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May 9, 2013

American neighborhoods are increasingly being policed by cops armed with the weapons and tactics of war.

Federal funding in the billions of dollars has allowed state and local police departments to gain access to weapons and tactics created for overseas combat theaters - and yet very little is known about exactly how many police departments have military weapons and training, how militarized the police have become, and how extensively federal money is incentivizing this trend. It's time to understand the true scope of the militarization of policing in America and the impact it is having in our neighborhoods. Since March 6th, ACLU affiliates in 25 states filed over 260 public records requests with law enforcement agencies and National Guard offices to determine the extent to which federal funding and support has fueled the militarization of state and local police departments.

March 13, 2012

In an end-run worthy of an NFL halfback, the National Health Federation is spearheading the introduction of legislation to counter the FDA's infamous new Draft Guidance on New Dietary Ingredients (NDIs).

Since the passage of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, the United States has enjoyed excellent access to essential nutrients, but more recently we have watched as the FDA increasingly squeezes the life out of that law with new and onerous rules and regulations. Now, the FDA wants to enforce even more rigorous "safety" standards on products that have never caused harm, but which entered the marketplace after the year DSHEA became law, 1994.

June 29, 2012

This week the House of Representatives will consider a provision to House Agricultural Appropriations Bill that will fundamentally undermine the concept of judicial review.

Hidden under the guise of a "Farmer Assurance Provision" (Section 733), the provision strips the rights of federal courts to halt the sale and planting of genetically engineered crops during the legal appeals process. In the past, legal advocates have successfully won in court the right to halt the sale and planting of unapproved GMO crops while the approval of those crops is under review by a federal judge. This dangerous new House provision, which were calling the Monsanto Protection Act, would strip judges of their constitutional mandate to protect consumer rights and the environment, while opening up a floodgate of planting of new untested genetically engineered crops, endangering farmers, consumers and the environment.

October 15, 2013

Gov. Jerry Brown has signed into law a bill that will make California the first state to ban lead bullets for all types of hunting.

The Democratic governor says in a signing message Friday that lead ammunition poses a threat to wildlife. He says the bill protects hunters by allowing the ban to be lifted if the federal government ever prohibits non-lead ammo.

by Daisy Luther

November 21, 2013

What would you do if you received a threatening letter from your child's school, demanding that you take your youngster to a medical doctor and dentist at the whims of the school administrators, or risk being reported to the child welfare authorities?

Parents in at least two states have gotten exactly such letters. Police State USA reports: Under the auspices of keeping children healthy, the government has usurped the role of "parent" away from actual parents. The state - not legal guardians - is determining when and how children should be subjected to outside business influences. The provisions establish that the state has taken the final say in parenting matters, undermining parents' natural role in the child's life as protector and final decision maker. The provision invades the privacy of the family by giving the government access to private medical results.

by Dave Hodges

July 21, 2013

Every day a granny is goosed by TSA, a federal SWAT team raids the wrong house, a citizen acquitted of a crime still has their property confiscated by authorities, even the dumbed down public is aware that their every communication is monitored by the NSA and Obama has set his administration up to violate every constitutional right of every citizen in America under the NDAA and Executive Order 13603. Anyone who possess an IQ above room temperature is aware that our federal government is totally out of control and is wreaking tyranny upon the American people. As a people, we have seemingly grown numb to the constitutional violations perpetrated by our government against the citizens of this country. However, the abuse of citizens does not begin and end with the federal government.

May 14, 2013

A little over a week ago, on May 7, 2013 and in the midst of a worldwide economic depression, Columbia, South Carolina City Council members met to discuss the funding of a million dollar project.

This even as the State government continued its regularly scheduled hysteria over budgets, spending, and deficits. So what was the project so vital to the people of Columbia to be pushed through by a 4-2 vote of the council during the midst of such trying economic times? Was it regarding the road systems? Was it the dismal state of Columbia schools? Was it tax relief for residents? Was it economic development? Water? Power? Sewage? Waste disposal? Actually, it was the purchase and installation of 800 new surveillance cameras all across the city of Columbia that prompted the Council to spend $1.22 million, much of which is scheduled to come from an "emergency reserve fund" that is actually part of next year's budget.

by Madison Ruppert

April 3, 2012

The Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that jails are allowed to conduct invasive strip searches on new inmates without any suspicion, regardless of the offense(s) the individual alleged committed.

While tragic, this decision is hardly surprising given the fact that the United States has descended into a hellish police state where even children are targeted by police officers and almost anything you do can be considered an indicator of terrorism. This also perfectly exemplifies what I like to call the de facto dual justice system, wherein police are allowed to get away with murder and the brutal assault of elderly people with dementia, while average people are arrested and thrown in jail for failing to finish a siding project.

by Anthony Gucciardi

September 19, 2011

In 2009, drugs exceeded the amount of traffic-related deaths, killing at least 37,485 people nationwide.

According to information provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the very pharmaceuticals that are prescribed to treat life-endangering conditions are now ending lives. The death toll is partially due to an increase in mental illness medication known as psychotropics, which have been criticized by health experts as being oftentimes unnecessarily prescribed. The pills, given to patients to prevent suicide thoughts and tendencies, may actually lead to suicidal thoughts and suicide.

by Jameson Parker

June 23, 2015

Alabama already has one of the loosest gun restrictions in the country, but lawmakers felt there was one area that Alabamans were still be oppressed: Kids couldn't legally carry around handguns.

To rectify this gap in the unstated "guns for everyone" mentality of Alabama's Republican-led legislature, lawmakers have proposed an amendment to the state's gun laws that would allow minors to acquire their very own pistols. At the moment, the law is on a bit more even keel, stipulating that "no person shall deliver a pistol to any person under the age of 18." Lawmakers want that changed to allow minors to have pistols, but only if they get the permission of a "parent, guardian, or spouse who is 18 or older.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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