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Click Z News

by Kevin Newcomb

November 24, 2004

Google has filed its first click fraud lawsuit, charging a Texas-based Web site and its owners generated fraudulent clicks on ads in its AdSense program, causing Google to pay them for useless traffic to its advertisers.

The lawsuit, filed last week in a California Superior Court, alleges that, beginning in August 2003, Auction Experts International and its founders Sergio Morfin and Alexei Leonov clicked on AdSense ads and paid up to 50 individuals to do the same.

by Annette M. Hall

November 28, 2004

Delaine Eastin, in her new roll as Executive Director of the National Institute for School Leadership in Washington, D.C. is up to her old tricks, stirring up animosity between the homeschool community and public school adherents.

Many have offered that if Ms. Eastin had been inclined to expend as much time doing her job, fixing the glaring problems of the public school system she served, insteaded of wasting precious energy in opposition to homeschoolers, California students within the public schools would have faired better.


by Fred Gardner

November 28, 2004

On Monday morning, Nov. 29, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case now known as Ashcroft et al v. Raich et al.

The ruling, expected in July '05, will determine if and how the federal Controlled Substances Act applies to more than 100,000 people who use cannabis as medicine under the law in California and other western states.

The New York Times [Free Subscription Required]

by Dean E. Murphy

December 5, 2004

Steven J. Williams, an evangelical Christian who teaches fifth grade at a public school in Cupertino, Calif., is fast becoming a folk hero among conservative Christians.

In an affluent town in a region identified with the liberal elite, Mr. Williams has single-handedly turned the Declaration of Independence into a powerful tool for the Christian right in its battle against secularist teaching of colonial history, thrusting God and Christianity into the very same history lesson as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.


by Rep. Ron Paul, MD

December 6, 2004

Before the US House of Representatives, October 8, 2004 Mr. Speaker, the 9/11 Recommendations Implementation Act (HR 10) is yet another attempt to address the threat of terrorism by giving more money and power to the federal bureaucracy.

Most of the reforms contained in this bill will not make America safer, though they definitely will make us less free. HR 10 also wastes American taxpayer money on unconstitutional and ineffective foreign aid programs.

The Scotsman (UK) - [Free Subscription Required]

by John Innes

December 7, 2004

A Motorist who painted over double yellow lines to avoid being issued with parking tickets has escaped prosecution.

David Ritchie, 36, was charged with malicious mischief after he covered up the lines with black paint. All charges have now been dropped. But yesterday, Mr Ritchie said he had been looking forward to arguing his case in court.

Court TV

by Emanuella Grinberg

December 8, 2004

Lawyers for the California Department of Education told a Superior Court judge last month they support a mother's choice to send her genius son to UCLA, but they don't agree that the state should foot the bill.

"[Her] decision to voluntarily place her highly gifted son first in a community college and then in the university system were within her parental rights," the state claimed in a brief submitted prior to the Nov. 22 hearing. "But that voluntary set of decisions on her part did not trigger some constitutional duty for defendants."

News With Views

by Devvy Kidd

December 13, 2004

"Those who are willing to allow the government to establish a Soviet-style internal passport system because they think it will make us safer are terribly mistaken."

The only question remains is how many Americans will stand up and say no' If you want to stop this before it can be implemented, then you must act at once - Bush hasn't signed this bill yet, but he will. Don't send an e-mail, call your member of Congress. They millions of e-mails every year. Forget it. Call them. It's not too late.

Wired News

by Xeni Jardin

December 14, 2004

Hollywood movie studios launched new legal action Tuesday against operators of sites that help connect people to movies on three major peer-to-peer file-sharing networks.

In the United States and the United Kingdom, the Motion Picture Association of America, the main lobbying arm of U.S. film studios, filed civil lawsuits against more than 100 operators of BitTorrent "tracker" servers that point to locations where digital files of movies, music and other content can be found.

Outlook India

December 15, 2004

The Andhra Pradesh High Court today rejected a writ petition seeking to allow harvesting the organs of a patient suffering from incurable Muscular Dystrophy.

Organs can be harvested only from a brain dead patient and the law does not provide for transplanting organs from a person who is still alive.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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