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Medical Health News

We have some real problems and they are only going to get worse. We have a right to know what we are eating. People are getting allergies, this isn't normal folks. If we don't pay attention to what's happening, in our food supply, to our farmers, the plants, and ultimately our grocery store we are going to wake up one day and realize we trusted the health of our children and the health of our families to the government. And the government let us down.

Barbara O'neill - Natural remedies

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 Title   Date   Author   Host 

World Net Daily (KS)

February 15, 2006

Shockingly unsanitary conditions discovered at an abortion clinic in which the proprietor was accused of eating a fetus have prompted consideration of a bill by the Kansas Legislature to tighten up regulations for all medical facilities.

Last spring, Krishna Rajanna's abortion clinic in Kansas City was raided after former employees made allegations of coffee cups full of syringes, medical tools stored near toilets and fetuses stored in refrigerators used by employees for lunches. At least one employee claimed to have witnessed Rajanna microwaving a fetus and mixing it into his own lunch.

The Jerusalem Post

by Aaron Wenner

February 11, 2006

Following the deaths of at least six dogs after consuming tainted dog food, representatives of the animal rights group Let the Animals Live are calling for a lawsuit against CTS, the Israeli distributor of Nutra Nuggets pet food.

The group is accusing CTS of failing to effectively publicize product recalls. 18-kg. bags marketed under the name Nutra Nuggets Performance Green and carrying an expiration date of April 11, 2007 were recalled by CTS in January, following concerns in the US that they were linked to a series of canine deaths.

News With Views

by Donna Voetee, ND

February 10, 2006

If legislators do the right thing, little ol' New Mexico is going to be the first place in the world where you won't be able to legally buy the deadliest health danger known to mankind: aspartame.

For the millions of methanol addicts who rely on their daily fix of diet soda, or for the Merisant Company who rakes in millions on aspartame yearly, this is not good news. For the rest of us, it is salvation. Aspartame is composed of the controversial genetically-engineered amino acid phenylalanine, a second component called aspartic acid that is known to cause holes in the brain similar to Alzheimer's, and finally, methanol, a very addictive form of alcohol that causes blindness.

United Press International

by Dan Olmsted

February 9, 2006

WASHINGTON -- As doctors and health authorities fight state bans on mercury in vaccines and keep giving it to kids and pregnant women, one fact stands out: their certainty.

The image of pediatricians and public officials as valiant defenders of mercury takes a bit of getting used to, given their longstanding efforts to keep the toxic element out of our food, our bodies and the environment. No reasonable person -- let alone health professional -- would advocate keeping mercury in childhood vaccines unless they were absolutely certain it was an exception to this lethal legacy.

Xinhua (China)

February 7, 2006

HONG KONG -- A ban on backyard poultry-keeping will take effect on Feb. 13, Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food Carrie Yau said here Tuesday.

Under the ban, the existing exemption for households keeping up to 20 poultry will be removed. The unauthorized keeping of poultry will be an offense warranting fines of up to 100,000 Hong Kong dollars. Meanwhile, patrols at checkpoints have been strengthened to curb poultry smuggling.

Eurek Aert

by Kristen Lidke Woodward

February 2, 2006

If the United States were to launch an annual influenza-vaccination program among the nation's school children, resources also should go to evaluate the program's success in reducing community-wide flu transmission.

Performing such an evaluation would be a crucial step in laying the groundwork to help the nation stage an organized response to a flu pandemic, assert M. Elizabeth Halloran, M.D., D.Sc., and Ira M. Longini Jr., Ph.D., both members of the Hutchinson Center's Public Health Sciences Division and professors of biostatistics at the University of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine.

United Press International

by Dan Olmsted

February 2, 2006

A Columbia University scientist plans to test whether gold salts improve the functioning of "autistic mice" -- a step toward finding whether they could help children with autism.

Dr. Mady Hornig of Columbia's Mailman School of Public Health will give the compound to mice that have been bred to be susceptible to thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative in children's immunizations until recently. Some researchers and parents believe thimerosal is implicated in the explosion of autism diagnoses over the past decade, though federal health authorities say that theory has been discredited.


February 1, 2006

We sought to evaluate the impact of intense influenza media coverage during the 2003â€"2004 influenza season on the influenza vaccination status of children 6 to 59 months of age.

Of 256 enrolled children, 98 (38%) parents reported that their child had received the 2003-2004 influenza vaccine, and 64 (65%) had confirmed influenza vaccination dates. Unlike the previous influenza season in which confirmed influenza vaccination dates from a similar study population were distributed more evenly from October through December, most children (75%) with confirmed vaccination dates received the vaccine after the media coverage in mid-November.

BBC News (UK)

January 31, 2006

A vaccine against the deadly toxin ricin is safe and effective, a US study has shown.

Ricin, extracted from castor oil beans, is one of the weapons which could be used in a bio-terror attack. US research, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggested the vaccine produced no significant side effects.

Oregon Live


January 26, 2006

Medical privacy advocates expressed horror over Providence Health System's revelation Wednesday that a car thief had walked away with the medical records of 365,000 patients across Oregon and Washington.

The thief who smashed the window of a Plymouth Voyager parked outside a Milwaukie home last month seized a trove of records containing names, addresses, Social Security numbers and intimate health information from patients receiving home services from Providence. Records of Providence hospital or clinic patients were not stolen. The records, some dating to 1987, were stored on computer disks and digital tape that a Providence employee took home and left in his car overnight. Providence officials said certain employees routinely took home records to provide readily available backup.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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