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The Claremont Institute

by Ben Boychuk and Matthew Robinson

May 5, 2000

Is government-run day care the next great weapon in the fight against crime-

Every part of "quality educational child care" is meant to sound nice, harmless, comforting. It is also meant to subtly demonize the critic, drive media coverage, mobilize legions of activists, and create a sense of crisis on Capitol Hill. In the forked tongue of Beltway speak, "quality education child care" means a taxpayer-funded array of government programs, bureaucracies, agencies and panels to fix social problems.

Eagle Forum

by Phyllis Schafly

April 19, 2000

Congress is about to pass legislation that will federalize every local school district and spell the end of local and state control of America's public school classrooms.

Mindful of Ronald Reagan's words, "You can't control the economy without controlling the people," Bill and Hillary Clinton have found the way to control the economy by controlling America's schoolchildren.

The Cincinnati Enquirer

by Andrea Tortora

April 8, 2000

Zero tolerance - the idea that one punishment fits all crimes and perpetrators.

The expanding web of zero tolerance policies spreading from schools to the juvenile justice system creates a culture in which children are demonized for being children while increasingly being punished as adults, national children's law experts said Friday.

Reason Online

by Michael W. Lynch

March 2, 2000

School choice has become an issue politicians can't avoid.

School choice has become an issue politicians can't avoid. In 1997, it passed a limited voucher program for residents of the nation's capital, where few students perform to grade level despite per-pupil spending of $9,123.

Cato Institue

by Tom G. Palmer

March 1, 2000

Should parents be able to choose the kind of education their children get-

A number of commentators say yes, but only if the choice is between (A) indoctrination in a vast island prison and (B) school in the United States. But apparently the commentators feel that parents' freedom of choice should not extend to deciding which schools are best for their children within the United States.

Cato Policy Analysis, Cato Institute

by Darcy Ann Olsen

February 9, 1999

Across the country legislators are deciding whether to require public school districts to provide no-fee prekindergarten classes for all three- and four-year-olds.

Georgia and New York have implemented universal preschool programs for four-year-olds, and other states have taken steps in that direction. Those programs are voluntary so far, but there have been calls for mandatory participation.

February 2, 1999

Public Law 95-79, Title VIII, Sec. 808, July 30, 1977, "The Secretary of Defense [may] conduct tests and experiments involving the use of chemical and biological [warfare] agents on civilian populations [within the United States]."

Veterans of the previous war for oil in the mid east are still struggling with the after effects of vaccinations they were required to undergo; vaccinations which have been found to have included at least one drug which has not passed FDA approval for use on humans. Think that government holding that needle has any respect for your life and well-being? The following list comes from declassified documents, news reports, videos, the National Archives, and from the final report of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments.

by Dwight R. Lee

December 11, 1998

Legislating a Minimum Wage Creates Unemployment

Last month I discussed the distorting effects of government-imposed price ceilings. Not content to limit the disruptive impact on economic decisions to price ceilings, governments are also quite willing to impose floors under which prices cannot legally fall. Like price ceilings, price floors disrupt market cooperation and have consequences quite different from those advertised by their advocates. Before considering an example of price floors-minimum wages-let's examine the problem in general terms.

The American Spectator

by William Tucker

July 2, 1998

Bill Gates and Microsoft have committed the crime of understanding the Information Age better than anyone else.

Now the Reno Justice Department has joined forces with Gates's competitors to teach him a lesson, ignoring what his brilliant career could teach them. On May 18, the Department of Justice filed an anti-trust suit against Microsoft Corporation, charging it with anti-trust violations in promoting its Internet Explorer over rival Internet browser Netscape. Simultaneously, attorneys general from 20 states filed companion suits on almost identical grounds.

by Hans F. Sennholz

March 11, 1995

Minimum Wage Laws Raise Barriers to Employment

Few economic laws, if any, are more malicious and malignant than minimum wage laws. They prohibit workers from accepting employment unless they are paid at least the minimum. They order employers to use only workers who qualify for the minimum and reject all others. The laws erect a hurdle over which all American workers are forced to jump.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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