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November 9, 2016

SANTA ROSA (CBS SF) - Voters in Sonoma County passed 18 of 23 measures in Tuesday's election. Four measures failed and one measure is still too close to call.

Measure M, a ban on genetically engineered organisms in the unincorporated area of the county, passed with 56 percent. It needed majority approval.

by Andrew Joseph

November 9, 2016

A proposal to release genetically altered mosquitoes into the Florida Keys hit a stumbling block, with voters expressing ambivalence about the plan.

Residents split on the possibility of a trial, with one ballot initiative open only to residents of Key Haven, where the trial would take place, failing, and another initiative open to all residents of surrounding Monroe County being approved.

November 9, 2016

SEATTLE - A Thurston County judge has penalized a food industry group $18 million for concealing the true source of contributions to oppose a 2013 food labeling initiative.

Judge Anne Hirsch on Wednesday found the Grocery Manufacturers Association "intentionally violated" state campaign finance disclosure laws as it raised and spent money to defeat Initiative 522. That failed ballot measure would have required labeling of genetically modified foods.

by Marianne Lavelle

November 9, 2016

Washington State voters rejected a proposal for the nation's first carbon tax Tuesday, defeating a landmark attempt to address climate change that had divided environmental activists.

The carbon tax was expected to raise $2 billion annually through higher prices for gasoline and fossil fuel-fired electricity. It would have given all the money back, and then some, to the state's residents and businesses through a sales tax cut, rebates for working families and a tax break for manufacturers.

by Jilian Mincer

November 9, 2016

California voters on Tuesday approved significant tax increases on cigarettes and vaping devices, but similar measures fell short in Colorado, North Dakota and Missouri.

California's Proposition 56 will increase taxes on a pack of cigarettes from 87 cents to $2.87, bringing it more in line with other states. The measure also sets a tax on electronic cigarettes. "This is a huge victory for tobacco prevention efforts," said John Schachter, director of state communications for the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. He said that California, which recently raised the smoking age to 21, could inspire other states to pass similar laws.

by Debra Borchardt

November 10, 2016

California's Proposition 64 to legalize recreational marijuana is going to have a big influence on the rest of the United States.

It is highly likely the measure will pass Tuesday. On Oct, 16, a SurveyUSA poll showed 51% in favor and 40% against. More recently, a USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times poll showed 58% for and 34% against the ballot measure.

by David Wethe

November 14, 2016

Brian Kalt's got a pretty funky plan to stop the surge in earthquakes in Oklahoma and save the state's reeling oil industry.

Kalt forms part of a crush of entrepreneurs who are cooking up ways to fix Oklahoma's quake problem. There's an MIT grad who concocted a system that turns the salt slurry into a thick, and easier to dispose, brine; and an Oklahoma native who devised a process that allows drillers to put the water to use in other parts of their operations; even General Electric Co. is tinkering with an idea or two (though it wasn't willing to reveal much about what they might look like).

November 27, 2016

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) is clarifying language on background check form 4473 to let would-be gun buyers know that even "legalized" marijuana use bars them from purchasing a firearm.

The clarification comes in light of "the conflict between Colorado law and federal law," which results from the dichotomy of marijuana being legal at the state level but federally unlawful.

by Laura Camper

December 4, 2016

Danielle Holm, 32, sat on a bench Wednesday afternoon outside the Cheaha Restaurant taking in the horizon where the mountain drops sharply down to Cheaha Lake.

Just out of Regional Medical Center, Danielle has a belly still swollen from a pregnancy that ended Monday with the birth of a healthy baby boy. Her arms, however, are empty. Her son was taken from her the day after he was born and is in the custody of the Cleburne County Department of Human Resources pending a hearing at Cleburne County Courthouse this morning.

December 4, 2016

Theirs was a spiritual journey of getting back to nature and rejecting the materialism that they felt held them in bondage. Christian and Danielle Holm began their journey together in early 2016 as itinerant missionaries, traveling across the country.

The last thing that they expected was for Child Protective Services to seize their 1 day old baby literally off of his mother's breast in an Alabama hospital. What started out as an apparent case of mistaken identity has turned into a nightmare that the family cannot wake up from. They don't understand why their baby was taken from them, or why he still remains in state custody in foster care while social workers continue to challenge their religious beliefs.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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