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 Title   Date   Author   Host

by Nicos Mendoza

July 13, 2013

Officer Kevin Garvey claims the man ran a red light, although the dash says otherwise.

He uses the lie of running a red light as probable cause to pull the man over. As he's talking to the man he notices a rolled up baggie inside the car, and uses this as reason to search the vehicle without consent. Later the baggie was found to be the leftovers from a sandwich.

by Nicos Mendoza

July 13, 2013

Officer Kevin Garvey claims the man ran a red light, although the dash says otherwise. He uses the lie of running a red light as probable cause to pull the man over. As he's talking to the man he notices a rolled up baggie inside the car, and uses this as reason to search the vehicle without consent. Later the baggie was found to be the leftovers from a sandwich.

by CopsOutofControl

July 11, 2013

July 5, 2013

Boston celebrated Independence Day by openly employing police state levels of security. Warrantless searches were as plentiful as the fireworks. Even National Guard soldiers were participating in civilian checkpoints.

July 5, 2013

This July 4th, a joint task force of local and federal enforcers celebrated America's freedom by performing warrantless bag searches on travelers, and inserting a highly visible team of paramilitary police to condition the public to the police state.

by Evangelist Anita Fuentes

July 3, 2013

by Thetexastribune

June 28, 2013

In some Georgia counties, as well as all over the USA, drivers are getting their blood forcibly stolen from them.

As shown in this video, every driver who refuses to give the police a blow, even for misdemeanor offenses, is strapped to a table, put into a headlock by a police officer, and their blood forcibly taken. "We all are American citizens and you guys strapped me to a table like I'm in Guantanamo ****ing Bay!" said one victim of the vampiric policy.

by Amanda BillyRock

June 28, 2013

In this chapter, Hazlitt draws a hypothetical situation demonstrating the ubiquitous "broken window fallacy". And oh, how fallacious it is!

June 28, 2013

Natural health physician and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. Dominic D'Agostino, about how ketogenic diet can be an excellent approach to cancer treatment.

by Schiffreport

June 10, 2013

"To all of you who defend this nonsense, what should the penalty be for those who destroy the constitution?" - Ron Paul

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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