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June 12, 2014

39 months after the Fukushima meltdown...what is TEPCO doing to remedy the situation?

by Tom Zebra

June 11, 2014

by Ed Sheeran

June 11, 2014

Think you aren't being fooled by advertising tricks?

Take a look at this so-called expert revealing food marketing's secret weapon. No amount of marketing makes factory farming acceptable.

by Peter Schiff

June 9, 2014

Sweden to raise interest rates in response to Krugman complaints of falling consumer prices.

June 1, 2014

The Supreme Court will soon reach its decision on the much-publicized American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. v. Aereo, a case many believe will have a profound effect on the way we watch television.

Aereo rents small antennas and cloud storage to subscribers, allowing them to record and playback over-the-air broadcasts through digitally enabled devices. Broadcasters feel Aereo is retransmitting copyrighted work to paying customers and, based on current copyright law, should be subject to the same retransmission fees cable and satellite companies currently pay. Aereo argues that it is simply a technology company that empowers individuals and therefore isn't engaged in the "public performance" of copyrighted works subject to these fees. April's oral arguments gave little indication of which way the Supreme Court will rule. The decision is expected any day now.

by Jpd Kaikki

May 22, 2014

Capt. Nicolás Aquino attends the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, California, and plans to devote his life to military service.

His family fled Paraguay to escape a brutal dictatorship before he was born, and they came to America because of the rights the U.S. Constitution offered. "That's one of the many factors in terms of why I wanted to serve this country, so I could uphold those ideals, that I could fight, that I could give back to the community and make sure that [my family] can keep those freedoms," says Aquino. Aquino says he works everyday towards protecting these rights. That, he says, makes his entanglement with law enforcement these past few months even more infuriating.

January 17, 2014

"You can refuse this swab, you can refuse a breathalyzer, you can refuse to participate in a field sobriety test, you can refuse to answer questions," says criminal defense attorney Mark Gallagher.

"Now, law enforcement doesn't like this advice, but we do still have a constitution." ReasonTV's Tracy Oppenheimer sat down with Gallagher to discuss the latest addition to LAPD's arsenal: saliva swabs that allegedly detect drug use. Gallagher advises to always decline sobriety tests, especially because these saliva swabs have yet to prove their efficacy in determining if drivers are indeed impaired from marijuana or other illegal substances. "It doesn't tell us when they took it [marijuana], or how much they took, and how is it affecting their ability to drive the vehicle. And that's really what we need to know, to know whether or not that person is a safety risk on the road," says Gallagher.

by The Weather Channel

January 16, 2014

This incident happened on August 25, 2013.

The Coeur d'Alene Police Department on Wednesday released this video recorded on Aug. 25 by the body camera of Coeur d'Alene police officer Spencer Mortensen who fatally shot Eric Johnston during an incident at a Coeur d'Alene residence. WARNING: The final few moments of this video show Eric Johnston being shot and are extremely graphic. Viewers are warned that if they choose to watch this video, what they see and hear may be deeply disturbing. A Bonner County prosecutor recently determined Mortensen acted "within the parameters" of Idaho state laws. The video was provided by the Coeur d'Alene Police Department.

by Shanghaiist

January 11, 2014

January 6, 2014

Bad cops, bad criminals. The people have had enough as over 600 "vigilantes" storm the town and take it back from the corruption and crime that had taken over!

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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