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by Productofwelfare

June 6, 2013

This is a film of my encounter with the Middletown CT Police Department on June 5th, 2013.

In the 10 minutes before this video begins, I was filming police entering and exiting the MPD building, then filming their rear parking lot. All filming was done from on the public sidewalk, and I did not enter the building or the parking lot.This video begins as I was walking back to the front of the building. As I was passing the side entrance, officer Peck exited the building so I started filming him.

by Antitheist

May 20, 2013

When the average person hears the word "anarchy," his mind immediately fills with misconceptions and false assumptions.

Voluntaryists often have to spend more time explaining all the things that "anarchy" does NOT mean, than they do explaining what it does mean. Hopefully this video will help with that. (Special thanks to Poxodd for the awesome animation.)

May 17, 2013

May 3, 2013

Men with assault rifles raided a family who had been growing tomatoes and melons under grow-lights. The government agents thought that was enough probable cause to believe they were growing forbidden plants inside their home.

"It was just like on the cops TV shows," Robert Harte told The Associated Press. "It was like 'Zero Dark Thirty' ready to storm the compound." Apparently all it takes to get raided is buying hydroponics equipment and materials for indoor gardening. Dogs entered the home. The armed agents belittled the family and implied that their 13-year-old boy was growing marijuana in the home...

by ReasonTV

May 1, 2013

"They will not send an officer out, so we are on our own totally," says Sam Nichols, co-founder of Citizens Against Crime.

CAC is a group of around 20 armed volunteers who have been conducting routine patrols in and around O'Brien, Oregon since last summer. CAC patrols "are always a minimum of two people," says Nichols, precisely because they want to avoid the kind of thing "that happened in Florida, the case where Zimmerman shot the boy." Why are the citizens of O'Brien patrolling their own streets?

May 1, 2013

Seattle Westlake Center - First report by police on May Day activities gets heckled by a protester. Heckling starts @ 03:00

May 1, 2013

April 27, 2013

Anti-Gun Neighbor Hysterical Despite Drop In Crime

by Cspan

April 26, 2013

Guilty on all counts, a jury convicted Butch Morgan and Dustin Blythe of forging signatures to get Obama and Clinton on Indiana's 2008 Primary Ballot.

April 8, 2013

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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