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Pain Free with CLNRT

A revolutionary new pain relief system that really works!

by Annette M. Hall

Cranial Laser & Neurolymphatic Release Techniques (CLNRT) might be a mouthful to say but the proof is all in your head — literally. The science behind this futuristic, science-fiction sounding approach to health blends Quantum Physics with Applied Kinesiology.

Cranial Laser & Neurolymphatic Release Techniques or CLNRT for short is an extremely fast and effective way of making any major muscle of the body relax and become pain free. This technique is truly revolutionary in it's approach and the results are so astonishing, it's hard to believe. In fact, I personally wouldn't have believed it, had I not experienced the technique it first-hand.

As someone who has been diagnosed with many health issues that often work against each other, at times it seems my ailments are in competition with each other, to see which one can make me feel the worst. In my attempts to regain my health and piece of mind, I have tried just about every treatment and procedure one can imagine. I have come to realize that true health can only be achieved by a combination of good nutrition, moderate exercise and regular maintenance, like chiropractic care.

While I haven't reached my goal of optimal health, yet, I have made tremendous progress with the help of Dr. Andrew K. Hall. While I have been treated by many chiropractors, it is unusual to find the kind of care and dedication Dr. Hall gives to each and every patient — even those of us who are family members.

Cranial Laser and Neurolymphatic Release Technique

CLNRT Results

The first time I experienced the results of a CLNRT treatment, I was astonished. I had been experiencing pain in my left leg that I assumed was due to reoccuring sciatica, nothing new there. Sciatica pain is something I battle almost daily. Dr. Hall didn't contradict me; he didn't make any negative comments. He waved a green light across specific areas of my scull and asked me to breath. The entire procedure took about 2-minutes. I didn't feel a thing.

I experienced around a 10% reduction in pain immediately. Dr. Hall appeared visibly disappointed but he sent me on my way. In parting, he simply asked that I let him know if the CLRNT procedure helped. I promised I would let him know the results.

I will never forget what happened next. My family had a lot of errands to run that day, taking us to several stores. As we walked around one store, I remarked to my husband that the pain I was feeling in the upper portion of the back of my thigh had traveled downward and was now behind my knee. I didn't think much more about it, I was just happy that my upper thigh was now pain free.

At our next stop, I was walking around and noticed that the pain had fallen down my leg was now resting in my calf muscle. Over the space of a little over an hour the pain had travelled down my leg, into my ankle and then it was totally gone and did not return for over a month. I was in total shock and awe. I couldn't wait to call when I returned home, with the good news.

Since that time I have received several CLNRT treatments and each time the pain has been completely alleviated — often immediately, sometimes gradually, but always completely. No drugs, no negative treatment side effects — just glorious relief. It is wonderful to be pain-free.

To be perfectly honest, when he first began to talk about a book he was reading a couple years back called, "The Holographic Universe," my eyes would glaze over with disinterest and to be honest, I really only half-listened to him and gave it very little credibility in my own mind. I should have known better.

Over the past year or so Dr. Hall has spent every spare moment of his time working on this exciting new book, Cranial Laser & Neurolymphatic Release Techniques. Many of his colleagues were simply thrilled about the prospects of finally being able to treat ailments that were, until now, difficult to treat at best that they couldn't wait to get their hands on this manual.

CLNRT Manual

The manual is now complete and ready to ship. Dr. Hall's goal in writing the CLNRT Manual is to alleviate the pain and suffering Chiropractic patients experience but Chiropractic care alone was not sufficient. It is his desire to get this manual into the hands of doctors, therapists and trainers everywhere, to allow them to provide relief to their own patients, who are needlessly suffering with chronic pain.

Physicians, chiropractors, osteopaths, physical and occupational therapists, massage therapists and athletic trainers are using CLNRT treatment procedures successfully and getting tremendous results.

This incredible manual makes it easy to for almost anyone to get immediate pain relief in the comfort of their own home. My husband treats my headaches, and various aches and pains on a regular basis. It's such a wonderful feeling of control to know that I don't have to continue to suffer. I can get relief when I need it. Thank you Dr. Hall!

Learn more about CLRNT Today!

Be sure to tell your doctor or therapist about CLRNT.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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