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Homemade Baby Formula Mail Bag

by: Annette M. Hall

Healthy Family!

Hello Annette,

First off I would like to congratulate and thank-you for your courage in posting the recipe for the homemade infant formula. With the big formula companies and their advocates (doctors and such) feeding us fear on a regular basis, it's reassuring to know that I'm not the only person who feels that my and my family's health is in my hands and that I am responsible for our well-being, no one else.

Due to a surgery and latching issues, I'm only able to produce enough milk for one feeding for my 3-month old daughter. For 3 months I used Similac regular formula and life brand twice (Canadian) I didn't notice too many issues besides constipation but I was extremely unhappy with the fact that there was soybean oil added as a crummy filler. It's been 4 days now that I've been using your formula and constipation is no longer an issue. In fact, I've already had to lessen the amount of flax oil : )

I did notice, however, that she has 2 red boil-like bumps on one of her fingers. Could this be an allergic reaction to the wheat germ? Also, I've been making the recipe without liquid Vitamin C as I cannot find it anywhere. Could I substitute powdered Vitamin C? And would I still use the same amount?

Thank-you in advance for your response.

Justina, mommy to Avabella

Homemade Infant Formula Mail Bag

Dear Justina,

Thanks for writing and sharing your experience. I am amazed at just how many like-minded individuals are out there. I never would have imagined there were so many others, who were unhappy with the garbage they want parents to feed their infants.

You would have to so some research as to possible reactions to wheat germ. It seems unlikely to me but I really have nothing to base that on, other than my own experience, when my son started blowing bubbles. As for the Vitamin C, I don't see why it would make much of a difference. I only recommend the liquid because it is readily absorbed by the body.

Give your little girl a hug from me.

Warm Regards,

Commercial Formula is Crap!

Hi Annette,

I just wanted to thank you for sharing this recipe. You have no idea what a miracle this has been for us. It has turned an incredibly fussy baby into a happy one! My son has severe acid reflux and sensitivity to corn and cow milk protein.

I have tried everything on the market to help him. Every formula. Every natural remedy. Every medicine. He was on Alimentum and was better but still fussy. I didn't want to spend that much on formula and have him still be fussy. I looked at the current formula he was on and the second ingredient was high fructose corn syrup. No wonder it was thick!

I somehow came across your recipe and decided to give it a try. Given that I've tried everything else, I think my husband thought I was a little crazy but went along with it.

I cannot believe how much he's changed. He used to sleep all day and when he was awake he would be tired, fussy and weak, like he wasn't getting the nutrients he needed. I swore he was anemic, even though he was on iron fortified formula. Like you said, I can see it in his eyes. His eczema is gone. His reflux has greatly improved. I don't feel guilty about giving it to him anymore. He's not gassy. I just love it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

P.S.- I agree that commercial formula is CRAP. I don't understand why it's hard to provide a quality formula that isn't crazy expensive. I think that's why we feel guilty about it because we know it's icky but we don't know what else to give them. Now we do! :)

Ashley K.,

Dear Ashley,

Your email made me want to cry. I know exactly how you feel. I was so stressed out over the problems my grandson was having that I was grasping at straws trying to find a way to help him. It's the worst feeling in the world, knowing something is wrong and feeling helpless to do anything about it.

Thank you so much for sharing your story. I wish you and your son all the best and a huge kudos to the daddy for trusting you to do the right thing for your son. I know that it takes a great deal of courage to break out of the box and decide to do something different — even if it is out of total desperation.

Give the little guy a hug from me.

All my best,

Liquid Vitamin C?

Hello Annette,

First off I would like to congratulate and thank-you for your courage in posting the recipe for the homemade infant formula. With the big formula companies and their advocates (doctors and such) feeding fear on a regular basis, it is reassuring to know that I am not the only person who feels that my and my family's health is in MY hands and that I am responsible for our well-being, no one else.

Due to a surgery and latching issues, I'm only able to produce enough milk for one feed for my 3-month old daughter. For 3 months, I used Similac regular formula and Life Brand twice (Canadian). I didn't notice too many issues besides constipation but I was extremely unhappy with the fact that there was soybean oil added as a crummy filler.

It's been 4 days now that I've been using your formula and constipation is no longer an issue. In fact, I've already had to lessen the amount of flax oil. :)

I did notice, however, that she has two red boil-like bumps, on one of her fingers. Could this be an allergic reaction to the wheat germ? In addition, I have been making the recipe without liquid vitamin C as I cannot find it anywhere - could I substitute powdered vitamin C? If so, would I still use the same amount?

Thank-you in advance for your response,
Justina, mommy to Avabella

Dear Justina,

I've never heard of a child getting boils or bumps from wheat germ, but if you suspect the wheat germ, stop using it and contact your doctor and have them looked at.

I used the liquid Vitamin C because it was recommended to me. I was told it was more readily absorbed by the body than the powder. I don't see any reason that you couldn't use the powdered and yes, just use the same amount. Just keep an eye out for the liquid, you may have to ask, if I remember correctly they keep it in the refrigerator section.

Thanks for writing and best wishes to you and Avabella.


Why Rice Dream?


I am about to embark on the homemade formula because my son is sensitive to cow's milk and allergic to corn. I am really impressed with the formula you have put together, but I have one question for you. Why did you include Rice Dream? Did you include it so the formula wouldn't be lumpy? Or did you add it for additional nutrients?

If you could please get back to me that would be great.

Lindsey A.

Dear Lindsey,

There were actually several reasons I chose Rice Dream:

  • It was recommended by the lady at the health food store where I shopped at the time. She had always provided me with valuable help.
  • It was vitamin enriched, so my thought was that it would help ensure the formula was nutritionally sound.
  • I was worried that goats milk alone wouldn't be palatable enough for my grandson and I wanted to be sure he would drink it.
  • Rice has a very low instance of allergic reaction, which is important for infants.
  • At that time there weren't a lot of choices. Today there are more and you may find something more nutritional than Rice Dream. I do recommend you avoid anything with soy for infants, it will add too many hormones to their diet and upset the endocrine system.
  • One problem I have with commercially prepared infant formula is all the added fats. While children need fat in their diets (which is why doctors recommend giving children under two whole milk) they don't need the added sugars that only create rolly polly fat babies and why breastfed infants are smaller and more lean.

I firmly believe that infants must have nutritionally sound food (formula), in order to develop into healthy, intelligent children. I honestly believe that commercially prepared infant formulas are unhealthy substitutes and part of the reason children who have started out this way are in very poor health.

I Hope this helps. Do keep in mind that I am not a doctor, these are my opinions and should not be taken as medical advice. I can only share my own personal observations and experiences. Your mileage may vary. :)

All my best to you and your family!

Updated November 26, 2010

The posts contained on these pages are made by regular people, with regular problems. Nothing contained on these pages should be considered medical advice -- we are not medical professionals. We are simply parents sharing our experiences with other parents. Your mileage may vary. Please consult with your medical professional for help with your medical problems.

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