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Doctor Admits Vaccine Is More Deadly Than Swine Flu Itself & Will Not Give It To His Kids! -- Fox News Report

Immunization News

Find the latest in immunization, vaccine news and research. Parents across the country are concerned about the mass injections our national health community inflicts on our children and rightly so. Immunization News provides current news articles, covering issues ranging from HIV and Cancer vaccines, to routine innoculations for children as well as the latest Swine Flu scare.

Get the facts before you or your children are vaccinated with any shot or nasal spray. Having a child vaccinated is the most important decision most parents will ever make. It's a decision your child will live with the results of his or her life. It's one decision you can't "do over" or take back — so make an informed one.

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January 8, 2016

Have you ever seen an adult autistic person? Not one who has been autistic from childhood, but a previously normal, healthy person whose mental/emotional/intellectual/social/physical function declines to a shadow of its former self?

Here's what is about to happen: Large numbers of adults will receive new hyped and mandated vaccines. They will start becoming ill if healthy, or rapidly become sicker if they already, like more than 70% of US adults, have sufficient chronic illnesses so that they are taking 5 or more prescription drugs (we are already seeing the Vaccine Holocaust, we just don't call it that - although its profiteering and predatory perpetrators know exactly what is happening).

Fox News

January 8, 2016

A tuberculosis outbreak in western Alabama has killed three adults, the state department of public health confirmed on Thursday. Since January 2014, 26 patients were diagnosed, four of which are children.

The infection rate in the town of Marion is greater than those in many third world countries, public health officials said. "This is a case rate of 253 per 100,000 population in the town of Marion. This far exceeds the TB case rate of 2.5 per 100,000 in the whole state of Alabama in 2015," the department stated in a media release.

January 8, 2016

Polio is a landmark disease in the world of vaccines. It is the most referred to disease by vaccine proponents attempting to make a case for the dissemination of all vaccines worldwide.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation notoriously puts billions into vaccines with a large basis being from "polio almost being eliminated." I've argued passionately and frequently that if we put billions into better sanitation projects around the world, we'd be far better off. The interesting thing now, however, is that polio isn't gone. And that might not have as much to do with the unvaccinated and unsanitary as it does with the vaccinated themselves. We are consistently led to believe that polio's near eradication is only 'near' due to limited vaccine availability. But now mainstream researchers are beginning to see a trend: that the polio cases which are occurring are being spawned from the polio vaccines themselves. The vaccines pitched as a way to stop polio are merely fueling it's existence.

by Jonathan Benson

December 16, 2015

If Monsanto, the most evil corporation in the world, were a person, his name would be Bill Gates. Yes, the Microsoft founder-turned-icon of Third World humanitarianism is an absolute crook, and an utterly vile one at that.

The Supreme Courts of India are currently conducting an extensive investigation into the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's devious actions abroad, which mainly involve testing deadly vaccines on poor, and oftentimes illiterate, children in developing nations without informed consent. According to Health Impact News, the case focuses specifically on illicit human experimentation that occurred with the two available vaccines for HPV, Cervarix (GlaxoSmithKline) and Gardasil (Merck & Co.).

by Hipsxxhearts

December 14, 2015

I'm tired. I'm actually worn out. Last week I held a birthday party at a local kid's place in town for my 9 year old boy. I paid for a stack of game tickets for the kids to use to play the various games.

"I want you to know that this will have to be our last time attending any event with your child unless you can comply with proper vaccination ethics. I just wanted to tell you this in person, we feel it is a risk to be here in the first place but I felt strongly that we should take that risk because it could potentially end in you making the right decision which is better for all of us."

by Jeffrey Kluger

December 10, 2015

Now and then, in just the right situations, there's a lot to be said for intolerance-especially when it comes to the safety of kids.

We don't tolerate bullying in schools on the false belief that a few scuffles can build character. We don't tolerate smoking on playgrounds because parents should have the right to determine the tobacco habits of their second-graders.

December 8, 2015

It's happening. The momentum has shifted. Office workers are now being fired for refusing to take flu shots. Remember when many of us thought it would only be school children?

The pendulum has finally swung in a direction that's not good for us at all. Lutheran Social Ministries has fired three office workers for refusing to get a flu shot or comply with donning surgical masks. All three women are considered to be healthy and worked in the accounting departments. They were OFFICE WORKERS, not nurses or Doctors or laboratory technicians. This is an important distinction to make because it represents a philosophical change and prompts a serious overstepping of our labor rights. According to, the women intend to sue, however the Ministries position in terminating the women is strongly supported by Legal Scholars (so far).

by Mary Kay Linge

November 15, 2015

Defiant parents, furious at the city's new mandate forcing flu vaccines on preschoolers, are plotting to buck the system.

Delay tactics, temporary home schools and a petition are following the lawsuit filed last week to halt Health Department rules requiring a flu shot or a live-virus nasal spray for children under 5 who attend city schools and day-care centers.

by Nguyen Quoc - Translated by Uyen Phuong

November 12, 2015

Health experts confirmed the deaths of two babies after five-in-one Quinvaxem vaccine in past week were caused by anaphylactic shock.

The two babies in the northern province of Hai Duong and the central province of Nghe An died after being vaccinated with the 5-in-1 vaccine Quinvaxem -the South Korean made vaccine meant to prevent five common, potentially fatal childhood diseases: diphtheria (D), tetanus (T), pertussis (P, whooping cough), hepatitis B (HepB), and Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib).

by Norma Erickson

November 11, 2015

Joel Gomez received a Merck Gardasil vaccine on June 19, 2013 and again on August 19, 2013, and died in his sleep the following day on August 20, 2013. The death was caused in fact by receiving the Gardasil Vaccine.

The record shows that Joel Gomez, the decedent, a 14-year old healthy boy who had regular visits to the pediatrician's office for periodic check-ups since birth showed no evidence of any pre-existing health issues, specifically no evidence of cardiac abnormalities, psychological disorders or substance abuse. The teenager had been training for the high school football team from four to five hours a day for the two months prior to his death without incident.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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