by: Annette M. Hall
Each morning I made my grandson's baby formula in a clean blender and poured it into his 4 oz. & 8 oz. bottles. The recipe made enough bottles to last him for that day, with perhaps one left over for the next morning. I do not recommend making formula for more than one-day at a time. Store the bottles in the refrigerator.
It is important to note here that everything must be clean and sterile; clean hands, clean blender, countertop, utensils. If you create a spill be sure to clean it up right away and clean off any spills on containers.
Though most parents should know this, I'm still amazed at how many young parents don't have a problem microwaving bottles. Never warm a bottle in the microwave, it not only heats unevenly, the microwave will also destroy important nutrients. It's just not worth the risk.
Finally, I must add that when I started making his formula, I was terrified. I didn't want to do anything that would harm my precious grandson, but I was desperate. Nothing the doctors had done for him was helping and he wasn't getting any better.
There is no one "right" way or thing to feed your new baby. A search on the Internet will show that doctor's, dietitians and nutritionists are all over the map on what is best for you, not to mention your child. Do not let fear keep you from doing what you know to be right for your child. It will require that you do the research, consult your doctor or learn all you can to be certain that your child's nutrional needs are being met.
Proper nutrition is essential for proper brain development and essential nerve connections. I would like to note that I was shocked to find that the FDA has greatly changed it's minimum nutritional standards published today as compared with those that were published back in the 1960's (and not for the better). Don't take my word for it, check your local used book store, you should be able to find something from that time period on the shelves.
I will also note here that the FDA cautions parents against making their own infant formula, of course they don't provide sound alternatives either. Through my own research I have come to firmly believe the FDA doesn't give a rats ass about my family or my grandson. They care about selling drugs and lots of them.
Since I have made baby formula things have really changed and they have introduced GMO's into the food supply. Do not feed anything GMO to your children. It is harmful and can lead to horrible side effect and health problems. If you aren't aware of the dangers, do read up on them.
In addition to high levels of aluminum in soy estrogens in soy (a soy-fed baby receives the equivalent of five birth control pills' worth of estrogen every day), recent research suggests that high concentrations of manganese in soy can lead to brain damage in infants.
Combine all in a clean blender, blend on low until all ingredients are mixed well. Pour into 4 or 8 oz. bottles. Make fresh daily. Left over formula can be used the next morning. Do not make extra bottles in advance.
I adjusted the Flax seed oil in the formula daily (by small amounts) to be sure he didn't get constipated or diarrhea. Be sure to keep an eye on your babies stool. You might also try to incorporate coconut oil into the formula. It has healty properties that are extrordinary. You can also use it instead of baby lotion.
Why is it that baby formulas often include coconut oil as an ingredient? Because coconut is one of the most healthy super foods in the world. Coconut oil is cholesterol- and trans fat-free, contains only 1% Omega-6 and is rich in medium-chain "good fats" that doctors recommend. [Read more...]
We had a doctor's appointment two-weeks after I start him on this formula. When I took him in for his appointment, the doctor took one look at him and wanted to know what I had done with my grandson. He said, "Surely this can't be the same child I've been seeing."
The doctor couldn't get over the improvement. I had tried to evade telling him the reason for this transformation in him because I was afraid of what he would say. When I finally gathered enough nerve up to tell him that I had started making my own formula each day. He said, "well whatever your doing it's working, keep it up." What a relief! Of course no matter what he said, I was at the point of no return. I could see the difference with my own two eyes.
The major difference I noticed was in his eyes. They were so bright and alert, it was really striking how at three-months he was so calm and inquisitive. It was a stark difference to his previous behavior. I also noticed a marked improvement in his attention span - something I wouldn't have expected to notice in child so young.
Soy protein was introduced into infant formula in the early 1960s. It was a new product with no history of any use at all. As soy protein did not have GRAS status, premarket approval was required. This was not and still has not been granted. The key ingredient of soy infant formula is not recognized as safe.
I have shared this remarkable story with all my family and friends over the years and have had many inquiries, especially when so many children are born sickly, with birth defects and medical problems. I really can't stress enough how important proper nutrition is right from the very start.
This was a very stressful time for me and I was beside myself with worry. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. I would like to leave you with one thought. If you are a new mother or know a new mother, I would encourage you to breast-feed your new baby for as long as you possibly can. While formula is quick and easy to get — you can get it free on the WIC program — it is not the best solution for your child. Please think twice before resorting to using canned baby formula. Your child just might thank you some day.
Every child deserves the very best start in life! Give your little one a hug and kiss from me.
**Please be very careful with wheat germ. I used a very small amount of powdered wheat germ, which I eventually stopped using because I accidentially used too much one day and he started blowing bubbles. I felt terrible. He didn't seem to suffer any other adverse effects from too much wheat germ but it's simply not normally for an infant to blow bubbles. The liquid was not available at that time, but it is today, try it instead.
***Goats milk can be found in powder form, canned liquid form, fresh pasturized liquid and raw, unprocessed form. I started using powdered, then the canned and finally when I found it in the dairy case in a carton, I purchased the fresh. I didn't notice any difference in any of them. I simply felt better about giving him the fresh. My first choice of course would be to purchase goat's milk, fresh from the farm but was unable to find a local goat farm.
The bottom line is that today we have many more options than we did years ago. There is no reason to give your baby formula. There is just too many other nutritious alternatives today. And whatever you do, stay away from GMO foods.
Updated October 12, 2013
The posts contained on these pages are made by regular people, with regular problems. Nothing contained on these pages should be considered medical advice -- we are not medical professionals. Please consult with your medical professional for help with your medical problems.
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