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 Title   Date   Author   Host 

Education Intelligence Agency

May 16, 2005

In its latest effort against altering the Social Security system, the National Education Association will contribute $200,000 to Americans United to Protect Social Security.

Last week, NEA submitted testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee on the Social Security privatization issue. Their heartrending appeal might have more impact if it weren't for the fact that about 900,000 NEA members â€" about one-third of its total membership -- don't contribute to Social Security.

Deliberate Dumbing Down

by Charlotte Iserbyt

May 12, 2005

The U.S Senate's unanimous vote on the REAL ID card is a tragedy for our nation. What an abuse of the U.S. Constitution! Ghastly news.

This neat little package says we won't be able to open a bank account, board a plane or bus or drive a car without one. And just wait until the deliberately dumbed down socialist bureaucrats have finished with writing the regulations!

Information Week

by Fred Langa,

May 9, 2005

Before you embrace all of Google's new technologies, consider the privacy implications. Google's stuff is great, Fred Langa says, but don't get carried away with the novelty of it all.

It's not just the main Google search engine, of course, although that's its principal strength and is how most people know Google. Rather, it's also the new spin-offs and additional technologies. Some of these are fairly well-known, but others are just now making it to the consciousness of the online world at large: Gmail, Google Desktop Search, Google Groups 2, Google Deskbar, Web Alerts, Search by Location, Google Glossary, Google News Alerts, Froogle, and more. Google's services are immensely useful, and the company's reach is huge and growing. I believe this is mostly a good thing, but with several major caveats, as the questions raised in these reader letters suggest...

May 7, 2005

Google's e-mail service Google Mail is no longer issuing addresses for Germany from the domain

The service now only provides addresses for the domain because of a legal dispute over the brand name Gmail. Hamburg entrepreneur Daniel Giersch, holder of the brand "G-Mail ... und die Post geht richtig ab" (G-mail... the best way to go postal) has been granted a temporary restraining order to prevent Google from using the designation "Gmail” in Germany. In particular, Google has been banned from providing e-mail addresses with the domain ending to German users. The service has therefore been moved from to the server at

The KCRA Channel 3 (CA)

May 5, 2005

Members of law enforcement, Child Protective Services and the Sacramento County Probation Department conducted a truancy sweep Thursday. The goal was to get children back in school.

Officials visited the homes of parents whose children haven't been showing up for school. They called it a "knock and talk." Officers warned parents that if their child continued to be truant, arrest warrants could be issued. Authorities said they are trying to make a difference.

The Illinois Leader

May 5, 2005

SB 409 lowers the compulsory attendance age from 7 to 5 years of age. It has only been 4 months since the compulsory attendance age rose to 17 from 16 years of age.

In a federally-sponsored analysis of 8,000 early childhood studies, the Moore Foundation states that "From Piagetian specialist David Elkind in Boston to William Rohwer in Berkeley, Calif., top learning and development authorities warn that early formal school is burning out our children".

Houston Chronicle Austin Bureau (TX)

by Janet Elliott

April 30, 2005

Panel approves plan that would increase funds for schools. The total reduction over the next two years would be 27 percent.

The Senate version of House Bill 2 is expected to be taken up by the full Senate next week. All five Republicans who were at the committee meeting voted for the bill; two Democrats voted "present."

The State (SC)

by Pamela Hamilton

April 27, 2005

A bill to provide tax breaks for parents paying private school tuition appears to be dead this year, after a study found the revised proposal would cost the state as much half a billion dollars in tax revenue.

Supporters said the high cost of implementing the Put Parents in Charge Act, a key part of Gov. Mark Sanford's legislative agenda, likely doomed the measure. The legislation now in the House would create a pilot program in two school districts - a wealthy one and a poor one to be chosen by the state Education Department.


by Michael Rogers

April 24, 2005

Will America's favorite technology really go dark next year? Depending on the outcome of discussions in Congress, television as we know it may end at exactly midnight Dec. 31, 2006.

That's the date Congress targeted, a decade ago, for the end of analog television broadcasting and a full cutover to a digital format. If enforced, that means that overnight, somewhere around 70 million television sets now connected to rabbit ears or roof-top antennas will suddenly and forever go blank, unless their owners purchase a special converter box. Back when the legislation was written, New Year's Eve 2006 probably looked as safely distant as the dark side of the moon.

Houston Chronicle (TX)

by April Castro

April 22, 2005

Author says it's fair because their parents pay taxes. Rep. Brian McCall, who authored the bill, said the measure would give home-schooled students access to classes, such as a chemistry lab.

Home-schooled students would be able to participate in public school classes and sports of their choosing and the state would reimburse the district for the cost under a bill being considered in the House.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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