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by Sela T.

October 28, 2015

A young European woman, Aida Bolevar was recently traveling by train from Budapest, Hungary, to Vienna, Austria, when she encountered what can only be described as a migrant horde crowding the trains and train stations.

As the loud, angry crowd of mostly male Muslims invaded the station, she found herself having to force her way through the crowd. Enduring attempts of the men trying to steal her luggage, and being at the receiving end of a lot of their THREATS...which SCARED HER MOST. Because what the fleeing Muslims did not know, was that Aida, spoke fluent Arabic....and could understand the HORRIFYING actions they planned to take as they discussed them RIGHT INFRONT OF HER!

Hot Air

by Allahpundit

August 11, 2011

An actual quote from today's remarks: "There are some in Congress right now who would rather see their opponents lose than see America win."

To which Steve Hayes, irked by the sight of yet another straw man being torched, replies, "Who are they?" The answer, I can only assume, is congressional progressives: They're the ones who refuse to budge on the ruinous Medicare spending that's rocketing the country towards fiscal collapse, as doing so would forfeit their party's big campaign issue next year. But in case The One's referring to tea-party congressmen (as he surely is), what was amazing about the "don't raise the ceiling" crowd during the debt debate is that they were prepared to absorb a ferocious backlash against their own party in the name of doing something significant, i.e. Cut Cap and Balance, to solve America's debt crisis.

March 29, 2012

The massive controversy over Texas Gov. Rick Perry's appalling 2007 executive order mandating that all young girls in his state receive Merck & Co.'s Gardasil vaccine before entering school has brought the issue of the vaccine's safety and effectiveness, or lack thereof, back to the forefront of the national conversation. And a European physician has now openly spoken out against Gardasil, claiming that it is both dangerous and completely ineffective at preventing cervical cancer.

Michelle Malkin

by Michelle Malkin

February 23, 2011

Thuggery? What thuggery? Oh, yeah. That thuggery...

Hot Air

by Allahpundit

July 8, 2011

Skynet won't let us nuke ourselves. That's Skynet's job.

There's barely enough time to get a deal passed through both houses of Congress, even if they reach the framework of an agreement this weekend. By Major Garrett's calculation, it'll take 16 or 17 working days until it's passed and ready for Obama's signature, and that assumes no speed bumps along the way.

by Kristin Tate

May 17, 2013

A local Seattle bookshop quickly transformed into what appeared to be a crime scene all because of a ... granola bar wrapper. Yes, you read that correctly.

Around 7 a.m. on Wednesday, police and a bomb squad were called to Mystery Bookshop to investigate a "suspicious package". Officers reached the scene to discover an inflated granola bar wrapper and a computer modem card attached by a phone cord, all placed on top of a piece of white paper. After a mere five minutes, the bomb squad determined that the granola bar wrapper and computer modem were just that- a harmless granola bar wrapper and computer modem on a piece of paper. Amber, an employee at the bookshop, wrote on the store's website that she appreciated the police's response to the call. "In this day and age, you cannot be too careful," she wrote. Good grief.

by Nicholas Stix

June 24, 2012's James Fulford recently noted that "exemplary sentencing"-shockingly draconian punishment-is credited by the British Establishment with crushing British working class resistance to Third World immigration after the 1958 Notting Hill riots.

But the U.S. Federal government-under Democrats and Republicans alike-has been punishing working class white Americans for engaging, not in street violence, but in symbolic protest against "diversity"-even though symbolic speech is supposed to be protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution since at least the late 1990s. Of course it is scandalous that journalists John Derbyshire and Naomi Schaefer Riley have lost their jobs for crimethink. But for more than a decade, working class Americans have been actually going to jail.

by Saul M. Kassin, et al.

April 1, 2005

College students and police investigators watched or listened to ten prison inmates confessing to crimes. Half the confessions were true accounts; half were false-concocted for the study.

Consistent with much recent research, students were generally more accurate than police, and accuracy rates were higher among those presented with audiotaped than videotaped confessions. In addition, investigators were significantly more confident in their judgments and also prone to judge confessors guilty. To determine if police accuracy would increase if this guilty response bias were neutralized, participants in a second experiment were specifically informed that half the confessions were true and half were false. This manipulation eliminated the investigator response bias, but it did not increase accuracy or lower confidence. These findings are discussed for what they imply about the post-interrogation risks to innocent suspects who confess.

by Brian Doherty

May 21, 2014

Huffington Post publicized yesterday yet another in the endless series of "Officer Friendly At Work" videos with depressing revelations about how policing is done in these here United States.

While raiding a woman of Chinese ancestry's tanning salon and massage parlor in Chicago last year, over allegations an undercover officer was offered sex by an employee, here are some of the charming things Officer Gerald Di Pasquale said to Jianqing Klyzek: Di Pasquale: You’re not fucking American! I’ll put you in a UPS box and send you back to wherever the fuck you came from! Plaintiff: I’m a citizen, OK? Di Pasquale: No you’re not! No, you’re not a citizen! No, you’re not! No, you’re not! You’re here on our borrowed time. So mind your fucking business before I shut this whole fucking place down. And I’ll take this place and then whoever owns it will fucking kill you because they don’t care about you, OK? I’ll take this building. You’ll be dead and your family will be dead.

July 18, 2013

"You're dead, mother****r!" Those were the last words spoken to 41-year-old Kamas, Utah resident Wade Pennington as he bled to death from two gunshot wounds inflicted at point-blank range.

The man who hurled that sadistic taunt at Pennington, Brett Lopez, wasn't the shooter; his role had been to trap the unarmed victim in the kill zone while his associate, Jared Nichols, pulled the trigger. Just minutes earlier, Nichols had been overheard saying that he intended to "take out" Pennington. He and Perez were well-acquainted with the victim; indeed, immediately after he pulled the trigger, Nichols called Wade by name. After shooting Pennington, Nichols seized the dying victim and attempted to make it look as if he had been the aggressor. In doing so, Nichols wound up with some of the dying man's blood on his clothing. Both Nichols and Perez lied to investigators after the shooting. Their lies were contradicted by physical evidence at the crime scene and by video recordings of the incidents leading up to the homicide.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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