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Immunization News

Find the latest in immunization, vaccine news and research. Parents across the country are concerned about the mass injections our national health community inflicts on our children and rightly so. Immunization News provides current news articles, covering issues ranging from HIV and Cancer vaccines, to routine innoculations for children as well as the latest Swine Flu scare.

Get the facts before you or your children are vaccinated with any shot or nasal spray. Having a child vaccinated is the most important decision most parents will ever make. It's a decision your child will live with the results of his or her life. It's one decision you can't "do over" or take back — so make an informed one.

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 Title   Date   Author   Host 

International Herald Tribune

April 21, 2008

Polio cases in Nigeria have nearly doubled this year as officials struggle to fight various natural strains of the virus and those unleashed by the vaccine itself.

Outbreaks linked to the vaccine, as opposed to the "wild," or naturally occurring, polio virus, are usually stamped out within months. But in Nigeria, the outbreak caused by the vaccine has been ongoing since 2005. Low immunization rates, a weak health system and vaccine rumors have fueled a worrying spike in the numbers of paralyzed children.


by Dr. Joseph Mercola

April 25, 2008

13-year old Michelle Cedillo is at the center of a court case pitting thousands of families of children with autism against the medical establishment.

While a number of prestigious medical institutions say there is no link between vaccines and autism, the families believe vaccines caused their children's autism, and have taken their case to court.

New York Times

by Gardiner Harris

May 13, 2008

The United States Court of Federal Claims is considering whether the government should pay millions of dollars to the parents of some 4,800 autistic children.

Every major study and scientific organization to examine the issue has found no link between vaccination and autism, but the parents and their advocates have persisted. The claims are being heard in a special court set up by Congress 20 years ago when a series of scares nearly crippled the vaccine industry. The hearing is expected to last two to three weeks, and a decision is not expected until next year.


by Alice Park

May 21, 2008

Parents worried that vaccines trigger autism are increasingly declining the shots for their kids.

Spurred by claims that vaccinations can be linked to autism, increasing numbers of parents are raising questions about whether vaccines, far from panaceas, are actually harmful to children.

Med India

May 24, 2008

Raj Gupta, barely 14 months old is receiving treatment for polio at the Indira Gandhi Memorial hospital, Bhiwandi. He is suffering from an attack of polio, the wild polio strain (P3).

The state of Bhiwandi is home to large numbers of migrant populations. This is the second case of polio reported from Mumbai during this year. Nearly 1500 families in Bhiwandi have not responded positively to the efforts of health workers to administer the oral polio vaccine.

Houston Chronicle

by Terri Langford and Lisa Sandberg

May 28, 2008

A state requirement that children in foster care be inoculated against disease has prompted another round of headaches for lawyers who represent 464 children taken from a polygamist ranch last month.

Most children are immunized against diseases including chicken pox, polio, measles and smallpox before they start school. But many, if not most of the children of the Yearning For Zion ranch, have not been immunized. All are homeschooled on the 1,700-acre ranch north of Eldorado.

World Net Daily (CA)

June 30, 2008

Anaphylactic shock, foaming at mouth, grand mal convulsion, coma and now paralyzed are a few of the startling descriptions included in a new federal report describing the complications from Merck Co.'s Gardasil.

The document was obtained from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration by Judicial Watch, a Washington group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, and it has details of 10 deaths just since September.

The Arizona Republic

by Kelly McGrath

September 7, 2008

Three out of four Arizona toddlers have received a recommended series of vaccinations against measles, polio and other diseases, according to estimates released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The CDC's survey, covering 2007, involved children born between January 2004 and July 2006. It found that 75.2 percent of toddlers in Arizona had received the vaccines, up from 70.6 percent in the 2006 survey. Maryland had the highest rate at 91.3 percent; Nevada was lowest at 63.1 percent. The national average was 77.4 percent.

Scripps Howard News Service

by Betsy Hart

January 15, 2009

Here we go again: The pharmaceutical maker Merck is seeking approval from the FDA for boys as young as 9 to get the Gardasil vaccine, which prevents some strains of the Human Papilloma Virus (or HPV).

This is not a case against giving kids of either sex the vaccine for reasons of principle, though such reasons might suffice. The vaccine, targeted to children and very young teens, is new. (We don't even know if it will be effective beyond 5 years or so.) So, giving it to my child? No.

Change the World

by Dan Olmsted

January 15, 2009

Autism Explosion Followed Big Change in MMR Shot

In 1990, Merck & Co., manufacturer of the mumps-measles-rubella vaccine known as the MMR, made a significant but little-noticed change: It quadrupled the amount of mumps virus in the combination shot, from 5,000 to 20,000 units. Then in 2007 it reversed course, reducing the amount to 12,500 units.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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