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Medical Health News

We have some real problems and they are only going to get worse. We have a right to know what we are eating. People are getting allergies, this isn't normal folks. If we don't pay attention to what's happening, in our food supply, to our farmers, the plants, and ultimately our grocery store we are going to wake up one day and realize we trusted the health of our children and the health of our families to the government. And the government let us down.

Barbara O'neill - Natural remedies

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January 5, 2006

Down syndrome is more common in the U.S. than first thought, a new CDC report finds.

ATLANTA - Down syndrome in the United States is more common than previously thought, at one case for every 733 live births, according to a new government report containing what are regarded as the most reliable estimates yet on the prevalence of 18 types of birth defects.

News Target

January 3, 2006

Months after a Texas girl was diagnosed with cancer, state authorities have decided to let her return home after a long legal battle in which Texas officials â€" not the girl's parents â€" attempted to determine her treatment.

Thirteen-year-old Katie Wernecke was diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease, a cancer of the lymph nodes, in January 2005. The teenager underwent chemotherapy after being taken to the emergency room with what her parents had suspected was pneumonia, and doctors recommended she also receive radiation treatments. However, Katie's parents, Michelle and Edward Wernecke, refused the treatments for fear it could cause complications such as an increased risk of breast cancer, learning problems or stunted physical growth. That's when Texas authorities intervened, making private matters public in a way that many feel violated parental rights as well as principles of health freedom.

Glenwood Springs Post Independent (CO)

by Brady McCombs

January 2, 2006

GREELEY - A child arrives to kindergarten who doesn't understand or speak English. An uninsured pregnant woman arrives at the hospital in labor. A man without a driver's license gets pulled over for a DUI and spends the night in jail.

The estimated 200,000-250,000 illegal immigrants living in Colorado put an extra strain on schools and the health care and criminal justice systems, officials say. But these same officials add that illegal immigrants aren't the cause or catalyst of all the woes of schools, hospitals and jails.

The Heartland Institute

by Kate McGreevy

January 1, 2006

With the percentage of U.S. children who are overweight, some health advocates question the appropriateness of a physical education program predicated on the use of computers.

According to the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE), 16 percent of the nation's youth between the ages of 6 and 19 are overweight--setting them up a greater risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. The group had not established a formal position regarding online physical education at press time. "The board of directors has placed online physical education programs on their agenda for the December board meeting," said Paula Kun, director of communications at NASPE. "The board recognizes that online physical education requires their attention and expertise."

The Mercury News (CA)

by Nicole C. Wong

December 29, 2005

Hemant Buch, founder of the California Cricket Academy, flew to India last month to recruit coaches for the upcoming youth cricket tournament in Cupertino.

The healthy 42-year-old also made an appointment for an annual check-up at Sterling Hospital in Ahmedabad, a city just north of Mumbai. The 28-step examination lasted from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., providing the medical team with enough time to assess his health in painstaking detail.


December 27, 2005

Use of antidepressants by children continued to drop sharply this year in the wake of warning labels linking the prescription drugs to suicidal behavior, according to market analyses.

The decrease signals that doctors and parents are taking a more careful look at benefits and risks of treatments for depression, says child psychiatrist David Fassler of Burlington, Vt. "Not all depressed kids need medication. There are effective therapies, especially for milder forms of depression."

VOA News

by Joe De Capua

December 26, 2005

The chief of federal AIDS research has reportedly said drug companies do not have an incentive to develop a vaccine against HIV.

The Associated Press says Dr. Edmund Tramont recently testified that drug companies are likely to wait until the government develops a vaccine - and profit from that research. The AP says Dr. Tramont testified in a recent lawsuit.

Rutland Herald (VA)

by Aziza Jamgerchinova

December 21, 2005

On the day Pablo Tufino felt the familiar sinus pressure, aching bones and weakness in his knees - symptoms of flu he gets every year - he walked into a busy Manhattan health food store for fresh carrot juice.

Tufino struck up a conversation with the cashier, telling him he was "coming down with something." The cashier pointed to a portable display that read Oscillococcinum in black bold letters. "This really works," said Tink Vien, the cashier and inventory manager at the store, East Side Health Food.

CTV (Canada)

by Ellen Pinchuk

December 18, 2005

A human rights scandal is brewing in Russia, where a group of women who spent time in a mental institution claim they were sterilized without their consent.

Oksana Koluzatova is among this group. She spent five years at a mental institution after being diagnosed as mentally handicapped. But she ran away after she was sterilized. The women -- who are mainly orphans and have no legal guardians -- claim that the doctors coerced and threatened them until they agreed to have their tubes tied to prevent them from having children.

Organic Consumers Association

December 9, 2005

Public Comment Period for this rule Closes December 12, 2005

Public comments are now being accepted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on its newly proposed federal regulation regarding the testing of chemicals and pesticides on human subjects. On August 2, 2005, Congress had mandated the EPA create a rule that permanently bans chemical testing on pregnant women and children, without exception. But the EPA's newly proposed rule, is ridden with exceptions where chemical studies may be performed on children in certain situations...

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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