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Medical Health News

We have some real problems and they are only going to get worse. We have a right to know what we are eating. People are getting allergies, this isn't normal folks. If we don't pay attention to what's happening, in our food supply, to our farmers, the plants, and ultimately our grocery store we are going to wake up one day and realize we trusted the health of our children and the health of our families to the government. And the government let us down.

Barbara O'neill - Natural remedies

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by Fluoride Action Network

May 11, 2005

Fluoridation fails America's children. But that didn't stop Michigan dentists from rejoicing with a special fluoridation celebration on May 12, 2005 in Grand Rapids.

Grand Rapids, Michigan, is the first municipality to enroll its residents, in a cavity-prevention human experiment, without their informed consent, 60 years ago. In 1945, fluoride was added to Grand Rapids' drinking water to see what would happen to children's teeth. But the methodologies used would embarrass any self-respecting statistician or epidemiologist today, according to a review in the journal Nature.

Med India

May 11, 2005

Scientists from UC Davis M.I.N.D. Institute had reported that the blood samples of autistic children have revealed altered proteins and components of the immunity system.

This may be the first test to be developed that can detect autism from the blood tests of children. The scientists have taken blood samples from both autistic children and normal healthy children and tested them for differences in the number and types of immune cells, proteins, peptides and metabolites in the blood drawn from them.

BBC News (UK)

May 4, 2005

Children who were under performing in class have seen an improvement in concentration and behaviour after taking a cocktail of natural oils.

More than 120 children aged between six and 12 took part in trials, funded by Durham County Council. Half used a combination of omega-3 fish oil and omega-6 evening primrose oil and half an olive oil placebo. The research showed children's learning and behaviour improved significantly when taking the natural fatty acids.

The Daily Star [Lebanon]

by Nada Bakri

April 21, 2005

The world's last missing sample of a killer influenza virus which was sent from the College of American Pathologists to the American University of Beirut was finally tracked at Beirut International Airport.

While the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) said Wednesday the sample has not been destroyed yet - unlike all the samples sent to 61 laboratories in 18 countries - Lebanese health officials said they are keeping it in a "safe place" while awaiting to reship it out of the country.

News With Views

by Charlotte Iserbyt

April 9, 2005

Sit down, folks! What you are going to hear is going to astound you. At least it did me. This is the only really good news we have ever had regarding the protection of parental and pupil rights.

This new information will strike at the heart of many destructive values- changing federal education programs, but especially at the heart of President Bush's plans to require mandatory mental health screening of our children in the government schools. (New Freedom Commission on Mental Health).

Medical News Today (UK)

April 6, 2005

A low-cost, hospital-based parent education program can reduce the incidence of abusive head injuries caused by shaken baby syndrome by nearly 50 percent.

Nurses at the hospitals were trained by nurse educators to provide pamphlets, discuss them with parents and show a short video. Nurses were to specifically seek out fathers or father-figures who are more often involved in shaken baby syndrome cases. The parents were then asked to sign commitment statements, which also gathered demographic and other information about the responders.

BBC News (UK)

April 5, 2005

A plan to tighten rules on vitamins and food supplements should be stopped, a leading European judge has indicated.

European Court of Justice Advocate General Leendert Geelhoed said the EU health foods directive infringed guidelines in his opinion. But he said he was not opposed to the legislation in principle - opening the way for officials to redraw it. The court has to make a final decision on the rules, which critics say will ban thousands of health foods.


by Mark S. Dias, MD, FAAP, Kim Smith, RN, Kathy deGuehery, RN, Paula Mazur, MD, FAAP, Veetai Li, MD and Michele L. Shaffer, PhD

April 4, 2005

Abusive head injuries among infants (shaken infant or shaken impact syndrome) represent a devastating form of child abuse; an effective prevention program that reduces the incidence of abusive head injuries could save both lives and money.

We wished to determine whether a comprehensive, regional, hospital-based, parent education program, administered at the time of the child's birth, could be successfully implemented and to examine its impact on the incidence of abusive head injuries among infants 36 months of age.

Eagle Forum

by Phyllis Schlafly

March 30, 2005

Big Brother is on the march. A plan to subject all children to mental health screening is underway, and pharmaceutical companies are gearing up for bigger sales of antidepressant and psychostimulant drugs.

Like most liberal big-spending ideas, this one was slipped into the law under cover of sweet words. It started with the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health created by President George W. Bush's Executive Order 13263 of April 29, 2002. The Commission issued its report on July 22, 2003. President Bush has instructed 25 federal agencies to develop a plan to implement the Commissions recommendations. In 2004, Congress appropriated $20 million to finance the recommendations of this New Freedom Commission on Mental Health. Congress also passed the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act that included $7 million for suicide screening, and tens of millions more for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and its Center for Mental Health Services.

Telegraph News (UK)

by Celia Hall

March 26, 2005

Outbreaks of mumps are soaring in England and Wales, with a total of 15,754 notified cases in the first 10 weeks of the year compared with an annual total of 16,436 notifications for all of 2004.

Universities set up vaccination sessions and many asked students who caught mumps to go home until they were no longer infectious. Others asked students to seek vaccination before starting term.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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