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Technology in the News

Technology is constantly changing and providing the casual user with challenges never dreamed of. Technology in the News is provided in an effort to assist you in getting the most out of your computer, while avoiding some of the pitfalls. Your computer really isn't out to get you. Why not learn to be friends?

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by Calvin Beisner

July 23, 2014

In his recent article "The Threat to the Scientific Method," Dr. Patrick Michaels, a climatologist who for 30 years was Research Professor of Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia and now directs the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute, pointed to a serious problem: the corruption of science through government (and sometimes industry) funding, which has led to rapidly and alarmingly increasing numbers of retracted journal articles. In light of that trend, he asks, "If we can no longer trust science, what do we have as the basis for knowledge?"

Personal Liberty Alerts

by Robert E. Bauman, J.D.

July 22, 2014

Financial attacks are always unexpected - especially when they come from your government.

Desperate governments always prey on those with assets easy to lose. The last thing you want is to be forced to scramble for last-minute, quick-fix solutions. By then, it's too late. Your cash is gone. Think about what happened in Cyprus last year. Without notice, citizens and companies overnight saw all funds in their bank accounts above 100,000 euros ($137,400) stolen as part of what politicians called a one-time "stability" tax.

by Conor Friedersdorf

July 21, 2014

A former Obama administration official calls attention to unaccountable mass surveillance conducted under a 1981 executive order.

John Napier Tye is speaking out to warn Americans about illegal spying. The former State Department official, who served in the Obama administration from 2011 to 2014, declared Friday that ongoing NSA surveillance abuses are taking place under the auspices of Executive Order 12333, which came into being in 1981, before the era of digital communications, but is being used to collect them promiscuously. Nye alleges that the Obama administration has been violating the Constitution with scant oversight from Congress or the judiciary. "The order as used today threatens our democracy," he wrote in The Washington Post. "I am coming forward because I think Americans deserve an honest answer to the simple question: What kind of data is the NSA collecting on millions, or hundreds of millions, of Americans?"

July 21, 2014

The finer points of sending work emails without being annoying.

In the two decades since email began saturating most American workplaces, most people have come to agree on some basic etiquette rules, such as don't reply-all when you don't need to and avoid using all caps unless you're screaming at someone. But there are finer points of email etiquette that aren't as universally acknowledged but can make you a far more effective emailer. Here are five lesser-known email etiquette breaches that you might still make.

by Carlos Miller

July 21, 2014

A Texas man was handcuffed and detained for taking pictures of a police department from a public sidewalk.

The man, who goes by The Battousai on Youtube said he was doing a First Amendment test to see how the Round Rock Police Department would respond to his Constitutionally protected activity of taking pictures from a public sidewalk. They ended up interpreting it as "suspicious activity." But then again, we're living in an age where practically all Constitutionally protected activity is considered suspicious activity.

by Collecting Knowledge - Routine

July 21, 2014

It is well-documented that governments use information to blackmail and control people.

Section 11 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885 made gross indecency a crime in the United Kingdom, which included male gay sex. The Amendment was so frequently used to blackmail gay Brits that it was dubbed the "Blackmailer's Charter". There is widespread speculation that Pope Benedict resigned because of sexual blackmail. And the American government has a long history of blackmailing people - including high-level officials- with knowledge of their sexual peccadilloes.


July 20, 2014

Hackers broke into the Wall Street Journal's Facebook page to claim that Air Force One possibly crashed over the Russian airspace rattling users' nerves.

While the world is still recovering from the shock of the Malaysia Airlines plane crash, a message on WSJ's Facebook page posted on Sunday morning came as yet even a worse stress for a few readers. The fake "breaking news" report suggested that the American president's plane went down in Russia.

by Susan Callaway

July 19, 2014

I'm sure a lot of people would consider that a harsh thing to say, but if you'll stay with me a bit you should easily see that it is the only real answer to the whole "politically correct" thing sweeping this country and, incidentally, the world.

"You made me mad. You didn't make me happy. I'm offended." You can probably add a hundred more such phrases people use to control what you do, say and even what you believe. That's exactly what happens when a few people can choose any word or object, assign a specific (often NEW and ugly) meaning to it, and then demand that nobody use that word or object because it "makes them feel"... whatever. Let's look first at the premise that someone can actually "make" another person FEEL anything. How does that work, exactly? Vulcan mind meld? Is it not a fact that each person simply REACTS to outside stimulus, and the perception of sad, mad, happy, etc. is actually their own response?

by Lindsey Reiser

July 19, 2014

A company that brags about sending out more than 1 million speeding tickets a month has just been slapped with a lawsuit. Redflex, based right here in Phoenix, is accused of bribing public officials in exchange for city contracts.

They're no strangers to opening up their checkbooks right here in the Valley. Over the last few years, this company has spent $10,000 in the political arena here. Over the past 11 years, Redflex Traffic Systems has thrown $225,000 at 60 different committees, candidates, and initiatives nationwide, according to In Arizona, $6,250 went to Arizona Republican House Victory in 2010 and 2012. $2,500 went to Building Arizona's Future, a Democratic committee, in 2012. And $1,250 went to the Republican Senate Victory Committee in 2010.

by Rt America

July 18, 2014

Sacramento sheriff's deputies have been playing NSA. They tool around town with suitcase-sized StingRay surveillance devices in their squad cars, scooping up cellphone data from whomever happens to be within a one-mile radius.

The deputies have reportedly been doing their shady business without warrants, and dozens of law enforcement agencies nationwide may be doing likewise. But hey, what's the big deal? After all, the feds say it's OK. Not only that, but federal agents have even been telling local officers to keep their StingRay shenanigans hush hush. If a judge asks, the feds advise locals to say they obtained evidence, not from a StingRay, but from a "confidential source."

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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