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Immunization News

Find the latest in immunization, vaccine news and research. Parents across the country are concerned about the mass injections our national health community inflicts on our children and rightly so. Immunization News provides current news articles, covering issues ranging from HIV and Cancer vaccines, to routine innoculations for children as well as the latest Swine Flu scare.

Get the facts before you or your children are vaccinated with any shot or nasal spray. Having a child vaccinated is the most important decision most parents will ever make. It's a decision your child will live with the results of his or her life. It's one decision you can't "do over" or take back — so make an informed one.

Vaccines: What CDC Documents and Science Reveal

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March 7, 2015

The Board of Supervisors for Los Angeles County have agreed to pay the parents of two children $800,000 after a sheriff's deputy and accompanying social workers forcibly removed them.

In their lawsuit, Sebastian Xoss and Mirtha Lopez accused the county of the "baseless, unreasonable, and unlawful" removal of their 6-year-old daughter and 8-year-old son from the hotel where they were staying on Feb. 10, 2011. They had gone to the hotel in part to escape suspected abuse of the daughter by a relative of Lopez, according to the lawsuit.


March 4, 2015

Physicians and public health officials know that recently vaccinated individuals can spread disease and that contact with the immunocompromised can be especially dangerous.

For example, the Johns Hopkins Patient Guide warns the immunocompromised to "Avoid contact with children who are recently vaccinated," and to "Tell friends and family who are sick, or have recently had a live vaccine (such as chicken pox, measles, rubella, intranasal influenza, polio or smallpox) not to visit."1

by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

March 2, 2015

They say "Everything's bigger in Texas." It appears that Texas wants the biggest and most intrusive mandatory vaccination policies in the U.S. as well, as no less than NINE bills are currently being considered in Texas for forced and coerced vaccinations.

If you live in Texas and do NOT believe that one of the things that should be "bigger in Texas" is GOVERNMENT intrusion into your private lives, then you better high tail it over to Austin this week and let lawmakers know! Lawmakers in Texas want to force EVERYONE to register with the State and declare their vaccine status!

March 2, 2015

The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) is on its way to approve a licence application from PaxVax Australia (PaxVax) for the intentional release of a GMO vaccine consisting of live bacteria into the environment in Queensland, South Australia.

According to the regulator, it qualifies as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of the Gene Technology Act 2000 (the Act). PaxVax is seeking approval to conduct the clinical trial of a genetically modified live bacterial vaccine against cholera. Once underway the trial is expected to be completed within one year, with trial sites selected from local government areas (LGAs) in Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia. PaxVax has proposed a number of control measures they say will restrict the spread and persistence of the GM vaccine and its introduced genetic material, however there is always a possiblity of these restrictions failing and infecting wildlife and ecosystems.

by Mike Adams

March 1, 2015

A petition calling for the prohibition of laws requiring mandatory vaccines has been throttled by the White House, buried from public view and finally frozen for over 36 hours to prevent the petition from achieving 100,000 signatures.

The petition, which was rapidly headed toward the 100,000 signatures needed to trigger a response from the White House, was frozen mid-day Friday and has remained stuck at 56,791 signatures for over 36 hours.

by Arjun Walia

February 15, 2015

More and more parents around the globe are choosing to opt out of vaccinating themselves and their children. As a result of this trend that's been gaining more and more momentum, a harsh response has come from the "pro-vaccine" community.

At the end of the day it's not really about "pro-vaccination" or "anti-vaccination," it's not one "against" the other or about pointing fingers and judgement, it's simply about looking at all of the information from a neutral standpoint. It's about asking questions and communicating so people can make the best possible decisions for themselves and their children. Parents love their kids and the vaccine "controversy" has made it difficult for many parents to know what to do.

by Christopher Cantwell

February 11, 2015

Vaccines are in the news again, and as usual, the debate is less than productive. On one side we see people saying vaccines are ineffective and or dangerous.

Perhaps a government plot to enrich crony capitalists, or even reduce the population. On the other side sits the witless oblivious masses, who accept whatever they are told by government and the medical establishment. They propose solutions ranging from forcing everyone to be vaccinated as the State deems fit, to "nudging" and providing barriers to exception rules.

by Giving Vaccine Companies A Captive Market

February 10, 2015

If I were still a practicing ob-gyn and one of my patients said she was not going to vaccinate her child, I might try to persuade her to change her mind. But, if I were unsuccessful, I would respect her decision.

Those who are willing to make an "exception" to the principle that parents should make health care decisions for their children should ask themselves when in history has a "limited" infringement on individual liberty stayed limited. By ceding the principle that individuals have the right to make their own health care decisions, supporters of mandatory vaccines are opening the door for future infringements on health freedom.

February 5, 2015

Gov. Jerry Brown, who preserved religious exemptions to state vaccination requirements in 2012, on Wednesday appeared open to legislation that would eliminate all but medical waivers.

The governor's new flexibility highlighted a growing momentum toward limiting vaccination exemptions partly blamed for the state's worst outbreak of measles since 2000 and flare-ups of whooping cough and other preventable illnesses.

by Brian Shilhavy

February 5, 2015

The current measles outbreak and measles vaccines are a hot topic of debate raging in both the mainstream and alternative media. However, it would appear that the mainstream media's reporting on this issue is leaving out some very important facts.

Given the severity of the issue and the current rhetoric, which includes some in the mainstream media calling for criminal prosecution and incarceration of parents who refuse the measles vaccine, it is very important that all the facts involving the measles vaccine are revealed to the public. Unfortunately, one topic in the discussion about measles vaccines that the mainstream media is completely ignoring is the fact that whistleblowers have come forward to reveal massive fraud connected with the current measles vaccine.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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