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Medical Health News

We have some real problems and they are only going to get worse. We have a right to know what we are eating. People are getting allergies, this isn't normal folks. If we don't pay attention to what's happening, in our food supply, to our farmers, the plants, and ultimately our grocery store we are going to wake up one day and realize we trusted the health of our children and the health of our families to the government. And the government let us down.

Barbara O'neill - Natural remedies

Don't take your families health for granted. Whether your child has been diagnosed with autism, ADD, ADHD, or you were taking harmful drugs like Vioxx. You take your families health concerns seriously. Find the latest health news updates you can't afford to miss.

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 Title   Date   Author   Host

June 9, 2017

Learn the secrets to whiten your teeth naturally using powerful natural health products such as coconut oil, strawberries and lemon peels.

The sad truth is that some people, no matter how many times they brush their teeth, have stained teeth from habits like drinking coffee or tea and/or smoking. Oftentimes yellow- or brown-tinted teeth can also point to a larger problem: unhealthy gums, thinning enamel and overall poor dental hygiene. Whitening the teeth alone won't help protect the teeth or gums from cavities or diseases, such as gingivitis - so while white teeth are certainly a nice thing to have, it helps to keep things in perspective.

by Leigh Egan

June 9, 2017

Police say a Texas woman starved her then 4-month-old daughter and fooled people into believing that the baby had a rare disease in order to make a profit.

Dallas News reports that Katelyn Christina Carnline, 28, of Milano, Texas, raised a little over $2,000 on the fundraising website, You Caring, from unsuspecting donors, while depriving her baby girl of food and shaving her toddler son's head in order to make them appear sick.

by Rodney Habib

June 11, 2017

Today we're going to talk about allergies. You know - itchy skin, red and watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose. Allergies are a pain, and not just for us humans.

When I first got my German Shepherd, she had beautiful fluffy puppy fur, big wet nose, intense red eyes. Wait... what? Red eyes?! Yes, her eyes were red. Not because she was born that way, but because she was allergic to just about everything in her environment. Turns out my poor pup, born on a bed of hay, was allergic to not only grass, but an array of foods and microorganisms floating through the air.

June 23, 2017

You may have seen the news late last week about the latest "Presidential Advisory" on dietary fats released from the American Heart Association (AHA) published online in Circulation.

The American Heart Association was founded by a group of cardiologists in 1924. Its purpose is to fight heart disease and stroke by funding research, promoting certain public health policies, and providing education to the public. With heart disease being the leading cause of death in the United States, this is clearly important work, but their effectiveness is clouded by politics and a questionable interpretation of science. They have repeatedly promoted the replacement of saturated fat with omega-6 (inflammatory) polyunsaturated fats in order to reduce heart disease risk, a recommendation that simply has not been supported by current research.

by Diane Dietz

July 5, 2017

Salem Rep. Jodi Hack voted in favor of the program, saying her vote "is not for sale."

House Bill 3078 would also expand addiction treatment, allow 30 days additional end-of-sentence transitional leave for inmates with good behavior and shorten the one-year presumptive sentence for women convicted of first-degree theft or identity theft.

by Tim Bolen

July 12, 2017

Big Pharma Drug Lords, before Election 2016, were absolutely certain that their choice for the Presidency of the United States, Hillary Clinton, was in the bag - after all, their contributions to her candidacy.

In California they had bought the entire liberal Democrat legislature, and they passed a Mandatory Vaccine bill. They thought that would happen nationwide. It didn't - The Anti-Vaxxer Movement smashed them nationwide. SMASHED THEM. Their ownership of the liberal news media is uncontested. It didn't work for them during the election and it isn't working for them now... Insert laughter here...

July 21, 2017

The truth about the healing powers of cannabis is starting to see the light of the day in many parts of the world.

Cannabis or better known as marijuana has been used as a remedy for many centuries. Today, it is known that the reason lies in the compounds found in cannabis called cannabinoids. Some of them are psychoactive and act on the brain by changing mood or consciousness. They can be taken by mouth, inhaled, or sprayed under the tongue.

July 22, 2017

Discover the lost remedies used by our ancestors for centuries. And I'm not talking about rare and complicated insights that only a botanist knows.

Lactuca virosa, commonly called wild lettuce or opium lettuce, is a plant with psychoactive effects. Wild lettuce can be found growing freely in various regions of the world including Australia, America, Southern Europe and India. Lactuca virosa has yellow flowers and can grow to be 2 meters tall. The name of the plant stems from its "milk-juice" (lactuca) and from the word poisonous (virosa). The milky sap is bitter, and has a narcotic smell.

by Jeff Roberts

July 22, 2017

What first started as a headache, fever, and body aches, quickly escalated into an excruciating migraine, debilitating muscle stiffness, and an overwhelming sense of nausea.

I was hit with what I thought was a nasty case of the seasonal flu, and it sucked. But I powered through, drinking my liquids and following the natural recommended flu-protocol, knowing that it would all be over within a few days. My prognosis proved wrong, however. Over a week into my sickness I still couldn't eat, and I was dropping weight like a Jenny Craig story gone right. The only word I could use to describe the feeling in my stomach was "gross." My usually clear skin had broken out, and my urine and stool were also starting to look "off" to say the least, which caused some serious concern.

by Doug Heise, D.C.

July 22, 2017

Color is incomprehensible to the blind. Harmony is beyond the senses of the tone deaf. To the King, the voices of peasants are lost and unheard! So it is with the tragedy of the citizen of this advanced technological society.

Gallbladder dysfunction is one of the most common health problems encountered in chiropractic as well as medical offices today. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most misunderstood. More than 600,000 cholecystectomies are performed in this country alone every year, despite overwhelming evidence that most are unnecessary. Repeated warnings have been printed in medical journals against this practice, but to avail.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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