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The New York Times

by Sam Dillon

January 22, 2006

A student aid program calls for the federal government to rate the academic rigor of the nation's high schools for the first time.

When Republican senators quietly tucked a major new student aid program into the 774-page budget bill last month, they not only approved a five-year, $3.75 billion initiative. They also set up what could be an important shift in American education: for the first time the federal government will rate the academic rigor of the nation's 18,000 high schools.

The Boston Globe

by Hiawatha Bray

January 21, 2006

The US government's demand for millions of Internet search records from Google Inc. and other prominent search firms has raised new questions about the vast amounts of personal information collected by companies.

While federal investigators said they weren't seeking any data that could be traced to individuals, Internet privacy activists and some lawmakers said the action underscored concerns about what the search engines know about computer users and what could become of that information.


by David Sims

January 20, 2006

Privacy advocates are asking the Homeland Security Department "not to include the use of Radio Frequency Identification contactless chips in its regulations for implementing the Real ID Act for state driver's licenses."

While the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the cost of implementing the Real ID Act at $100 million, reports say, Citizens Against Government Waste judged that an RFID chip mandate as part of the act would cost up to $17 billion.

TCP BPO (India)

by Alka Sirari

January 20, 2006

Information security raises concerns of - Privacy, Internal misuse of information, Intellectual property, Regulatory compliance, Industrial espionage etc. Adding to it are IT security concerns.

One of the earliest matters of Internal abuse came in 1995, where a system administrator hacked a bank's user-ids and passwords to set up accounts with the leading banks involving transfer of millions of dollars. In light of such cases promptly regulations were drawn- Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, Gramm Leach Bliley Act, US Patriot Act, Bank Secrecy Act, HIPAA, Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, Computer Security Act etc.

ic Wales (UK)

by Martin Shipton

January 19, 2006

OVERSEAS teachers with criminal records could be working in Welsh schools because of a huge loophole in criminal checking procedures, a Tory MP claimed last night.

"The British Government has been actively involved in recruiting thousands of teachers from overseas. When I was on holiday in South Africa three years ago I saw quite a few advertisements in regional papers seeking to recruit teachers for Britain. While some countries will have proper checking facilities in place, others won't. This is a matter that needs to be addressed as a matter or urgency."

Los Angeles Times

January 15, 2006

Where do babies come from' For people who adopt from overseas, the operating assumption is that children who need a home were abandoned by their birth mothers and somehow delivered to an orphanage.

Yet the circumstances of each baby's background often remain elusive. China is the biggest source of American adoptions from overseas. Last November, authorities in Hunan province uncovered a baby-selling scheme run by a trader charging $100 a newborn. In a separate case last year, duffel bags containing 28 baby girls were discovered on a bus, the infants heavily sedated to keep them from crying.

World Net Daily

January 14, 2006

Vermont's governor says more than 20,000 e-mails, phone calls and letters have poured into his office in response to a state judge's 60-day sentence for a child rapist who admitted abusing a young girl over a period of four years.

Gibbs said it's unlikely Cashman can be impeached, because the state's statute has a "very high standard." A judge cannot be removed for a poor decision, he explained, but only for an egregious breach of the law or ethics. The state's House of Representatives is considering a non-binding resolution urging Cashman to resign.

World Net Daily

by Ron Strom

January 13, 2006

Call it the 10th Amendment Restoration Act. A bill introduced by Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, promises to return to the states those issues federal courts, by their decisions, "have wrested from state and local governments."

H.R. 4379, the We the People Act , would remove from federal courts' jurisdiction any case involving religious liberty; sexual practices, orientation or reproduction; and same-sex marriage.

The Christian Science Monitor (FL)

by Jacqui Goddard

January 13, 2006

A Florida court ruling that a statewide voucher system be dismantled dealt a blow to advocates nationwide.

The judges' order that the Opportunity Scholarship Program - a cornerstone of Gov. Jeb Bush's education reforms and the first statewide voucher system in the nation - must be dismantled this fall has dealt a bitter blow to families like the Macks and to school voucher advocates nationwide.

People's Daily Online (China)

January 12, 2006

In American minds, civil liberties are above all, are the cornerstone of the country and any acts invading civil rights must be fully justified before being accepted. Even after 9/11 Americans remain divided on the emergence of such a law.

For a long time, the Americans have been skeptical about their government, and even been on a guard against it. They have been highly alert to its power expansion since it can mean invasion into their rights. When the country was founded, the division of legislative, judicial and executive powers was installed to strike a balance and prevent tyranny. But now, the Act naturally raises public doubts by giving more enforcement power to executive departments.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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