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December 17, 2016

After recently withdrawing her son from public school because of safety and education concerns, a New York City mom went through all the required procedures to homeschool her son, but soon found Child Protective Services (CPS) coming after her.

Before CPS showed up at her door and prior to seeking legal advice, the concerned mother received counsel and support from her pastor and his wife - both of whom had homeschooled their own children for years.

by Graham Hunter

December 17, 2016

A former Department of Children and Family Services subcontractor went to jail this week for tampering with public records related to case work.

Denny Kern was arrested by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement on Wednesday and charged with a a 3rd-degree felony. NBC2 is looking into his arrest and has learned from DCF that Kern was hired by Lutheran Services in April 2013.

by Tetona Dunlap

December 17, 2016

TWIN FALLS -- Kelsey Osborne waved a sign outside the Twin Falls County Courthouse: "Illegal does not equal injury."

She was joined by 10 others including Serra Frank, founding director of Moms for Marijuana International, who held a sign that said, "Parents beware CPS is corrupted. Osborne, 23, pleaded not guilty Tuesday in Twin Falls County Magistrate Court on a misdemeanor count of injury to a child. She was charged after she gave her daughter butter infused with marijuana to treat the girl's seizure-like symptoms. A jury trial is set for Feb. 8.

by Craig Whitlock and Bob Woodward

December 24, 2016

The Pentagon has buried an internal study that exposed $125 billion in administrative waste in its business operations amid fears Congress would use the findings as an excuse to slash the defense budget.

The report, issued in January 2015, identified "a clear path" for the Defense Department to save $125 billion over five years. The plan would not have required layoffs of civil servants or reductions in military personnel. Instead, it would have streamlined the bureaucracy through attrition and early retirements curtailed high-priced contractors and made better use of information technology.

by JD Heyes

January 9, 2017

Well, it sure didn't take long for the authorities to find yet another way to use technology-specifically "the Internet of things"-to violate our constitutional right to privacy.

As reported by EnGadget, police in Arkansas want to know if one of Amazon's Echo devices, which are constantly connected to the Internet and listening for the sound of voice commands and questions, might have overheard something that can help them solve a murder case. Only, they will have to get a court-or Amazon, voluntarily-to allow them access to loads of information in addition to whatever the device might have "overheard" and, thus, stored.

by Don Wrightman

January 11, 2017

Service professionals working various positions in Illinois will now be required to complete domestic abuse prevention training as part of their licensing requirements.

The new law, which just went into effect on Sunday, impacts hair stylists, barbers, cosmetologists, estheticians, hair braiders and nail technicians. Although workers won't be required to report violence, they are protected from any liability under the law. Some believe this is a deliberate effort to take advantage of the intimate relations between the service professionals and their clients.

by Robert Pearl, M.D.

January 19, 2017

In the United States, the patent protection process as it relates to the drug industry has been distorted by the political system, intense lobbying and large campaign contributions. The result has been pricing contrary to the greater good of the nation.

The intent of the patent process and the balance between the dual objectives have been warped over the past decade. Increasingly, drug companies are not investing in R&D proportional to the profits they earn from the drugs they bring to market, despite their protests to the contrary.

by Isabelle Z.

February 7, 2017

One of the states that has traditionally been more accepting of homeschooling, Iowa, could soon enact a new rule subjecting parents who choose to exercise their right to educate their kids to regular home visits.

S.F. 138, which was introduced by Democratic State Senator Matt McCoy, requires school districts to carry out quarterly home visits to check on the "health and safety" of children who are homeschooled. The home visits will occur with the parents' consent and may entail interviews and observation. The school district could obtain a court order to enter the residence if parents refuse to comply, however.

by J. D. Heyes

February 9, 2017

The FDA is a criminal cartel: protecting the drug industry's monopoly while denying Americans the human right access to natural medicines

"The FDA is trying to destroy the CBD industry with regulatory assaults, but the industry is pushing back (and the weight of the evidence and the science is on the side of the hemp industry). Nevertheless, the FDA is a formidable opponent and they can wage all sorts of regulatory assaults against natural substances they wish to regulate out of existence," Adams reported, noting that no new regulations have been issued just yet, but that if the agency gets its way, they are likely to do so, which would severely hamper the CBD industry and natural medicine.

by Wendy Saltzman

February 16, 2017

Could a common over the counter medication be sickening kids? That's what a study under way at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia is trying to figure out.

A group of families approached Action News with disturbing claims that children have developed neuro-psychiatric problems after taking MiraLAX. Action News has learned this medication is being regularly prescribed off label to infants and toddlers, when it's not recommended for use to anyone under 17.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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