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by Livefree Ordie

November 18, 2013

"This is not increasing our security, in fact, it's making us less secure. It's just feeding an empire building, it's feeding agency budgets, and job security for various law enforcement agencies," says the University of Arizona's Terry Bressi of in-count

Bressi sat down with ReasonTV's Tracy Oppenheimer to discuss these checkpoints and their implications for civil liberties. Bressi estimates that he has been stopped by border patrol between 300-350 times. After his first encounter, he started carrying cameras and audio recording equipment, and has since been videotaping his checkpoint interactions. He says this holds officers accountable for their actions, and he hopes that by posting these videos online, citizens will become more aware of their rights. "A federal agent who is standing in the middle of a public highway, wearing a public uniform, collecting a public paycheck while seizing the public absent reasonable suspicion has no expectation of privacy," says Bressi in regards to filming border patrol agents. "This is something that I like to remind folks of, that the government thinks that we don't have any right to privacy whatsoever, but that's a double-edged sword."

November 8, 2013

Anglo American governments created police force in 1829. Rome did not have any police. No past empire ever policed humans and imprisoned people for being angry or for being on drugs or mentally ill. Russia and China do not imprison people for social behavior or being poor. The American police state is almost perfected. The only thing left is the mark on your forehead.

November 8, 2013

Lisa Martinson called customer service after she forgot her password. That's when she was told three different people were given the password to her account, her address and her Social Security number. Then she was told it would take up to five days to get her personal information offline.

October 25, 2013

October 24, 2013

A brand-new report suggests that Hillary Clinton's State Department leaked confidential national security secrets to New York Times reporter David Sanger.

The leaks were allegedly in exchange for writings that made the department look tougher. Judge Andrew Napolitano discussed the severity of the leaks on this morning's Fox and Friends. "All governments leak information, we know that. But when the government leaks national security secrets in return for favorable treatment in the press, the government is showing its hypocrisy because it is violating the very same statute that it's attempting to prosecute Edward Snowden for violating," Napolitano said.

October 22, 2013

Abby Martin speaks with BTS producer Manuel Rapalo about a few of the most shocking US government conspiracies that turned out to be true.

October 21, 2013

Officer insists I have drugs because I dont consent to there wants. Never roll over for someone who thinks they are higher than you. Be polite, say no.

October 16, 2013


October 16, 2013

"All of us in the concession community feel like we're the victim of pretty high-stakes politics," says Eric Mart, founder of California Land Management Services Corporation, a private company that operates several hundred campground facilities.

After the start of the federal shutdown, Mart received direction from the Forest Service to close down operations in their parks. This action left Mart and other private land-management companies confused and frustrated. His operations don't require any federal money to be spent and Forest Service lands aren't staffed by federal workers the way that national parks are. In fact, Mart's company and similar public-private partnerships actually pay the government a percentage of the revenue they raise from campsite and other fees. "We are a tenant of the U.S. Forest Service," wrote Warren Meyer, who owns Phoenix-based Recreation Resource Management "A tenant does not have to close his business just because his landlord goes on a vacation."

October 8, 2013

The Supreme Court recommends that you DON'T talk to police officers, but you must say out loud "I'M GOING TO REMAIN SILENT."

There's no law that requires you or your teenagers to talk or answer any questions from a police officer, just say "I'M GOING TO REMAIN SILENT." Talking to a police officer can be very dangerous!

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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