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We have some real problems and they are only going to get worse. We have a right to know what we are eating. People are getting allergies, this isn't normal folks. If we don't pay attention to what's happening, in our food supply, to our farmers, the plants, and ultimately our grocery store we are going to wake up one day and realize we trusted the health of our children and the health of our families to the government. And the government let us down.

Barbara O'neill - Natural remedies

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The American Spectator

by W. James Antle, III

June 29, 2011

The three-judge panel of the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the individual mandate in its first ruling on the national health care legislation President Obama signed into law.

"Congress had a rational basis for concluding that the minimum coverage provision is essential to the Affordable Care Act's larger reforms to the national markets in health care delivery and health insurance," Judge Boyce F. Martin, appointed by former President Jimmy Carter, wrote for the majority in the 2-1 ruling, the Associated Press reported. A George W. Bush appointee voted with him and a Ronald Reagan appointee dissesnted.

The American Spectator

by W. James Antle, III

June 8, 2011

Today a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals of the 11th Circuit is hearing oral arguments about the constitutionality of the federal health care bill signed into law by President Obama.

Florida has joined 25 other states and the National Federation of Independent Business in filing a lawsuit arguing that the individual mandate is unconstitutional. Just now on television I heard a supporter of the lawsuit arguing, "The issue goes beyond health care. If Congress can force people to buy a product, what can't they do?"

News With Views (OR)

by W. Scott Jorgensen

February 11, 2008

On January 29, a man from my home town of Grants Pass, Oregon made the news after receiving the wrong medications from a Walgreens pharmacy.

What made the story interesting is that the pills weren't for him, 45-year-old Michael Rae. They were for his stepdaughter-to-be, Alesha Rose, who is all of four years old.

CNS News

by Walter E. Williams

September 27, 2011

What's the common thread between Europe's financial mess, particularly among the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain), and the financial mess in the U.S.?

That question could be more easily answered if we asked instead: What's necessary to cure the financial mess in Europe and the U.S.? If European governments and the U.S. Congress ceased the practice of giving people what they have not earned, budgets would be more than balanced. For government to guarantee a person a right to goods and services he has not earned, it must diminish someone else's right to what he has earned, simply because governments have no resources of their very own.

by Walter Russell Mead

September 20, 2011

Recently I posted a short piece saying that the specter of a "Christianist" takeover of the United States is a figment of overheated imaginations, mostly on the left.

Many younger readers will have trouble believing that anybody older than Andrew Sullivan exists, but I am not only a good bit older than Mr. Sullivan, I've been immersed in American life much longer, and I can remember when the Right was really Right. I remember KKK billboards on the roadside, and I especially remember one showing a picture of Martin Luther King in a photograph captioned "Martin Luther King in a Communist training school."

Pajamas Media

by Ward Clark

October 23, 2011

Veganism dates back to 1944, when British Vegan Society co-founder Donald Watson coined the term to mean "non-dairy vegetarian." Vegans eschew animal products in food, clothing, household products, or for any other reason.

There are a variety of reasons why people "go vegan." Some simply don't like the taste of meat. Some claim veganism is "green," and that a vegan lifestyle minimizes impact on the environment. Do ethical vegans live up to this stated standard? Do their actions live up to their own stated ethical principle, that animals have the right not to be treated as property? Do their actions really result in zero animal use?

by Warner Todd Huston

February 14, 2013

President Obama's State of the Union speech was yet another opportunity to demand a new laundry list of big government programs and massive spending, but MSNBC's Chris Matthews seemed to have some trouble seeing anything "liberal" in it.

As he analyzed the speech during his February 13 broadcast, Matthews told Chuck Todd that he truly couldn't see any overtly leftist. "There's nothing lefty in here. What's the left-wing part? Objectively, was there a left wing piece to this speech last night? I mean, truly left? I didn't see it," he said. Still, even in his denial a bit of truth broke through Matthews' partisanship: "I mean, basically, he was moving the ball maybe one foot to the left of the midfield."

by Warner Todd Huston

February 12, 2013

Ahead of the President's State of the Union speech, taxpayer funded National Public Radio (NPR) tried to help the White House push the false notion that the sequestration budget cuts was conceived by Republicans.

The fact is, sequestration was invented by President Obama and pushed by Harry Reid and House Democrats, not Republicans. It is certainly true that the GOP agreed to the plan, but they did not "invent" sequestration. Even often left-leaning "fact checker" PolitiFact noted that Obama was the one that invented the sequestration budget conceit and rated "mostly false" any claim to the contrary.

by Warner Todd Huston

January 30, 2013

The Old Media is getting a little help from team Obama on how to report about Obamacare the "correct" way.

To achieve that goal, Obama operatives are setting up propaganda symposiums for journalists and giving large cash donations to journalism associations to help spread Obama's word. This Obamacare propaganda campaign seriously blurs the line between government and "journalism" and seems to be a blatant attempt by team Obama to write the media's Obamacare stories for them.

by Warner Todd Huston

January 4, 2013

The paper the Guardian has become Britain's newest champion for a minority of sorts. In a January 3 article, the UK paper has taken up the cause of pedophiles who claim they are just "ordinary members of society" that only need a little understanding.

The paper seriously presented pedophiles as but a misunderstood minority that do no real harm. As Telegraph writer Damian Thompson points out, "this is not some sick send-up" on his part. The UK Guardian is wholly serious. Guardian feature columnist Jon Henley uncritically quotes convicted pedophiles like Tom O'Carroll, who said that children enter into such "relationships" voluntarily. "If there's no bullying, no coercion, no abuse of power, if the child enters into the relationship voluntarily ... the evidence shows there need be no harm."

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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