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The Cleveland Plain Dealer

by Patrick O'Donnell

April 27, 2006

The Cleveland Bar Association is threatening to fine the parents of an autistic boy $10,000 for not hiring a lawyer when they brought, and largely won, a court case on their son's behalf four years ago.

After a long court battle, Brian and Susan Woods settled their case with the Akron school district in 2002 when the district agreed to send Daniel, now 11, to a private school. But in February, the Cleveland Bar Association took issue with the Woodses' handling parts of that case themselves and not through a lawyer.

The Seattle Times (WA)

by Julia Sommerfeld and Michael J. Berens

April 24, 2006

To be a manicurist in the state of Washington, you must take 600 hours of training and pass both a written exam and a skills demonstration. To cut hair, you need 1,000 hours of training and the two tests.

But to be a registered counselor, someone who will help guide troubled clients through some of their most difficult life challenges, you need take only a four-hour AIDS-awareness class. That's it - that and a $40 registration fee. You don't even need a high-school diploma. That sounds like an invitation for trouble - and it is.

Reuters (TX)

by Jeff Franks

April 21, 2006

RIO GRANDE CITY - A Texas jury on Friday found that the withdrawn painkiller Vioxx caused the death of 71-year-old Leonel Garza and awarded a total of $32 million in damages to his family.

It was the latest verdict in lawsuits charging that Vioxx maker Merck & Co. Inc. did not disclose for several years that the drug increased the risk of heart attacks. The jury awarded Garza's family $7 million in compensatory damages and $25 million in punitive damages, but the punitive damages will be reduced to no more than $750,000 because of a cap imposed by Texas law.

Reuters (Ukraine)

by Olena Horodetska

April 20, 2006

CHERNOBYL, Ukraine (Reuters) - Olga Rudchenko cried every night for eight years, desperate to return home. Now she is happy, living once again in her town, Chernobyl.

Rudchenko's family was among 200,000 residents evacuated after an explosion ripped through the Chernobyl nuclear power station on April 26, 1986 in the world's worst nuclear accident. She and her husband, Andriy, defied a government ban and returned 12 years ago to live on contaminated land.

Reuters (TX)

by Jeff Franks

April 20, 2006

RIO GRANDE CITY - A Texas jury failed to reach a verdict Thursday on whether the painkiller Vioxx caused the death of a 71-year-old man who charged that Merck & Co. Inc. hid the dangers of the now-withdrawn medicine.

Attorneys for the family of the late Leonel Garza asked the jury in closing arguments to award more than $1 billion in damages, but Merck lawyers said the company should have to pay nothing. The damage request includes $22 million for mental anguish and personal loss and $1 billion in punitive damages, which punish a defendant for wrongful behavior.

Telegraph (UK)

by Nick Britten

April 18, 2006

A judge lambasted the police and Crown Prosecution Service yesterday for taking a 10-year-old boy to court over a playground spat.

District Judge Jonathan Finestein said the decision to prosecute the youngster - accused of calling a fellow pupil a "Paki" and a "nigger" - was "political correctness gone mad". He attacked the police for not "bothering" to prosecute more serious crime such as car theft but readily picking on a "silly" incident.

Monterey County Herald

by Kevin Howe

April 7, 2006

A bill making it a crime for a mountain lion to attack a human has been introduced into the state Legislature.

Assembly Bill 2273, introduced by Assemblyman Bill Maze, R-Visalia, is intended to make victims of mountain lion attacks eligible for compensation for their injuries through the state crime victims' fund, according to Somke Mastrup, deputy director of the state Department of Fish and Game.

Information Week

by Paul McDougall

April 5, 2006

[Caution - propaganda alert] As Congress considers a massive expansion of the H-1B visa worker program, opponents of the plan should consider this:

Failure by federal lawmakers to allow more skilled IT workers into the country will result in more U.S. corporations simply outsourcing their computer work to India or some other offshore locale where skilled help is plentiful and cheap. Is that what you really want'

News With Views

by Selwyn Duke

April 3, 2006

One reason we're supposed to rejoice at the pitter-patter of illegal feet is that foreigners are only coming here to "do jobs Americans won't do." It's one of those basic assumptions upon which the argument in favor of forgetting we have borders rests.

I have to ask, if I paid you $800 an hour to pick fruit, would you do it? Except for the silk and satin set, I have a feeling most would beat a path to my orchard. And this brings us to what is a true law of economics. There are no jobs Americans won't do. There are only wages Americans won't work for.

The Washington Times

by Charles Hurt

April 3, 2006

The immigration bill now under consideration in the Senate would grant broader amnesty to illegal aliens than similar legislation did in 1986, and would make hundreds of thousands of illegal residents eligible for in-state tuition.

"It should be called 'No Illegal Alien Left Behind,''" said Sen. Jeff Sessions, Alabama Republican. In 1986, Congress granted amnesty to 2.7 million illegal aliens. Current legislation would allow an estimated 11 million illegal aliens to continue working in the U.S. while applying for full citizenship.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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