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Medical Health News

We have some real problems and they are only going to get worse. We have a right to know what we are eating. People are getting allergies, this isn't normal folks. If we don't pay attention to what's happening, in our food supply, to our farmers, the plants, and ultimately our grocery store we are going to wake up one day and realize we trusted the health of our children and the health of our families to the government. And the government let us down.

Barbara O'neill - Natural remedies

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 Title   Date   Author   Host 

Business Wire (CA)

July 16, 2011

Work Begins on First-Ever Web-Based Child Immunization Registry in Orange County; Orange County is Only County in So. California Without a County-Wide Registry

An immunization registry is a web-enabled information system that functions as a source for providers of complete patient immunization histories and serves to assess patients' immunization needs, reminds patients, parents and providers when immunizations are due, and allows providers to view the patients' histories from any medical clinic facility.


by JoNel Aleccia

May 22, 2012

Nearly 1,000 dogs reportedly have been sickened by chicken jerky pet treats from China, according to a new tally of complaints from worried owners and veterinarians submitted to federal health officials.

The Food and Drug Administration has logged some 900 reports of illnesses and deaths since November, when it warned owners about continued problems with the products known variously as chicken jerky strips, treats and nuggets, a spokeswoman said. Back then, the agency already had heard from 70 owners about problems ranging from vomiting and diarrhea to kidney failure and other serious ailments after animals reportedly consumed the treats. Since then, complaints have mounted steadily, putting growing pressure on the FDA to solve the problem.

by U.S. News

December 6, 2011

An Ohio third-grader weighing more than 200 pounds has been taken from his family and placed into foster care when county social workers said his mother wasn't doing enough to control his weight.

The Plain Dealer reports that the 8-year-old is considered severely obese and at risk for diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. The Ohio Health Department estimates more than 12 percent of third-graders statewide are severely obese. The removal of the Cleveland child is the first state officials can recall of a child being put in foster care for a strictly weight-related issue.

by Nick Meyer

September 1, 2016

My name is Robert, and I am a Cornell University undergraduate student. However, I'm not sure if I want to be one any more. Allow me to explain.

Cornell, as an institution, appears to be complicit in a shocking amount of ecologically destructive, academically unethical, and scientifically deceitful behavior. Perhaps the most potent example is Cornell's deep ties to industrial GMO agriculture, and the affiliated corporations such as Monsanto. I'd like to share how I became aware of this troubling state of affairs.

by Cassy Fiano

January 4, 2013

Sarah Palin once warned of death panels resulted from socialized medicine. She was mocked for the label, but the United Kingdom's NHS hospitals are seemingly striving to prove that Palin was correct.

The Liverpool Care Pathway has become notorious for its supposed end-of-life treatment. Over time, it has come to light that the so-called end-of-life "care" really consists of slowly starving and dehydrating patients to death, even children, who are put on the pathway not for being terminally ill, but simply for being disabled. Now, more shocking news has come to the surface. It turns out that half of all patients placed on the pathway are not informed.

by Tom Dennen

May 9, 2013

The United States is now firmly entering the eighth stage of all civilizations ~ Dependence with only Bondage ahead of it.

Apathy has allowed our constitution to be shredded in stage seven which led to our current state of Dependence on the state ~ but soon an IRS monitored Obamacare program of 'Shared responsibility, or else' will usher in the Orwellian ninth stage of militarized Bondage.

by Occupy Monsanto

February 14, 2013

This is the English subtitled trailer of the full film on Séralini's study, which is the only long-term study on the commercialized GM maize NK603 and the pesticide (Roundup) it is designed to be grown with.

Seralini designed his 2012 study as a direct followup of a previous study on the same NK603 maize conducted by Monsanto to support its application for regulatory authorization. Monsanto's study was a 90-day rat feeding trial on NK603. Monsanto published the results of its test in 2004,1 the same year that the maize was authorized in the EU. Differences were found in the GM-fed rats, but the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) claimed that the differences were "of no biological significance" and that the maize was as safe as non-GM maize. Seralini's team obtained Monsanto's raw data and re-analyzed it. They found signs of liver and kidney toxicity in the GM-fed rats, publishing their findings in a peer-reviewed journal in 2009.

The Real Revo

by Jim22

July 22, 2011

Here is a cute video which explains that the United States will not default on its obligations if the debt ceiling is not raised.

Then it poses the question, "Mr. President, if you are not going to pay the bills, what do you intend to do with the $181 Billion that comes in every month? Good question.

by Steven Ertelt

April 26, 2012

In what is becoming a more common theme, doctors rushed too fast to attempt to take the organs of a man who was thought to be "brain dead" but recovered - this time thanks in part to the dedication of his family.

by Kat Arney

February 22, 2016

As an organisation dedicated to beating cancer, we have a deep-rooted interest in any new research developments that could lead to new, more effective treatments for the disease.

So when we received an enquiry from a supporter about an article entitled "Cancer cured for good" by Bill Sardi and Timothy Hubbell* we were intrigued. The article talks about research by Nobuto Yamamoto in the US, looking at a protein called Gc-MAF (aka GcMAF). His published studies appear to show that injections of very small amounts of Gc-MAF can "cure" people with breast, bowel and prostate cancer.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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