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Immunization News

Find the latest in immunization, vaccine news and research. Parents across the country are concerned about the mass injections our national health community inflicts on our children and rightly so. Immunization News provides current news articles, covering issues ranging from HIV and Cancer vaccines, to routine innoculations for children as well as the latest Swine Flu scare.

Get the facts before you or your children are vaccinated with any shot or nasal spray. Having a child vaccinated is the most important decision most parents will ever make. It's a decision your child will live with the results of his or her life. It's one decision you can't "do over" or take back — so make an informed one.

Vaccines: What CDC Documents and Science Reveal

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by Annabelle Bamforth

May 22, 2017

A Texas bill to speed up medical exams for foster children turned into a debate over who makes decisions for your children - parents or the state.

Legislators in Texas have been working toward passing a host of laws to reform the state's Child Protective Services agency. New legislation has been crafted to improve the agency which has seen multiple dilemmas resulting in detrimental safety problems for children in the state. There have been several bills introduced this year aimed at improving the agency. One bill, in particular, House Bill 39, seeks in part to require medical exams to be performed more quickly on children who have been newly placed into the foster care system. HB 39, introduced by Rep. Gene Wu (D-Houston), would mandate that the state's Department of Family Protective Services schedule a medical examination for children who have been in temporary state custody for longer than three business days. Children in rural locations would be required to receive a medical exam within seven business days.

February 10, 2017

There doesn't appear to be a direct command or directive that says, "Do not vaccinate yourself or your children". However, I believe that there are scriptures and principles from which you can derive that unspoken directive.

We must be very careful with pharmaceutical drugs. Pharmacy comes from the Greek word pharmakeia means witchcraft, sorcery. These are the main meanings: a) the use or administering of drugs b) poisoning c) sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it. Some medications are plant based, others synthetic chemicals.

by Michael Edwards

February 8, 2017

Detoxing from vaccines is a process without a definite timeline. Think of it as an ongoing journey. Toxin accumulation, especially heavy metals like mercury, can take a long time to remove from the body.

If you've been vaccinated and suffer from serious vaccination damage, you're best off living a lifestyle that promotes detoxification for the rest of your life. The truth is, you may never be able to dispel all of the toxins that have caused the damage. Living the healthiest possible lifestyle may be your only way to live symptom-free. But then again, to one degree or another, this is true for everyone.

by Ginger Taylor, MS

February 8, 2017

This past week, President-Elect Trump invited Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to discuss Mr. Kennedy leading a vaccine safety commission. The mainstream media coverage of the meeting was widespread and furious.

The vaccine industry and its media lap dogs do not want their corruption exposed in any official forum, and they have pointed their fury at Mr. Trump and Mr. Kennedy. We have seen a great deal of media on Kennedy and his vaccine safety and corruption claims in the last week. The nice thing about that is this - because he has been in the mercury fight for so long, and started investigating the claims of moms of vaccine injured children more than a decade ago, his coverage has returned the spotlight to the corruption that was uncovered in the early days of the realization that the vaccine program was hurting our kids.

by Michelle Goldstein

November 4, 2016

If you or your child are force-vaccinated to attend daycare, work, or school, or as a member of the military, you can still ease the toxic load on your body.

Avoiding vaccines is the best line of defense against exposure to dangerous toxins. If one is faced with the necessity to vaccinate, there are several important health measures which may reduce damage. Not vaccinating when ill, and spreading out vaccinations as much as possible can reduce likelihood of vaccine damage. Use of a cold pack immediately following vaccination can help block an immune reaction. Use of vitamin C before and after vaccination is considered critical. Deciding on a protocol inclusive of several antioxidants including vitamins D3 and E is important.

October 30, 2016

It has long been known that vaccines can cause the diseases they were meant to immunise against. For instance, the live oral polio vaccination can cause polio - a disease named vaccine-associated paralytic polio.

Pregnancy was listed as a contraindication to the vaccine and they advised not getting pregnant for 3 months after an MMR vaccine has been given. Since it has been proven that the viruses are secreted in body fluid, it is reasonable to assume that close contact with a vaccinated infant would also confer risk.

by Yelena Sukhoterina

September 24, 2016

Autism rates in the US have been rising since the 1980s. In 1985 autism prevalence was 1 in 2,500, ten years later it jumped to 1 in 500, and today it is an astonishing 1 in 68 children.

More and more researchers and doctors are raising red flags as they see more evidence that this epidemic is related not only to environmental, food, and water toxins, but specifically to those in vaccinations. In 1995 , the immunization schedule for children had 19 vaccinations before the age of 16. In 2001 , that number is now 28 before the age of 18.

by Daniel Barker

September 14, 2016

As if the CDC didn't already have enough sweeping powers, the agency's new proposed regulations (if approved) will grant it unprecedented authority to do pretty much anything it wants - including detainment, forced medical treatments and forced vaccines.

The new proposed regulations can be found here, but don't expect to see a straightforward explanation of what they actually mean - despite the fact that the agency is required to give one, according to the rules set out in the 2010 Plain Language Act. In fact, although the CDC claims to have adhered to the Plain Language Act in drawing up the proposed regulations, it still requires a lot of patience and possibly some experience with complicated legalese mumbo jumbo to get at the true meaning.

by Andy Davis

September 13, 2016

As the mumps outbreak spreads in part of Arkansas, state officials should do more to minimize the disruption in the education of children who have not been vaccinated against disease, some lawmakers said Monday.

Those guidelines call for unvaccinated children to be excluded from schools where an outbreak has occurred until 26 days after the last instance of a person developing the swollen salivary glands often caused by the disease. Students who develop symptoms are excluded until the disease is not considered contagious -- five days after they develop the swollen glands.

by Eluta.Ca

September 10, 2016

Canada's doctors want legislators to get a little bit tougher on parents who don't vaccinate their kids. The Canadian Medical Association on Tuesday called for an end to non-medical exemptions in provinces that have mandatory vaccination rules.

Tommy Gerschman, a Vancouver physician, said three provinces - Ontario, Manitoba and New Brunswick - currently have laws making it mandatory for children to show proof of vaccination before they can attend school. (In other provinces and territories, the rules vary by school board, and sometimes by school or daycare centre.)

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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