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Freedom News

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."
                                             -- George Washington

"If we stuck to the Constitution as written, we would have: no federal meddling in our schools; no Federal Reserve; no U.S. membership in the UN; no gun control; and no foreign aid.

We would have no welfare for big corporations, or the "poor"; no American troops in 100 foreign countries; no NAFTA, GATT, or "fast-track"; no arrogant federal judges usurping states rights; no attacks on private property; no income tax. We could get rid of most of the cabinet departments, most of the agencies, and most of the budget."

Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom by Dr. Ron Paul

"Freedom is not defined by safety. Freedom is defined by the ability of citizens to live without government interference. Government cannot create a world without risks, nor would we really wish to live in such a fictional place. Only a totalitarian society would even claim absolute safety as a worthy ideal, because it would require total state control over its citizens' lives. Liberty has meaning only if we still believe in it when terrible things happen and a false government security blanket beckons."
                                             -- Congressman Ron Paul

End the Fed by Dr. Ron Paul

"The government is best which governs least."
                                                       -- Thomas Jefferson

Freedom in the News

 Title   Date   Author   Host

by William Norman Grigg

July 17, 2014

As the deadlocked jury was dismissed in the trial of Delaware resident Michael W. Rogers, at least half of them favored the defendant with a smile.

Perhaps the prosecution hadn't been sufficiently diligent in their efforts to purge the jury pool of decent and conscientious people. Another possibility is that half or more of the panel rebelled against the indecency of trying to imprison a 53-year-old man for the supposed offense of surviving a police officer's attempt to murder him. Last August, Rogers was asleep in the home he shares with his then-87-year-old mother, Lorraine, when Delaware State Trooper Matthew Morgan materialized on their doorstep. Morgan said that he wanted to question Rogers about a non-injury traffic accident that had occurred earlier that evening. Unfortunately, Lorraine - whose family includes law enforcement officers - let the 28-year-old stranger into the home, rather than ordering him away.

by William Norman Grigg

June 18, 2014

Not surprisingly, in this is the age of Homeland Security Theater, cops and their fellow travelers often seek to provoke comments that can be construed as "threats" or "incitement" - and then demand that Facebook shut the supposedly offensive page.

Although government-aligned media outlets generally are faithful stenographers for the coercive caste, the same is not true of social media. YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter have fatally undermined the official narrative that law enforcement is a noble calling by offering critics the means to document and publicize the criminal violence and pervasive corruption that characterize the profession. Thus it's not surprising that police are seeking to ban Facebook pages that document police misconduct and demand accountability. "There are anti-anti-police pages starting whose main purpose isn't to engage the anti-police pages intellectually, but just to report and get them banned," warns LRC reader Buddhadev Chakraborty. "Examples of these pages are Stop the Cop Haters, and Night of Blue Lights."

by William Norman Grigg

November 14, 2013

No tactical genius is necessary to bring about a bloodless end to a standoff involving a 107-year-old man armed with a handgun and surrounded by police officers inside an otherwise vacant house.

All that is necessary is a willingness on the part of the officers to accept a minimal amount of risk, and a time horizon longer than a half hour. In fact, only someone with a perverse appetite for gratuitous bloodshed could arrange to end that confrontation with the violent death of the centenarian suspect. As it happens, the valiant men of the Pine Bluff, Arkansas Police Department's SWAT team were equal to that task. That's why 107-year-old Monroe Isadore was killed in a torrent of gunfire on the evening of September 7.

by William Norman Grigg

September 26, 2013

In overtly totalitarian countries, families of condemned state enemies are often required to pay for the bullets used to execute their loved ones. Two recent federal court rulings indicate that a very similar custom has taken root in proto-Soviet America.

On June 3, 2011, a man wearing a ski mask hurled a crude, improvised stink bomb through an apartment window in Laguna Beach, California. The payload of that infernal device was butyric acid produced through fermentation of milk and cheese. Several people complained about the noxious odor, but nobody was hospitalized. On a garage door of the targeted building, the attacker spray-painted the demand, "Stalk someone else." Without any solid leads, and acting on rumors, the Laguna Beach PD dispatched a SWAT team a day later to raid the Rowland Heights, California home of Marilyn Injeyan, a 71-year-old retired schoolteacher. Her son, Vahan, was described as a "person of interest" - not a suspect, mind you - in the stink bomb attack, which through the dubious miracle of Homeland Security hyperbole had been transformed into a "domestic terrorism" incident...

by William New

October 12, 2011

The Obama administration's recent signing of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement may face a US constitutional challenge as a member of the US Senate today called into question the administration's power to negotiate and enter into such a trade agreement without Congress's approval. Sen. Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat often out front on technology issues, sent a 12 October letter addressed to President Obama taking issue the US Trade Representative (USTR)'s assertions that the ACTA is a "sole executive agreement" which can be entered into and implemented without the legislative branch's involvement. USTR, which is part of the White House, has repeatedly said the agreement does not require changes to US law.

The American Spectator

by William McGurn

August 30, 2012

Rand Paul and the GOP promised land.

When Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) concluded his speech at the Republican National Convention, one writer was particularly effusive in his praise. Paul's national debut "can only be described as a humdinger." His speech was "brilliantly succinct" in its dissection of the anti-business populism currently in fashion among Democrats. It was an "undeniable triumph." The senator himself is "a star."

The American Spectator

by William McGurn

August 30, 2012

Ryan on the American Tipping Point: it's the socialism, stupid.

Why did Obama fail? Or has Obama actually succeeded? The debt soars to $16 trillion. Millions are out of work to the tune of an 8.3% unemployment rate, with the CBO predicting it will keep on climbing to 9% by 2013 -- now only five short months away. One could go on, yipping and yapping about everything from the price of a gallon of gas (already headed north to four bucks a gallon, it spiked again Wednesday from a nickel to as much as 14 cents in the wake of Hurricane Isaac) to the crony capitalism of Solyndra.

The American Spectator

by William McGurn

August 24, 2012

Political columnist Froma Harrop makes the odd and offensive suggestion in this column (entitled "Akin's Consistency is GOP's Real Problem") that fingernails are equivalent in human value to an early-trimester unborn child...

Scotsman News (UK)

by William Lyons

July 16, 2011

While proposals for an outright ban remain at an early stage, this week they took a significant step forward when NHS Tayside said it wanted to become the first UK region to have totally smoke-free zones.

The opposition is led by Tim Lord, chief executive of the Tobacco Manufacturers’ Association. "Businesses ought to deliver what their customers want. If that is a ban on smoking, then fine," he said. "But if customers want to smoke they should be allowed to. It is not the role of government to dictate to restaurants, pubs and clubs who should or not smoke in their premises."

Big Journalism

by William J. Kelly

May 22, 2011

From the lips of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, rivaling any lipstick-wearing pitbull, consider yourself warned.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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