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Technology in the News

Technology is constantly changing and providing the casual user with challenges never dreamed of. Technology in the News is provided in an effort to assist you in getting the most out of your computer, while avoiding some of the pitfalls. Your computer really isn't out to get you. Why not learn to be friends?

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January 1, 2012

Anyone can say they're part of Anonymous. It's the perfect cover for hackers with motives more sinister than fun and propaganda.

Could that be why private intelligence firm Stratfor was just hacked? The Operation AntiSec collaborators Anonymous and LulzSec dominated media coverage of online security through 2011, taking credit for hacks of Sony, AT&T, the UK's Serious Organised Crime Agency and News International newspapers - even though the more serious cybercriminals continued working on the money-spinners. The Stratfor hack looks like all the others. It was announced via Twitter accounts associated with Anonymous. Samples of the pilfered data were posted online as evidence. The hackers taunted the victim about its pathetic defences. And the data vandalism was dressed up as political action.

by Joe Ducey

March 22, 2012

They say they're calling from Windows Support and that your computer has been sending error messages. All you have to do to fix it, they say, is follow their directions.

Scottsdale resident Linda Hard answered a call like this a few months ago. "I want you to go to the start button and pull up your program list," was the first thing they told her to do. But, that's as far as they got with Hard. "At that point, I said 'this is a scam and I'm hanging up,'" she said. "But there are people out there that wouldn't know it's a scam." And lots of those people have been falling victim to it.

by Megan Chuchmach

September 26, 2012

In the latest apparent case of what have been hundreds of thefts by TSA officers of passenger belongings, an iPad left behind at a security checkpoint in the Orlando airport was tracked as it moved 30 miles to the home of the TSA officer last seen handling it. Confronted two weeks later by ABC News, the TSA officer, Andy Ramirez, at first denied having the missing iPad, but ultimately turned it over after blaming his wife for taking it from the airport.

by Abby Ellin

June 29, 2012

A lawsuit contends that Gmail and Yahoo! email invade privacy--even if you don't have an email account with them.

By now most of us have accepted a fact of the digital age: If, say, we write the word "eyeglasses" in the body of an email, advertisements for LensCrafters and Armani specs will most likely pop up on our computer screens soon. We may not like it, but we understand that we trade privacy for the convenience of modern technology. But some California residents have decided to take a stand against it, and have filed two class action lawsuits against Google and Yahoo in Marin County Superior Court. The suits, filed on June 12 and June 28, claim that the web giants illegally intercept emails sent from individual non-Gmail and non-Yahoo subscribers to individual Gmail and Yahoo subscribers, without their knowledge, consent or permission. What's more, they say the interception takes place before the email reaches its intended target.

by Leslie Harris

April 9, 2012

Congress is set to act on cybersecurity legislation that has been making its way through committees in both chambers for several years.

A lot of important work has gone into these bills that are intended to strengthen both the government and civilian response to cyber threats. Yet parts of these bills are alarming because, if passed, any information we put online-work, play, personal and sensitive-could be put at risk. Thoughtful policy can help harden critical infrastructure targets-such as the electric grid, nuclear power plants, and communication networks-against unauthorized intrusions, making the Internet a safer place for all. But if Congress does not step up to make important changes in these bills, we may face an epic loss of our civil liberties.

by ABC News

September 5, 2011

As the U.S. Postal Service begins shuttering offices across the country to stem their ever-growing $9.2 billion deficit, the entire agency now faces default and could shut down next summer.

by Ned Potter

August 25, 2011

Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc. and the man behind the first personal computer, the iPod, iPhone iPad and other innovations, has died at 56.

"We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today," read a statement by Apple's board of directors. "Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve. His greatest love was for his wife, Laurene, and his family. Our hearts go out to them and to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts." The homepage of Apple's website this evening switched to a full-page image of Jobs with the text, "Steve Jobs 1955-2011."

by Chris Tomlinson

June 19, 2011

Internet retailers are required to collect sales tax only when they sell to customers living in a state where they have a physical presence, such as a store or office.

Internet retailers cite a 1992 U.S. Supreme Court decision involving catalog sales, Quill Corp. v. North Dakota, which ruled that states could require only companies that had a physical presence within the state to act as tax collector. Bills are pending in Arizona, California, Florida, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Minnesota and Pennsylvania. Texas lawmakers passed such a measure, but Gov. Rick Perry vetoed it.

by ABC News

April 16, 2009

17-year-old Michael Mooney, who was behind the recent Twitter worms offered a job after claiming responsibility: A black mark or the ultimate resume? Some young programmers hack to get noticed.

For the social networking darling Twitter, it was a headache and potential threat. But for the young man behind the computer worm that attacked the micro-blogging site this week, it was a fast track to a job. Called both "Mikeyy" and "StalkDaily," the pesky computer program crashed the tweet-fest for the first time over the weekend, leaving thousands of unwanted messages in its wake.

by Jay Sekulow

July 18, 2013

Everything we have heard from the IRS and the Obama Admin about the targeting of the Tea Party seems to end up being proven false, one by one, as the congressional investigation and our lawsuit on behalf of 41 targeted conservative groups continues.

The latest bombshell revelation comes from congressional testimony of senior IRS attorneys directly involved in the targeting of the Tea Party that IRS Chief Counsel's office was directly involved in targeting the Tea Party, delaying their applications, and developing the unconstitutional and intrusive inquire process. IRS Chief Counsel William Wilkins is a direct political appointee of President Obama in 2009 and significantly calls into question the Obama Administration's ever evolving timeline of who knew what when, but even more importation who directed and orchestrated the targeting of the Tea Party.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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