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Freedom News

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."
                                             -- George Washington

"If we stuck to the Constitution as written, we would have: no federal meddling in our schools; no Federal Reserve; no U.S. membership in the UN; no gun control; and no foreign aid.

We would have no welfare for big corporations, or the "poor"; no American troops in 100 foreign countries; no NAFTA, GATT, or "fast-track"; no arrogant federal judges usurping states rights; no attacks on private property; no income tax. We could get rid of most of the cabinet departments, most of the agencies, and most of the budget."

Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom by Dr. Ron Paul

"Freedom is not defined by safety. Freedom is defined by the ability of citizens to live without government interference. Government cannot create a world without risks, nor would we really wish to live in such a fictional place. Only a totalitarian society would even claim absolute safety as a worthy ideal, because it would require total state control over its citizens' lives. Liberty has meaning only if we still believe in it when terrible things happen and a false government security blanket beckons."
                                             -- Congressman Ron Paul

End the Fed by Dr. Ron Paul

"The government is best which governs least."
                                                       -- Thomas Jefferson

Freedom in the News

 Title   Date   Author   Host

by Yelena Sukhoterina

September 24, 2016

Autism rates in the US have been rising since the 1980s. In 1985 autism prevalence was 1 in 2,500, ten years later it jumped to 1 in 500, and today it is an astonishing 1 in 68 children.

More and more researchers and doctors are raising red flags as they see more evidence that this epidemic is related not only to environmental, food, and water toxins, but specifically to those in vaccinations. In 1995 , the immunization schedule for children had 19 vaccinations before the age of 16. In 2001 , that number is now 28 before the age of 18.

by Howard Fischer Capitol Media Services

September 17, 2016

Prosecutors are asking the Arizona Supreme Court to reinstate a law that allows some people accused of the sexual abuse of minors to be held without bail.

Deputy Maricopa County Attorney David Cole said the constitutional provision limiting access to bail was adopted by voters in 2002. He said the state Court of Appeals, in overturning the law enacted by lawmakers to implement that amendment, failed to give "due consideration to the overwhelming will of the people."

by Louisa McKenzie

September 16, 2016

Organic food is often cited as being better for your health and for the environment. However, many people are put off by organic food's perceived higher price tag.

This month The Soil Association is raising awareness of organic food and wants you to Organic Your September. However, if you think organic food is too costly, switching wholly or partly to organic needn't be as expensive as you probably think.

by Hilary Beaumont

September 16, 2016

As they have for the last three decades, First Nations advocates are again sharply criticizing the Canadian government for continuing to discriminate against First Nations children, and failing to fix its "broken" child welfare system.

Blackstock was in disbelief that despite two compliance orders since January, the government has done little to address a Human Rights Tribunal's findings that it is discriminating against First Nations children on reserve by giving them significantly less funding versus children in other areas of Canada-and that race and/or ethnic origin was a factor in that discrimination. Advocates have been lobbying the government on the issue since 1998 and numerous independent reports over the decades have called on the government to fix its system. "Why are they taking so long?" Blackstock asked.

by David Gutierrez

September 14, 2016

The campaign to prevent cannabis legalization in Arizona recently accepted a half-million dollar donation from a pharmaceutical company accused of peddling a dangerous narcotic painkiller off-label.

Drug company Insys made the donation to Arizonans for Responsible Drug Policy on Aug. 31, according to information posted by the Arizona Secretary of State. The revelation has lent support to longstanding claims by legalization proponents that drug companies view cannabis as a source of competition for their more addictive, dangerous and expensive products.

by Daniel Barker

September 14, 2016

As if the CDC didn't already have enough sweeping powers, the agency's new proposed regulations (if approved) will grant it unprecedented authority to do pretty much anything it wants - including detainment, forced medical treatments and forced vaccines.

The new proposed regulations can be found here, but don't expect to see a straightforward explanation of what they actually mean - despite the fact that the agency is required to give one, according to the rules set out in the 2010 Plain Language Act. In fact, although the CDC claims to have adhered to the Plain Language Act in drawing up the proposed regulations, it still requires a lot of patience and possibly some experience with complicated legalese mumbo jumbo to get at the true meaning.

by Andy Davis

September 13, 2016

As the mumps outbreak spreads in part of Arkansas, state officials should do more to minimize the disruption in the education of children who have not been vaccinated against disease, some lawmakers said Monday.

Those guidelines call for unvaccinated children to be excluded from schools where an outbreak has occurred until 26 days after the last instance of a person developing the swollen salivary glands often caused by the disease. Students who develop symptoms are excluded until the disease is not considered contagious -- five days after they develop the swollen glands.

by Eluta.Ca

September 10, 2016

Canada's doctors want legislators to get a little bit tougher on parents who don't vaccinate their kids. The Canadian Medical Association on Tuesday called for an end to non-medical exemptions in provinces that have mandatory vaccination rules.

Tommy Gerschman, a Vancouver physician, said three provinces - Ontario, Manitoba and New Brunswick - currently have laws making it mandatory for children to show proof of vaccination before they can attend school. (In other provinces and territories, the rules vary by school board, and sometimes by school or daycare centre.)

by Lance Hernandez

September 10, 2016

School bells are ringing again across Colorado. As kids head back to school, some parents, who opt not to vaccinate their children, are pushing back against some of the wording in the state's new non-medical immunization exemption form.

That form reads in part: Failure to follow the advice of a physician, registered nurse, physician's assistant or public health official who has recommended vaccines may endanger my child's/my health or life and others who come into contact with my child/me. State Senator Kevin Lundberg, Chair of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee says, "That (phrasing) amounts to compelled speech." He said the state has no business trying to force parents to agree to something that they don't believe is true.

by Stoyan Zaimov

September 9, 2016

Seven Christians have been arrested in Nepal for spreading the Gospel by handing out Bible handbooks to as many as 885 students in the Dolakha district.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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