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by Cheryl K. Chumley

May 1, 2020

Let the government-pressed coronavirus-tied blood collections of citizens begin. And begin they have.

They have in Georgia at least, where the state's Department of Public Health recently announced, in cooperation with both Fulton County and Dekalb counties' Boards of Health, that "to learn more about the spread of COVID-19," an "investigation" has commenced - and it's an "investigation" that's leading government officials to make random stops at randomly selected residences and ask random citizens for, get this, their blood.

by Wnd Staff

May 2, 2020

Governors and mayors across the nation have claimed, liberally, that their emergency powers allow them to ban large groups during the coronavirus pandemic.

They don't want groups gathering in malls, movie theaters or even churches, despite the constitutional protection of religious rights. Liberty Counsel founder Mat Staver noted Kansas City is requiring that churches "submit list of members and attendees along with their names, addresses and telephone numbers to city officials for tracking and surveillance purposes."

by Gino Spocchia

May 5, 2020

Hundreds of Missouri residents have had their personal details shared online after the publication of a document that recorded reports made against those flouting lockdown measures.

The names and addresses of almost 900 people were shared on Facebook to name-and-shame them after authorities had released the data following a media request under the state's 'Sunshine Law', which requires authorities to release information submitted to public agencies.

by Annie

May 19, 2020

I have spent the last few years working on Facebook, neglecting my own work, I'm ashamed to admit. Facebook finally banned me, and I am very glad they did, because otherwise I might never have left.

I am totally against censorship. Do you want to know what I did to get banned? I posted this meme and they took it down, so I posted it again. Normally, after posting the second time they would leave it be, but not this time. They removed it again. So, I put it back up and I was banned from Facebook. All my content, all my uploads and all discussion and posts I've made over the last decade to Facebook were removed.

by Jennifer Daskal, Matt Perault

May 22, 2020

This article is part of Privacy in the Pandemic, a Future Tense series. -- Big Tech's contact tracing initiative complicates the narrative of European governments protecting citizens against Silicon Valley's privacy intrusions.

In debates over digital privacy, American tech companies are often branded as the villains, with European policymakers cast in the role of savior. Big Tech is out to steal your privacy, but European governments are stepping in to protect it. Or so the narrative goes. But the new exposure notification system released by Google and Apple on Wednesday has turned these roles on their head, albeit in ways that at least some public health authorities say will make their job more difficult. It stands as a clear warning against type casting in this debate.

May 26, 2020

Forced vaccinations now can be legally stopped-no quality control for 32 years. Case 1:18-cv-03215-JMF Document 18 Filed 07/09/18

Vaccine injury lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,& Del Bigtree, producer of the suppressed anti-vaccine documentary, Vaxxed and the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) are credited with this victory. They demanded the relevant government documents proving that all federally approved vaccines had been tested for quality over the past 32 years - and there were none. Here are the huge legal and practical implications in this legal victory for the American people:

by Angela Morris

May 27, 2020

Who's to Blame? Facebook Can't Shake Lawsuits Over Alleged Child-Sex Trafficking on Its Platform -- These lawsuits are pushing the legal limits of how social media companies can be held accountable for sex trafficking that occurs on their platforms.

Facebook has again lost its court battle to dismiss lawsuits by three young women who claimed they were sex trafficked on the Facebook or Instagram platforms. These lawsuits are pushing the legal limits of how social media companies can be held accountable for sex trafficking that occurs on their platforms. In a 2-1 ruling Tuesday, the 14th Court of Appeals affirmed two trial judges' orders that denied Facebook's motions to dismiss the lawsuits under the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure 91a, which is the Lone Star State's version of the federal 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim.

Fox News

by Caleb Parke

May 29, 2020

Parents in several states nationwide are "shocked" to find they can't withdraw their children from public school, the largest U.S. legal organization for homeschool families told Fox News.

A RealClear Opinion Research survey shows that 40 percent of families are more likely to homeschool when lockdown restrictions lift, a significant increase from the 2.5 million children who were educating their kids at home before stay-at-home orders were put in place.

by Tori James

June 9, 2020

Twain Harte, CA - A local community services district is foregoing tax assessment rate increases to help customers weather economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Twain Harte Community Services District (THCSD) Board of Directors at its May meeting voted to make the decision not to apply those increases in the upcoming fiscal year for fire and emergency services. District officials say in 2002 and again in 2011, the Twain Harte community voted to pass special benefit assessments to improve fire protection and emergency services, which supplement the small portion of property tax revenue THCSD receives to provide the services. To ensure the assessments would cover continually increasing costs over time, the community also approved an allowance for annual inflation adjustments up to 4 percent based on the local inflation index.

by Tracey Petersen

June 12, 2020

Sonora, CA - As jury trials are set to begin again in Tuolumne County, the court relays what that will mean for those already summoned during the COVID-19 shutdown and changes to accommodate social distancing.

Criminal jury trials will resume on Wednesday, June 17th while misdemeanor jury trials are scheduled to begin Monday, June 22nd. Due to the large potential jury pools need for criminal trials, and the courthouse's lack of social distancing space, the Tribal Building (formerly the John Muir building) at the Mother Lode Fairgrounds will be used.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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