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We have some real problems and they are only going to get worse. We have a right to know what we are eating. People are getting allergies, this isn't normal folks. If we don't pay attention to what's happening, in our food supply, to our farmers, the plants, and ultimately our grocery store we are going to wake up one day and realize we trusted the health of our children and the health of our families to the government. And the government let us down.

Barbara O'neill - Natural remedies

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by Marissa Harshman

December 17, 2016

Rhett Earhart lies calmly as chiropractor Cecelia Mikles runs her hands down his spine. When Mikles reaches the bottom of his spine, she notices a little curve to the left. She extends Rhett's legs so they're straight and checks their length.

Rhett, who is 13 months old, is just learning to walk. But he's been a patient of Mikles since he was just 6 days old. "I just want him to be healthy," Dearey said. The Vancouver mom isn't alone in that desire, nor is she alone in seeking infant chiropractic care. A 2007 study estimates there are 30 million pediatric chiropractic visits each year.

by Sonia Azad

December 17, 2016

If you have chronic pain in your neck or back, you know how miserable it feels day-to-day. Perhaps your options have whittled down to pain killers, anti-inflammatories, physical therapy or surgery.

There is no cracking or aggressive movement involved in NSA. Lewis and business partner Amy Gunderson focus on gentle, precise touch to your spine and the connective tissues around it. "I honestly was at a point where I was willing to try anything," said Madeline Kiefer, who calls NSA a lifesaver.

December 17, 2016

For people who take an antihistamine such as Benadryl for a cold or allergies, drowsiness is often a welcome side effect. But a Baylor College of Medicine sleep expert cautions against turning to this type of medication as a sleep aid.

"Many allergy sufferers know that antihistamines work for their symptoms but also make them sleepy. People sometimes turn to these medications to help them sleep, even when they're not sick. But the use of medication to force children or adults to sleep is generally not the best idea," said Dr. Philip Alapat, assistant professor of medicine.

by Mark Matthews

December 17, 2016

A homeless woman who gave birth in Golden Gate Park says Child Protective Services is stepping in to take her baby.

Berman and her boyfriend, Jack Stroube, both said they planned to get a home in Santa Cruz. The couple planned to pay for it relying on donations from strangers. "Based on what I've heard from the people who are interested in the fundraising that flipping burgers is not going to be a requirement," Stroube said.

by Cara Comini

December 17, 2016

Folic acid, found in multis, prenatals and fortified foods, is synthetic and responsible for many health woes especially those with the MTHFR gene mutation.

That nutrient was folate. Folate, vitamin B9, is a water soluble vitamin used in just about every process in the body. It breaks down, builds, and uses proteins. It's used in red blood cell production, DNA synthesis, and many more functions. Lack of it in pregnancy leads to neural tube defects including spina bifida and anencephaly. Lack of it in childhood and adulthood leads to growth problems, neurological problems, anemia, low white blood cell count, and more.

December 13, 2016

The Cloudbuster as designed by Wilhelm Reich did something amazingly well-it absorbed the negative orgone energy that surrounds us and induced rain. It made rain happen.

The main trouble with Wilhelm Reich's Cloudbuster was that because it pulled negative orgone energy from the space surrounding it, the cloudbuster accumulated, and soon became saturated with, negative orgone energy.

December 13, 2016

The winter blues and lack of sunshine can take a toll, but seasonal affective disorder is even more serious. Fortunately, there are natural ways to stop SAD

The winter blues are well known and quite common - after all, these months come packed with a lot of holidays that can be emotionally draining. Combine that with minimal time in the sunshine, especially if you work in an office, and cold weather that seems to scream "stay home and get in a blanket," and it's no wonder that people tend to be a bit anti-social and grumpy from November until about April.

December 8, 2016

With the onset of winter and sudden drop in temperature, scores of people are falling prey to upper respiratory tract infections, asthma and skin-related problems.

The cold air triggers lot of health problems such as asthma, viral, sore throat, sinusitis etc. and such ill conditions leads to a lot of medical attention during the season. During such disorders, most people opt for home remedies, of them judicious usage of salt is the most common remedy for immediate relief.

by Claire Goodall

December 6, 2016

High blood pressure-also known as hypertension or "the silent killer"-affects 1 in 3 adult Americans, or roughly 67 million people, and that number only continues to grow. 90-95% of cases are known as primary hypertension.

Blood and its circulation are vital to sustain life. They supply crucial nutrients and oxygen to all the cells and organs in our body. They also remove waste and carbon dioxide. When the heart beats it creates pressure that pushes blood through your arteries and veins. This pressure, if you haven't guessed, is our blood pressure. Two forces pump the blood through our bodies, the first being created by the heart pumping blood out into the arteries, and the second occurs when the heart rests between beats and blood is drawn back into the muscle. When your blood pressure rises, damage can occur that upsets this system.

by Jane Sheppard

December 6, 2016

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), also known as crib death or cot death, is the number one cause of death for infants from one month to one year of age. 90% of all SIDS deaths are in babies under six months old.

Dr. James Sprott, OBE, a New Zealand scientist and chemist, states that crib death is caused by toxic gases, which can be generated from a baby's mattress. He says chemical compounds containing phosphorus, arsenic and antimony have been added to mattresses as fire retardants and for other purposes since the early 1950's. A fungus that commonly grows in bedding can interact with these chemicals to create poisonous gases (Richardson 1994).

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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