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USA Today (IN)

September 5, 2003

Indiana University is allowing a professor to continue posting through the school's Web site a personal log with criticisms of homosexuals despite complaints from some staffers.

"I did not know it was so controversial to provide arguments for why homosexuals should not be employed as school teachers, but it seems that people at universities get excited about opinions that are common, perhaps even the norm, elsewhere in the United States," Rasmusen wrote in an e-mail to the Indiana Daily Student newspaper.

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September 5, 2003

Girl Apparently Wanted Mother's Boyfriend Out Of Picture

The girl set to testify against her mother's boyfriend, James Charles Ardman -- who was held at the Macomb County Jail since May 12 for allegedly sexually assaulting the preteen -- recanted her entire story to prosecutors.<br><br>Apparently the girl had recanted her story at least once before, but at the time, the changes in her story didn't seem compelling enough to believe the accusation was false or the case should be dismissed, the paper reported.

by Jonathan Ringel

September 8, 2003

In the case of Vaughan v. Cox, No. 00-14380, a three-judge panel on Aug. 29 reversed itself after twice finding immunity for a police officer sued for shooting a fleeing suspect in a high-speed car chase.

Given the 11th Circuit's reputation as a sympathetic court to law enforcement, the about-face in favor of the plaintiff was surprising enough. But what shocked court watchers was that the panel acted on its own, without any motions by either side in the case and without any prompting by the U.S. Supreme Court. Search for <a href="" target="_blank" title="Eleventh Circuit Opinions - Search by Case Number">Case number: 00-14380</a>

BBC News (UK)

October 3, 2003

Parents caught with a child out of school could face an on-the-spot fine of up to 100 pounds.

The fines could be imposed by head teachers, police or council officers in England.

October 31, 2003

In custody case orders child's religious upbringing must not expose her to idea homosexuality wrong

A Colorado mother is appealing a child custody decision in which a court barred her from teaching homosexuality is wrong. <br><br>Cheryl Clark, who says she is a Christian, has been ordered by Denver County Circuit Judge John W. Coughlin to "make sure that there is nothing in the religious upbringing or teaching that the minor child is exposed to that can be considered homophobic."

Arab News

by Essam Al-Ghalib

November 2, 2003

A fifth grade student at the King Khaled Air Base Elementary School in Khamis Mushayt required stitches to his head after being struck by a female teacher for not doing his homework.

"We would all get beaten. We were beaten with canes, wooden paddles, hands, even plastic tubing. Sometimes we were hit hard enough to leave bruises. And because it was done in front of everyone, it was humiliating. We got hit for not doing our homework, talking in class, just normal kid's stuff," he said.<br><br>Although the practice is widespread, it is illegal to strike a child in schools in Saudi Arabia.

Ghana Web

by Philip Emeagwali

November 2, 2003

For 10 million African-born emigrants, the word 'home' is synonymous with the United States, Britain or other country outside of Africa.

25 years ago, I fell in love with an American girl, married her three years later, and became eligible to sponsor a Green Card visa for my 35 closest relatives, including my parents and all my siblings, nieces and nephews. <br><br>The story of how I brought 35 people to the United States exemplifies how 10 million skilled people have emigrated out of Africa during the past 30 years.

World Net Daily

by Diana Lynne

November 3, 2003

Moore faces trial next week on violation of judicial-ethics charges

Justices refused today to hear appeals seeking to put the 5,300-pound granite cube back on display inside Alabama's state capitol.

News With Views

by Devvy Kidd

November 6, 2003

The big lie is that the income tax applies to domestic Americans, when it fact, it does not.

The powers that be know the American people simply don't want to believe that their favorite politician, whether it be FDR, Joe Libermann, Dana Rohrabacher, Jimmy Carter, Jesse Helms, Diane Feinstein or George Bush, Jr., have been lying to them. People would rather willfully believe the big lie than face reality. The path of least resistance and that's how slaves are made.

The Macomb Daily (MI)

by Chad Selweski

November 12, 2003

Lynn Pollick was stunned when the man accused of sexually assaulting her teenage daughter, after facing trial and conviction, filed an appeal based on a technicality and was set free on bail.

The Pollicks took a stand, insisting on a change in the law that would keep convicted child molesters behind bars. And they scored a big victory last week in the state House of Representatives when lawmakers voted 105-0 in favor of legislation that would deny bail to those convicted of sexually assaulting a minor while an appeal was pending.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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