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Technology in the News

Technology is constantly changing and providing the casual user with challenges never dreamed of. Technology in the News is provided in an effort to assist you in getting the most out of your computer, while avoiding some of the pitfalls. Your computer really isn't out to get you. Why not learn to be friends?

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by Tiffany B. Brown

June 7, 2011

With the rise of mobile devices, web development and debugging is more complex than ever. We have more browsers and platforms to support. We have more screen sizes and resolutions.

Luckily, we also have better tools. The JavaScript console is a standard feature of most major browsers. Both JavaScript and the HTML DOM offer native error handling. We also have services and applications that help us remotely debug our sites. In this article I'll cover error thowing and handling, code injection, and mobile debugging. For more on debugging, see Hallvord R.M. Steen and Chris Mills' 2009 article, Advanced Debugging With JavaScript.

by Noah Stokes

March 8, 2011

The float property is a valuable and powerful asset to any web designer/developer working with HTML and CSS.

Tragically, it can also cause frustration and confusion if you don't fully understand how it works. Also, in the past, it's been linked to some pretty nasty browser bugs so it's normal to get nervous about using the float property in your CSS rule sets. Let's calm those nerves and ease that frustration.

by Erin Kissane

March 8, 2011

In content strategy, there is no playbook of generic strategies you can pick from to assemble a plan for your client or project.

Instead, our discipline rests on a series of core principles about what makes content effective-what makes it work, what makes it good. Content may need to have other qualities to work within a particular project, but this list is limited to qualities shared across all sorts of content.

by Lyle Mullican

February 22, 2011

One of the most powerful security tools available to web developers is cryptography-essentially a process by which meaningful information is turned into random noise, unreadable except where specifically intended.

It's tempting to think that a simple web application doesn't require industrial-strength security because it's not going to contain any information worth stealing, like credit card numbers. Unfortunately, people's tendency to reuse passwords across many different systems means that a compromise of the weakest one can often give access to the rest.

by Debra Levin Gelman

February 8, 2011

Designing websites for kids is a fascinating, challenging, rewarding, and exasperating experience.

You're trying to create a digital experience for people who lack the cognitive capacity to understand abstraction. You're trying to establish brand loyalty with people who are influenced almost exclusively by their peers. And you're trying to communicate subjective value propositions to people who can only see things in black-and-white.

July 11, 2014

Meet the woman who has figured out how to make genius Facebook cover photos that make her seem to appear in famous television shows and movies!

The relatively new cover photo feature in Facebook has provided an expansive template for creative individuals to express themselves. Enter Nikki, a Reddit user who has figured out how to insert herself into popular television shows and movies by masterfully interplaying her Facebook cover photo with her profile picture. Enjoy her brilliant Facebook cover photos...

by Peter Kafka

September 6, 2011

Amazon, Yahoo, and the Dish Network are lined up to buy Hulu. But Larry Page is offering an over-the-top deal.

And then there's Google. The search giant has also made an offer for the video site, but it seems to be playing a different sport than the rest of its peers: Rather than bid on what Hulu's owners have offered for sale, Google has proposed a different acquisition, on a larger scale, say people familiar with the sales process.

June 6, 2013

A remote controlled helicopter has been flown through a series of hoops using the power of the human mind.

The feat was achieved by U.S. researchers who are hoping to develop future robots that can help restore the independence of paralysed victims and those suffering from neurodegenerative disorders. According to Professor Bin He, from the University of Minnesota, this it the first time that humans have been able to control the flight of flying robots using just their thoughts.

May 30, 2013

Sun Jifa, a farmer in China, had his life changed forever when an explosive he planned on using for fishing went off prematurely. He lost his arms and when he couldn't afford high-end, hospital-made prosthetics he opted for a cheaper set.

Finding those to be less than acceptable, Sun started building his own pair of arms, which he currently wears. It's an incredible story of ingenuity and personal strength. After creating his own pair of arms Sun started building others. Selling functional prosthetic arms for under $500, he saves people from buying the poor quality ones he was forced to use and helps those who are unable to afford professionally-made ones which can cost up to ten times the price.

by Pratap Chatterjee

October 12, 2013

With a lot of help from the surveillance industry, Big Bro has already won the fight to watch all of us all the time -- unless we decide to do something about it.

Big Bro is watching you. Inside your mobile phone and hidden behind your web browser are little known software products marketed by contractors to the government that can follow you around anywhere. No longer the wide-eyed fantasies of conspiracy theorists, these technologies are routinely installed in all of our data devices by companies that sell them to Washington for a profit.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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