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Doctor Admits Vaccine Is More Deadly Than Swine Flu Itself & Will Not Give It To His Kids! -- Fox News Report

Immunization News

Find the latest in immunization, vaccine news and research. Parents across the country are concerned about the mass injections our national health community inflicts on our children and rightly so. Immunization News provides current news articles, covering issues ranging from HIV and Cancer vaccines, to routine innoculations for children as well as the latest Swine Flu scare.

Get the facts before you or your children are vaccinated with any shot or nasal spray. Having a child vaccinated is the most important decision most parents will ever make. It's a decision your child will live with the results of his or her life. It's one decision you can't "do over" or take back — so make an informed one.

Vaccines: What CDC Documents and Science Reveal

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by Celia Farber

October 11, 2015

When her son Bently was six months old, she took him in for a round of vaccinations to his local clinic, in Fort Worth, Texas, where she lived then...

She began to speak, and tell her shocking story. When her son Bently was six months old, she took him in for a round of vaccinations to his local clinic, in Fort Worth, Texas, where she lived then. She had delayed giving him his two-month shots, so his immune system could develop a bit more, and she felt confident that he would fare better now that he was six months old. The pediatrician that day was telling her how important vaccinations were, and how many children died without them in his native country in Africa. He described how mothers would line up to get the shots for their babies, and that many had to have 10 children, just to have a few that survived infancy. Totally unbeknownst to his mother, Bently received a staggering 13 vaccinations that day, including two triple doses of DTap, Hepatitis B, a polio shot, three oral rotavirus doses, and a pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine. It was all compressed into three shots and one oral dose. It took the nurses half an hour to prepare all the shots Bently received. The pediatrician told Alisa that her boy perfectly healthy-that he showed above average strength in his stomach and legs.

October 11, 2015

Daesh Takfiri terrorists have disrupted a national polio vaccination campaign in three districts of Afghanistan's eastern province of Nangarhar, local officials say.

Kamawal added that Daesh terrorists have shut down 10 health care centers in the districts, "and people there face a lot of issues." A number of religious leaders and civil society activists in Nangarhar have denounced the move by Daesh terrorists as "an act of oppression against the children."

by Vicky O. Misa

October 11, 2015

Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) has announced that county health departments will begin offering flu vaccines statewide on Monday in preparation for the flu season.

Of the 114 flu deaths reported in Oklahoma, 86 of them were seniors over age 65. In the same age group, there were 1,354 hospitalizations in the state as a result of flu. The total of Oklahoma flu-related hospitalizations numbered 2,299 for 2014-2015. In the United States, flu season generally starts in October and tapers off around May. Seasonal flu activity usually peaks in January or February.

by Clicking This Button

October 4, 2015

DR BOB SEARS, a paediatrician from Orange County, California, does not like to call his patients "free-riders". True, he specialises in treating vaccine-sceptics, those families who resent being told to immunise their children against nasty diseases.

What Dr Bob does like to say is that, right now, many parents are very upset. This is because state legislators recently passed America's strictest vaccination law. This not only mandates a fixed regime of vaccinations for children who wish to attend public or private school. It also eliminates a parent's right to a Personal Belief Exemption (PBE), a claim that they cannot vaccinate children for religious or philosophical reasons.

by Megan Heimer

September 27, 2015

If you're young, and you don't support vaccines, you've probably been told at least a few dozen times that the reason you don't vaccinate is because you've had the luxury of living in a time where "vaccine preventable diseases" aren't prevalent.

Just ask a grandparent or someone who had polio and they'll tell you the story of how vaccines saved the day and just how devastating measles and chicken pox really were. Their testimonies are valid...unless of course you actually have a grandparent whose lived an entire century and can tell you how things really were, or you have a friend who had polio and doesn't support the polio vaccine. Their testimonies don't count.

by Jane Meredith Adams

September 24, 2015

In Orange County, home to the Disneyland measles outbreak that spread to seven other states and fueled a strict California vaccination law this year.

Attorneys for the Orange County Department of Education have stated that the new vaccination requirements apply equally to special education students, a group that some thought would be exempt because of their federally protected right to educational services. "The law doesn't say (special education students) are exempt," said Ronald Wenkart, general counsel for the Orange County Department of Education and the author of the memo.

by Lisa Joyce Goes

September 20, 2015

Cleaning out my files and I found this document compiled by my friend Ginger Taylor. 30 studies that show a link between vaccines and autism. What you hear on TV, from the CDC, the IOM, the AAP and the NIH is nothing more than eisegesis.

It is an often repeated fallacy that there is no research that supports the supposition that vaccines can cause autism. This talking point is most often repeated by medical personnel and public health officials who have simply never been told that these studies exist, and in some cases by those who refuse to read the information when it is offered to them, so they continue to labor under the false assumption that vaccine autism causation is merely an "internet rumor" or a result of one paper that was published in 1998.

July 29, 2015

A nurse told me to call my family. It is very difficult to tell your children good-bye forever. It was the most heartbreaking moment of my life.

Lisa Marks Smith was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio. She is married and the mother of two sons. She is self-employed, working for Icon Beauty. Following her flu shot and near death experience in 2005, she learned about alternative therapies that have helped ease some of the problems of post-infectious myositis. When not advocating against mass vaccination policies, she spends time with her family, makes jewelry, and enjoys being alive.

July 29, 2015

I've been asked this many times. It's an understandable question, coming from those who are shocked to learn that people even consider bucking the medical system and their infamous childhood vaccine schedule.

To some, I may seem like some sort of modern day renegade; some kind of rogue in a vast wilderness of pharmaceutical influence. I suppose I am different, although I don't feel that way most of the time. What may set me(and millions of others) apart is how I reached this decision. There is not one sole reason that I've stopped vaccinating my kids; there are many reasons. I've been researching this topic in depth for quite a while now(spurred on by an adverse reaction my second child had to her twelve month round of shots), and I've come to the eye opening realization that the rabbit hole is much deeper than most people realize. I have many reasons for not trusting common vaccine science, but there are ten reasons that I feel compelled to specifically address whenever the topic comes up.

July 24, 2015

In recent news, we've seen the mysterious deaths disappearances of numerous alternative and holistic physicians and a recent video may explain why.

According to the video researcher, GcMAF is a naturally occurring process in the human body. It starts off as a Gc protein. The Gc protein in an absolutely healthy human being will create its own, natural Gc Macrophage Activating Factor (GcMAF) to help protect the human immune system. What is being found by these doctors is that something is being introduced into the human body that is called Nagalase. This Nagalase protein is this: Nagalase is a protein made by all cancer cells and viruses (HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, influenza, herpes, Epstein-Barr virus, and others).

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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