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Home Education Magazine

by Larry and Susan Kaseman

November 12, 2003

Aunt Tilly calls. "You know I support your homeschooling. But I just read an article about how homeschoolers are demanding special favors from the federal government...

It's really not fair for homeschoolers to expect to be allowed to homeschool and still get everything kids in regular schools get." From State Senator Reasonable you hear, "I've gone along with your notions about homeschooling laws over the years, and I know all three of your kids are doing well. But I'm concerned about families where the kids aren't learning anything.

Concerned Women for America

November 13, 2003

Filibustering Judges: The Sport of Cowards and Hypocrites

Concerned Women for America (CWA) reminded obstructionist Senators at a Capitol Hill press conference today that the 500,000 members of CWA want an up or down vote for every judicial nominee.<br><br>"Our members will not abide religious bigotry in the United States Senate," said Sandy Rios, President of CWA. "Nor will we tolerate unfair treatment for women and minority nominees." The senators who choose to refuse qualified candidates an up or down vote are going be fired for not doing their job when the American people get to the ballot box.

by Elizabeth Campion

November 16, 2003

Jury Duty Bill to Aid Caregivers

Mother Pam Pilch, of Saline, Michigan, was frustrated after hearing many stories from moms who attempted to postpone jury duty while they were the full-time caregiver of a young child. Pam decided to take action and she called her State Representative, Gene DeRossett.

The Macomb Daily (MI)

by Chad Halcom

November 20, 2003

An 8-year-old Mount Clemens boy apparently will become the youngest county resident ever to get court-ordered counseling and rehabilitation for sex offenders under a recent plea deal and sentence agreement in court.

Meanwhile, officials say, the effort continues to build a case that his alleged attack upon female classmates at Alexander Macomb Elementary School may be the result of some unhealthy influence by a former father figure in his home.


by Mark Ferran

November 20, 2003

Lincoln said "Let [Law] be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislatures, and enforced in courts of justice."

The Law Clauses of the Constitution of the United States were adopted by the People to promote enduring Peace, and to Secure Life, Liberty and Property against unlawful deprivations by public agents exceeding the limits of lawful authority. The primary Law Clauses of the Constitution are found in the Fifth Amendment (in the Bill of Rights), and in the Fourteenth Amendment:


by Mark Ferran

November 20, 2003

Part 1: Law, a Revolutionary Idea for Peace<br>Part 2: US Supreme Court<br>Permits "Unauthorized Deprivations" and thereby Declares War Against God and Against The People of the United States<br>Rights of NY Landowners to Use Force (Display Guns) to Stop, Expel and Arrest Defiant Trespassers (or Terrorists)<br>The ATV Trespass Problem<br>While Leaving Ground Zero<br> We Must Stop Baseball Bat Violence!<br> A Need For Speed = Justification<br>The Original Intent of the 14th Amendment<br>

Universal Class

November 20, 2003

Legal Course offerings - for fee

You can join any of these classes right now and begin receiving expert instruction immediately. (Not affliated with RA)

Guardian Ad

November 20, 2003

State of Florida - Fifth Judicial Circuit

Thousands of abused and neglected children become the subject of judicial proceedings each year in Florida. Their voices are often unheard, and best interests overlooked in the complicated and overburdened adversarial process. Guardians Ad Litem are citizens who volunteer to become part of a court program to represent the best interests of an assigned child.

The North Carolina Court System

November 20, 2003

Since 1983, the North Carolina Guardian ad Litem (GAL) program has served the best interests of thousands of children.

In the past fiscal year, 3,610 trained volunteers served 15,234 children from a total of 8,418 families. These children were in court because a petition had been filed stating they were abused or neglected.

The Mercury News (CA)

by Jon Ann Steinmetz

November 21, 2003

It's easy to find tips on how to deal with spam -- set up inbox filters, install some software, that kind of thing.

But today we have a lesson on what not to do, courtesy of some guy in Sunnyvale who got his butt hauled in by the FBI for allegedly threatening employees of a Canadian spam company. (Hint: when you find yourself typing "bullet in your head," think long and hard before hitting the send key.)

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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