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May 25, 2006

Sidney - A judge said a 5-foot-1 man convicted of sexually assaulting a child was too small to survive in prison, and gave him 10 years of probation instead.

His crimes deserved a long sentence, District Judge Kristine Cecava said, but she worried that Richard W. Thompson, 50, would be especially imperiled by prison dangers.


by Jason Miller

May 22, 2006

The State Department has learned the hard way over the past year that choosing long-range radio frequency identification for moving people across the border is fraught with peril.

The hullabaloo over development of its electronic passport made that clear. Now, State officials are trying to pass those tough lessons on to the Homeland Security Department as the two agencies debate how to construct the People Access Security Services card. DHS officials, however, say they're determined to stick with RFID.

Contra Costa Times (CA)

by Jim Downing

May 8, 2006

SACRAMENTO - Health officials want Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to untie the gag that prevents them from telling consumers which stores and restaurants sold meat and poultry that was recalled by distributors.

Federal law prohibits the release of such information without permission from businesses. For a second time, state legislators are trying to change that with a bill requested by local public health officers. It would require distributors to provide the state with spreadsheets detailing deliveries of meat tainted by E. coli or other contaminants. Local public health officials could then decide whether to publicize the information.

Organic Consumers Association

May 8, 2006

A ranching and meat-processing company in Kansas wants to test all its cattle for mad cow disease at its own expense. The Bush administration won't let the firm do it.

Oh, but that's not all. If the company tries to buy the $20 testing kits, the feds will treat such a transaction as an illegal purchase of a controlled substance.


by Declan McCullagh

May 5, 2006

A federal appeals court suggested on Friday that government regulations levying extensive Internet wiretapping requirements on universities and libraries may go too far.

The U.S. Court of Appeals here sharply questioned whether the Federal Communications Commission exceeded its legal authority last year when it ordered "any type of broadband Internet access service" and many Net phone services to rewire their networks for police convenience. Judge Harry Edwards repeatedly pressed a government attorney who had argued that a 1994 law permitted the FCC to extend wiretapping rules to the Internet, even though the U.S. Congress had referred only to telephone networks.


by Walaika K. Haskins

May 5, 2006

In a statement, Google executives categorically denied the charges, calling child pornography "vile and illegal." Such content, they indicated, is prohibited in all Google products.

The executives also said that when the company finds or is made aware of any child pornography on its indexing servers, it removes the material. Interested in technology and innovation news' A Democratic representative in Long Island's Nassau County filed a lawsuit against Google on Thursday, accusing the company of making billions of dollars from child pornography.


May 5, 2006

A teenager who died at a Florida boot camp was suffocated by guards who were restraining him, a medical examiner has determined.

Martin Lee Anderson, 14, died in January after he was restrained and struck by workers at the boot camp for juvenile offenders. No charges have been filed in connection with Anderson's death.

Chicago Tribune (IL)

by Diane Rado

May 5, 2006

Gov. Rod Blagojevich's landmark "Preschool for All Children" initiative won't give all children access to free preschool after all, at least in the short run.

Although any family could apply, the program approved by the Illinois House and Senate on Thursday gives first priority to children at risk of failing in school, and then to working families that meet income guidelines--restrictions not part of so-called universal preschool programs offered elsewhere.


by Danny O'Brien

May 5, 2006

US laws are a clumsy patchwork that have emerged after various privacy scandals, which means that your right to keep your affairs secret varies wildly from context to context.

When Americans look to their courts and constitution to cut through legislative muddles, the results have been confusing. In a series of poor decisions, the US courts decided that if citizens hand over personal data to a third party, they thereby waive any constitutional privacy rights they might have over the data. This means that while the US bill of rights says the courts need a warrant to seize your papers, anything held by a third party has no special status.


by Alberto G. Rojas

May 4, 2006

Not many consumers know about Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), a wireless technology that allows objects and people to be tagged and tracked.

RFID tags contain microchips and tiny radio antennas that are embedded in all kinds of products, credit cards, or stuck on labels. A three-month investigation in the June 2006 issue of Consumer Reports has found the RFID industry lacking in the necessary measures to strengthen tag security against identity thieves.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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