against the tax otherwise due for the taxable year pursuant to the "New Jersey Gross Income Tax Act," in an amount equal to 50% of the amount of tuition for a class or classes offered by a distance learning program for the gifted and talented paid by the taxpayer during the taxable year, not to exceed $750 of credit for each dependent child.

Newark Star Ledger (NJ) - [Archive Subscription Required]

by John P. Martin

September 29, 2004

Teacher, psychologist and school janitor are among the latest arrests in global crackdown on Internet sites

Federal authorities arrested nine more New Jersey men yesterday in connection with downloading child pornography, the latest roundup in a global investigation that has charged nearly 1,000 people with arranging, viewing or profiting from the sexual exploitation of children.

Washington Post

by Albert B. Crenshaw

October 4, 2004

For the third time in less than a month, the government this week lost a multimillion-dollar case in which a federal judge concluded that a deal that saved a company large sums of taxes had a legitimate business purpose and thus was not an illegal tax she

In two of the cases, the judges specifically told the Internal Revenue Service that if it has a problem with the outcomes, the solution lies with Congress, not the courts. In the most recent case, a U.S. district judge in Connecticut determined Monday that an arrangement by which General Electric Co., through subsidiaries and partnerships, shifted $310 million in income to two Dutch banks that don't pay U.S. taxes was not a sham and, as a result, GE was entitled to a $62 million tax refund.

Black Hills Pioneer (SD)

by Dan Carlson

October 4, 2004

A public school teacher who spends his/her own money to purchase supplies, materials, texts, and learning aids for the classroom may deduct the money spent on those items on their itemized federal tax return.

Parents who educate their children at home with materials purchased using their own money may not deduct the cost of those materials on the family tax return. These parents are no less teachers than those working in a local school, but current tax laws treat them as if they are.

St. Augustine Record (FL)

by Bryan Noonan

October 6, 2004

State law allows arrests and prosecution

A St. Augustine woman recently became the first county resident arrested this school year for allowing her grandchild to skip school, but she probably won't be the last, authorities said. (AL)

by Sean Reilly and Joe Danborn

October 10, 2004

A high-profile federal crackdown on gun crimes is producing uneven results in Alabama, a new analysis has concluded.

The report singles out Alabama and three other Southern states -- all known as significant sources of illegally trafficked firearms -- that brought no prosecutions against gun dealers who broke the law.

News Max

by Dave Eberhart

November 11, 2004

Under new law being considered, the federal government would require that every child in America undergo psychological screening and receive recommended treatment, including drug therapies.

Next week the Senate re-convenes to consider an omnibus appropriations bill that includes funding for grants to implement mandatory universal mental health screening for almost 60 million children, pregnant women, and adults through schools and pre-schools.

Family Research Council

by Amber Hildebrand

November 16, 2004

"The Clinton legacy has left us with women with sepsis, infection and death," - Dr. Pia de Solenni, FRC Director of Life and Women's Issues

Yesterday the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced revised labeling for the drug Mifeprex, most commonly known as RU-486, which was approved in 2000 under the Clinton administration.

We The People

November 18, 2004

Some People say the 16th Amendment does not give the government the power to impose a labor tax.

After years of government stonewalling in providing answers to basic questions about the fraudulent origin and illegal enforcement of the income tax system, another layer of the tax fraud has now been uncovered: the systemic removal of key legal and historical documents from the National Archives related to the meaning of "income" within the 1916 Income Tax Act, which was adopted by the political branches following the ratification of the 16th (Income Tax) Amendment in 1913.

World Net Daily

November 23, 2004

School district sued for censoring founding documents, state constitutions

In a season typified by lawsuits against manger scenes, crosses and even the words "Merry Christmas," a California case is taking the "separation of church and state" one step further ' dealing with whether it's unconstitutional to read the Declaration of Independence in public school.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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