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Technology in the News

Technology is constantly changing and providing the casual user with challenges never dreamed of. Technology in the News is provided in an effort to assist you in getting the most out of your computer, while avoiding some of the pitfalls. Your computer really isn't out to get you. Why not learn to be friends?

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February 1, 2008

Microsoft Friday unveiled a 44.6 billion dollar bid for Yahoo in an effort to merge the world's biggest software company with a major Internet player to take on the Google juggernaut.

The deal could reshape the landscape for high technology by combining Microsoft and one of the leading brands on the Internet. Yahoo would offer Microsoft a search engine to compete with Google's; a popular web portal for email, shopping and news, as well as one of the most recognized brands among online users.

April 20, 2015

Between December 17-20, 2014, measles arrived at the happiest place on earth and all hell broke loose. Anti-vaxxers were shamed and maligned by everyone from Jon Stewart, Jimmy Kimmel to Dr. Richard Pan.

According to the California Department of Public Health's latest measles surveillance report (3/6/15), since December of 2014, there have been 132 confirmed measles cases reported in California residents out of a population of 38.8 million. 40 cases visited Disneyland during the period in question. 81% were not hospitalized. 56% were over the age of twenty. 18% were between the ages of five to nineteen. 19 cases were between the ages of one through four. 15 cases were under the age of one. This affected exactly 34 kids from birth to age four. Since the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting in December of 2012, there have been 109 school shootings and no legislation. There is no measles epidemic. There is, however, an epidemic of vaccine legislation.

by Rich Keller

April 10, 2013

An unusual report shows that organic rice buyers in the U.S. are getting a large percentage of their rice from Cambodia.

The Cambodian Center for Study and Development in Agriculture (CEDAC) exported 114 tonnes of organic jasmine rice to the U.S. in the first quarter of this year, a 30 per cent increase compared with the same period last year, reports the Phnom Penh Is the answer to organic food supply to U.S. consumers importation because U.S. growers are unable to meet the demand for fruits, vegetables, rice and more?

Albuquerque Tribune (NM)

by Michael Gisick

June 11, 2007

After initially claiming that red-light camera-foiling license-plate covers don't work, the city now says they do - and that they're illegal.

Albuquerque police have handed out more than 500 citations in recent months during a crack down on the plate covers, which come in plastic and spray-on options.

by Jason Blumer

January 31, 2012

Strategic pricing helps your brand and helps you to make more money.

Issuing a price is like handing out a business card-it's a great branding tool, but be careful about what it says to your market. Beginning relationships with customers at a high price makes the statement: "we're good at what we do and we know it." Fighting with a competitor over a low price says "I'm uncertain about my abilities, so I'll take what I can get." Failing to use a considered pricing policy will leave you treading water in a sea of design mediocrity, allowing you to just stay afloat while you sell commodities. Blah.

by Mat Marquis

January 31, 2012

It's our job, as designers and developers, to pick apart even the seemingly most simple tasks to find ways to improve them.

When Ethan Marcotte coined "responsive web design," he said that a responsive website is made up of three things: a flexible grid, flexible images and media, and media queries. In doing so, he opened up a world of new and exciting things to obsess over. I chose flexible images.

by Jeffrey Zeldman

November 29, 2011

A List Apart strongly opposes United States H.R.3261 AKA the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), an ill-conceived lobbyist-driven piece of legislation that is technically impossible to enforce, cripplingly burdensome to support, and would, without hyperbole, destroy the internet as we know it.

by Lara Swanson

August 23, 2011

Data is an invaluable tool for web designers who are making decisions about the user experience.

A/B tests, or split tests, are one of the easiest ways to measure the effect of different design, content, or functionality. A/B tests allow you to create high-performing user experience elements that you can implement across your site. But it's important to make sure you reach statistically significant results and avoid red herrings. Let's talk about how to do that.

by Elizabeth McGuane / Randall Snare

August 23, 2011

Storytelling is a buzzword with lots of different interpretations. Either the internet is killing stories, or it's the best thing to happen to them since the printing press.

Stories have been around as long as we have, helping us understand our world and ourselves. We learn and retain information best through stories, because they turn information into more than the sum of its parts. But what makes a story a story, and what does it mean for the digital world we've built?

by Ethan Marcotte

June 7, 2011

Things are looking good so far: we've got a grid-based layout, one that doesn't sacrifice complexity for flexibility. I have to admit that the first time I figured out how to build a fluid grid, I was feeling pretty proud of myself.

But then, as often happens with web design, despair set in. Currently, our page is awash in words, and little else. Actually, nothing else: our page is nothing but text. Why is this a problem? Well, text reflows effortlessly within a flexible container-and I don't know if you've noticed, but the Internet seems to have one or two of those "image" things lying around. None of which we've incorporated into our fluid grid. So what happens when we introduce fixed-width images into our flexible design?

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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