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November 27, 2016

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) is clarifying language on background check form 4473 to let would-be gun buyers know that even "legalized" marijuana use bars them from purchasing a firearm.

The clarification comes in light of "the conflict between Colorado law and federal law," which results from the dichotomy of marijuana being legal at the state level but federally unlawful.

November 9, 2016

SEATTLE - A Thurston County judge has penalized a food industry group $18 million for concealing the true source of contributions to oppose a 2013 food labeling initiative.

Judge Anne Hirsch on Wednesday found the Grocery Manufacturers Association "intentionally violated" state campaign finance disclosure laws as it raised and spent money to defeat Initiative 522. That failed ballot measure would have required labeling of genetically modified foods.

November 9, 2016

SANTA ROSA (CBS SF) - Voters in Sonoma County passed 18 of 23 measures in Tuesday's election. Four measures failed and one measure is still too close to call.

Measure M, a ban on genetically engineered organisms in the unincorporated area of the county, passed with 56 percent. It needed majority approval.

September 27, 2016

Nestlé is draining California aquifers. From Sacramento alone they take 80 MILLION gallons annually. They then sells the people's water back to them at huge profit under dozens of popular brand names.

Nestlé has been draining California aquifers at an alarming rate. In Sacramento alone 80 they extract MILLION gallons annually. Nestlé then turns around and sells the people's own water back to them at a massive profit in the form of bottle water. But this is not even the worst of it, the multinational mega corporation has also been extracting this water with a permit that expired over 2 decades ago!

September 9, 2016

The Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD)[1], a network of 77 EU and U.S. consumer organisations, today published a new resolution on consumer concerns about new genetic engineering techniques.

Consumers have right to know when new genetic engineering techniques are used, including in their food, but companies are lobbying to exempt such products from regulation. A number of new genetic engineering techniques have been developed which were not in use when current laws on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) were drafted.

August 2, 2016

A high school district in Northern California has sent a notification to parents telling them that their homeschooled children are not lawfully being educated.

When the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) received word that all of its member families in the San Benito High School District (SBHSD) received a letter from state authorities declaring that they were illegally educating their children, attorneys from the nonprofit group were perplexed.

August 2, 2016

After one homeschool graduate applied to the Ohio Business College, admissions officials promptly denied her acceptance, demanding that she must first acquire a GED before they would consider her admittance.

Homeschool grad Ashlynne Perkins was distraught when she received the following notification from Ohio Business College's admissions office, which informed her that her application was rejected because she did not have a GED. "We are unable to accept Ashlynne's application due to the fact that she did not graduate from an accredited high school," the letter from the college read, according to the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA).

July 27, 2016

Ever questioned why alcohol, more of a "gateway drug" than marijuana is, continues to be legal despite the reality that it has been proven to promote aggressiveness and contribute to lots of social ills, including domestic violence and auto accidents?

Isn't it amusing that a lot of nations have legalized something as destructive and addictive as alcohol and not as safe as cannabis? Here are 5 reasons alcohol, the most dangerous drug, is sold openly and why nobody is objecting to it.

July 15, 2016

Russian Christians are praying and fasting in hopes of keeping their religious freedoms in tact. Earlier this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law that bans all evangelism outside of churches.

The law, which takes affect on July 20, states that no religious proselytizing can occur in Russia except with a license; and then, only within the four walls of a government-recognized church building. The law is aimed at protecting the country from terrorism, but ultimately restricts all religious preaching and teaching outside of church buildings. According to reports, some Christians have stated that they will defy the law and keep evangelizing.

July 1, 2016

State lawmakers on Thursday handed Mayor Rahm Emanuel broad authority to create special taxing districts to help pay for four major rail projects, but the mayor and his administration would not detail how much money would be diverted.

The legislation, which lawmakers passed as part of a compromise on a stopgap state budget and an education funding bill, is designed to help City Hall come up with money it needs to match requirements to receive federal transportation grants and loans, Emanuel said. But the measure also grants the mayor and City Council wide discretion to create the so-called tax-increment finance districts within a one-mile-wide swath of land along 46 miles of Chicago Transit Authority rail lines throughout the city. The districts, which could remain in place for up to 35 years, would siphon off 80 percent of property tax revenue within their boundaries (with the exception of taxes for Chicago Public Schools) and dedicate the money toward four major transit projects.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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