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by Jackie Judd

March 3, 2016

Two major mainstream media sites (Washington Post and PBS) ran reports on the injustice of false Shaken Baby Syndrome diagnoses recently. Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) diagnoses have been used for many years now to falsely accuse parents.

For decades, when a child appeared in an emergency room with certain symptoms, including bleeding behind the eyes and bleeding around the brain, many doctors assumed violent shaking to be the cause. But in recent years, the Shaken Baby Syndrome diagnosis has come under intense scrutiny, and so have many of the resulting prosecutions and convictions.

March 1, 2016

In confirmation to the Indigo Skyfold pilot's testimony that is the main subject of this article, another US Air Force personnel has thrown herself into the battle against chemtrail and global geo-engineering operations.

But the creativity of the trolls to twist even their own positions and facts is an expression of their growing desperation. They would even claim they're with us. The battle against chemical and biological warfare in all their forms, e.g. chemtrail, vaccines, and GMO, is humanity's battle. This is our battle against pure evil that is now occupying critical positions of power. We are hoping that more insiders would come out in the open and tell the world the whole truth about all these sinister operations.

March 1, 2016

During a private meeting with FBI agents in the Huntsville field office in 2015, two FBI agents concluded that geoengineering was classified as "eco-terrorism." The same was confirmed by Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen on April 28, 1997.

Today, 60,000 people will die from geoengineering. Millions more will succumb to illness, disease, and suffering. This act of genocide by the terrorist regime of Barack Hussein Obama and other terrorist leaders in the IPCC is an act of war and treason.

by James Carter

February 29, 2016

Until forced to interact with America's court system, you cannot believe how little it cares about your Constitutional rights. A case before SCOTUS could help change that.

Americans who still believe that the U.S. Constitution protects them have not yet dealt with America's legal system. It's no secret that the system is broken, but unfortunately most people do not realize how serious the problem is until they experience it first hand. Sadly, court corruption is the most destructive force operating on American families today.

Fox News

by Hollie McKay

February 22, 2016

Even as it squeezes taxpayers to repair bridges and roads, cash-strapped California is planning a $15 billion water tunnel designed, at least in part, to save a tiny fish that may already be extinct.

The 3-inch fish have protected status under the federal Endangered Species Act and are considered by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to be a crucial barometer for the continued health of the West Coast water lands. They once thrived in the delta, which is the hub of the state's water supply and is fed by the Sierra Nevada snowmelt carried to the Pacific by the Sacramento River.

by Eliana Dockterman

February 19, 2016

The FDA is warning pasta and pizza lovers that cheese labeled "100 percent Parmesan" are often filled with cheese substitutes-like wood pulp.

Yes, you've been eating wood, thanks to companies like Castle Cheese, which produced Parmesan cheese containing no actual Parmesan for almost 30 years. The president of the company, which supplied megastores like Target, is scheduled to plead guilty this month to charges that carry a sentence of up to a year in prison and a $100,000 fine, according to Bloomberg.

February 18, 2016

A law passed in the '80s to prevent drug dealers from getting tax breaks is now taking a huge chomp out of legitimate outfits in Colorado and Washington.

Legal marijuana sales in Colorado and Washington State have grossed billions, but legal dealers will see little of that thanks to a draconian federal law meant to punish street pushers. In one of the first years of legal sales, 2015, Colorado moved nearly $1 billion worth of marijuana and is estimated to take in $135 million in taxes on it. Meanwhile, Washington is expected to pull in around $1 billion in revenue from sales taxes between 2015 and 2019. Despite technically being illegal on the federal level, these businesses must file taxes to the Internal Revenue Service-and they may pay as much as 70 percent in taxes to the feds. That's thanks to Section 280E of the tax code. Congress passed the measure in 1982 so that businesses who are "trafficking in controlled substances" that are prohibited by federal law may not utilize many tax deductions and credits available to other businesses, like deducting rent and employee-related expenses. That means a marijuana business owner can pay an effective tax rate as high as 70 percent, as opposed to the more typical 30 percent rate.

by Joe Forward

February 17, 2016

The new year marked a new round of activity for the Wisconsin Legislature, which took action on a number of bills in recent weeks and days.

This update highlights a number of newly enacted laws, bills that have passed both houses, some that were gaining momentum, and others that are languishing or recently introduced. While not exhaustive, the summary hits a number of bills that are of interest to lawyers.

by Howard Fischer

February 16, 2016

The latest executive action on guns taken by President Obama is not enforceable in Arizona, a Senate panel declared Tuesday.

The Senate Committee on Federalism, Mandates and Fiscal Responsibility vote also bars public employees from enforcing, administering or cooperating with such presidential actions.

by Tommy Wright

February 14, 2016

In response to alleged child abuse and torture that led to the deaths of two children and left another fighting for her life, the California Department of Social Services conducted a review of the Family and Children's Services...

County social services director Elliott Robinson will discuss the state review among other steps taken by the department to address organizational and system changes in child welfare services at the county Board of Supervisors' Health and Human Services Committee on Thursday.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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