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Doctor Admits Vaccine Is More Deadly Than Swine Flu Itself & Will Not Give It To His Kids! -- Fox News Report

Immunization News

Find the latest in immunization, vaccine news and research. Parents across the country are concerned about the mass injections our national health community inflicts on our children and rightly so. Immunization News provides current news articles, covering issues ranging from HIV and Cancer vaccines, to routine innoculations for children as well as the latest Swine Flu scare.

Get the facts before you or your children are vaccinated with any shot or nasal spray. Having a child vaccinated is the most important decision most parents will ever make. It's a decision your child will live with the results of his or her life. It's one decision you can't "do over" or take back — so make an informed one.

Vaccines: What CDC Documents and Science Reveal

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by Nguyen Quoc - Translated by Uyen Phuong

November 12, 2015

Health experts confirmed the deaths of two babies after five-in-one Quinvaxem vaccine in past week were caused by anaphylactic shock.

The two babies in the northern province of Hai Duong and the central province of Nghe An died after being vaccinated with the 5-in-1 vaccine Quinvaxem -the South Korean made vaccine meant to prevent five common, potentially fatal childhood diseases: diphtheria (D), tetanus (T), pertussis (P, whooping cough), hepatitis B (HepB), and Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib).

by Sarah Peterson

January 9, 2013

After reading about the nurses who lost their jobs in Indiana, Sarah Peterson came forward and told us her story of losing her job in Idaho for also refusing to accept mandatory vaccination for the flu shot.

I'm in Idaho. Here is my story. I never really understood what the term, "forced resignation", meant until I was forced to resign from my position at Kootenai Behavioral Health (KBH). My name is Sarah and I am a Mental Health Specialist that up until Friday, December 7th, 2012, at 3:30pm, I had worked at KBH for 17 ½ years. KBH notified its staff that it would be implementing a mandatory flu vaccination policy. Staff were given the choice to vaccinate or wear a mask for the entire flu season (which is anywhere from Oct. to April as declared by the health department). If not willing to vaccinate, staff would be required to wear that mask for up to 6 months, for 8 to 12 hours depending on work shift length, changing it every 2 hours for effectiveness.

by Julia Medew

January 20, 2015

A high-profile anti-vaccination campaigner's tour of Australia is in jeopardy after every venue booked to host her controversial seminars pulled out.

Sherri Tenpenny, an American osteopath who says vaccines are not safe and effective for children and that they are linked to conditions including autism, was booked to speak at 11 venues in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and Adelaide in February and March. However, a note on the website selling tickets for the events says the venues cancelled due to "bullying by vested interests who do not believe in informed consent, free speech and respect for other's rights, and who appear to support censorship of thought and science".

CNS News

by Lindsey Tanner

May 16, 2012

An antibiotic widely used for bronchitis and other common infections seems to increase chances for sudden deadly heart problems, a rare but surprising risk found in a 14-year study.

Zithromax, or azithromycin, is more expensive than other antibiotics, but it's popular because it often can be taken for fewer days. But the results suggest doctors should prescribe other options for people already prone to heart problems, the researchers and other experts said. Vanderbilt University researchers analyzed health records and data on millions of prescriptions for several antibiotics given to about 540,000 Tennessee Medicaid patients from 1992 to 2006. There were 29 heart-related deaths among those who took Zithromax during five days of treatment. Their risk of death while taking the drug was more than double that of patients on another antibiotic, amoxicillin, or those who took none.

News With Views

by Shane Ellison

May 23, 2007

Imagine a lobotomy...A saw cracking your skull, followed by a surgical knife slicing and dicing a large portion of your brain - the portion responsible for helping you cope with all the nastiness in the world.

You know, things like the exorbitant income tax which makes you work four months out of every year just to pay Uncle Sam. Or that invisible tax called inflation that ensures a lifetime of capitalistic slavery for you and your children. Or, the millions of helpless infants who are stabbed with vaccines and subsequently suffer from autism.

Eurek Aert

by Kristen Lidke Woodward

February 2, 2006

If the United States were to launch an annual influenza-vaccination program among the nation's school children, resources also should go to evaluate the program's success in reducing community-wide flu transmission.

Performing such an evaluation would be a crucial step in laying the groundwork to help the nation stage an organized response to a flu pandemic, assert M. Elizabeth Halloran, M.D., D.Sc., and Ira M. Longini Jr., Ph.D., both members of the Hutchinson Center's Public Health Sciences Division and professors of biostatistics at the University of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine.

Seven News (AU)

October 30, 2005

International health experts and disaster management coordinators will discuss cooperation in the event of a bird flu outbreak at a major conference to begin in Brisbane.

Delegates at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting on Monday are expected to consider issues such as border closures, anti-viral drugs and how to maintain essential services during an outbreak. The two-day "Avian and Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response" conference follows reports last week of China's third bird flu outbreak in two weeks.

CNS News

by Nedra Pickler

November 8, 2011

A conservative-leaning panel of federal appellate judges is upholding President Barack Obama's health care law as constitutional, helping set up a Supreme Court fight.

by Mariasmith76

September 7, 2012

One of the worst times for parents is when they have to take their kids into the doctor's office knowing they must get shots.

Parents worry about the pain of the needle (and their child's reaction to that pain), but also about what is in the vaccine shot and how their child will react to it. After a now-debunked 1998 paper by a British scientist claiming vaccinations caused autism, many parents fear any vaccination and have opted out of them for their child. Instead, they search for "natural" ways for their child to gain a resistance to common childhood diseases. They have their child ingest specific vitamins and minerals that are supposed to raise the child's immunity levels.

by Occupy Monsanto

September 19, 2012

The organic debate...

If you're buying organic simply because you think it's a healthier option, think again. A recent Stanford University study concluded that fruist and vegetables labeled organic were, on average, no more nutritious than their conventional counterparts. That said, many Americans cite other reasons for buying organic.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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