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News With Views

by Jon Christian Ryter

March 8, 2006

The Securities and Exchange Commission issued a blunt warning last week to website owners seeking increased traffic from autosurfers, and to network marketing entrepreneurs looking for a leg up on the latest moneymaking multilevel marketing scheme.

The SEC put the paid autosurf website industry on notice that the government is taking a very close look at them. In issuing its warning, the SEC noted that there are dozens of autosurf websites on the Internet and that while most of them are legitimate, some of them-those, the SEC said, that promise their members astronomical profits-are likely pyramid schemes and, as such, are scams that the government intends to shut down.

The Badger Herald (WI)

by Ann Babe

March 7, 2006

A state lawmaker announced plans Monday to introduce a bill allowing state colleges to refuse employment to convicted felons.

The announcement came in response to a state audit released last week disclosing the University of Wisconsin System employed 40 felons as of the September 2005 payroll. According to bill author Rep. Jerry Petrowski, R-Marathon, the measure would give the UW System - as well as the technical college system - the discretion to employ or fire individuals based on their past criminal activity.

World Net Daily (MI)

March 6, 2006

Citizens have proposed an amendment to Michigan's constitution establishing that a person exists at the moment of conception.

The designation would give any unborn child constitutional rights of due process and equal protection. A backer of the proposal, Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, said the petition drive is "vitally important if we are to insure that Michigan becomes a pro-ife state after Roe v. Wade is overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court."

World Net Daily (SD)

March 6, 2006

Abortion ban by South Dakota touches off fierce legal battle

South Dakota Gov. Mike Rounds today signed into law a highly restrictive anti-abortion bill aimed ultimately at overturning the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling. The legislation, passed last month by state lawmakers, bans abortion in nearly every case and punishes doctors who perform one with a $5,000 fine and five years in prison.

The Roanoke Times

March 3, 2006

A bill that would lower the education requirements for parents who want to home school passed last month in both houses of the General Assembly.

House Bill 1340, sponsored by Del. Rob Bell, R-Charlottesville, proposes that parents would have, at minimum, a high school diploma instead of a bachelor's degree to home school their children. Gov. Tim Kaine has not yet signed the bill into law.

USA Today

by Laura Parker

March 3, 2006

Ridiculing the Federal Emergency Management Agency is high art in the Gulf Coast areas where Hurricane Katrina hit last year.

Many parade floats in New Orleans' Mardi Gras were decorated in themes that skewered the relief agency. George Barisich, president of the United Commercial Fisherman's Association, has been selling anti-FEMA T-shirts since last fall, a reflection of his frustration with the federal government's response to the storm that left him homeless and unemployed. But on Feb. 1, when he handed a shirt to a fellow Katrina victim as he was picking up canned goods at a charity's relief tent, Barisich found himself in trouble with the government.

World Net Daily (KS)

February 15, 2006

Shockingly unsanitary conditions discovered at an abortion clinic in which the proprietor was accused of eating a fetus have prompted consideration of a bill by the Kansas Legislature to tighten up regulations for all medical facilities.

Last spring, Krishna Rajanna's abortion clinic in Kansas City was raided after former employees made allegations of coffee cups full of syringes, medical tools stored near toilets and fetuses stored in refrigerators used by employees for lunches. At least one employee claimed to have witnessed Rajanna microwaving a fetus and mixing it into his own lunch.

The Roanoke Times (VA)

by Jay Conley

February 11, 2006

A Bedford County farmer whose land has been polluted by the city of Bedford's old landfill has filed a $2.5 million lawsuit against the city.

The lawsuit, filed Friday in Bedford County Circuit Court, is the latest in a more than two-year struggle by Mike Schrock to get the city to clean up his land so he can use it for farming purposes again. Schrock's 92-acre farm borders the southern boundary of Bedford's old, closed landfill that operated from about 1960 until 1993.

The Spokesman-Review (WA)

by Thomas Clouse

February 11, 2006

A federal judge Friday heard arguments in a lawsuit that could force Spokane County to return booking fees to thousands of inmates who have been booked into jail since May 2004, because the charges may be based on a law that is unconstitutional.

The case is based on a claim filed by a Spokane man, Shawn Huss, who was arrested Oct. 31, 2004, on a domestic violence charge that was later dismissed. When Huss was booked, jailers took the $39 out of his wallet but didn't return the money upon his release.

News With Views

by Donna Voetee, ND

February 10, 2006

If legislators do the right thing, little ol' New Mexico is going to be the first place in the world where you won't be able to legally buy the deadliest health danger known to mankind: aspartame.

For the millions of methanol addicts who rely on their daily fix of diet soda, or for the Merisant Company who rakes in millions on aspartame yearly, this is not good news. For the rest of us, it is salvation. Aspartame is composed of the controversial genetically-engineered amino acid phenylalanine, a second component called aspartic acid that is known to cause holes in the brain similar to Alzheimer's, and finally, methanol, a very addictive form of alcohol that causes blindness.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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