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Technology in the News

Technology is constantly changing and providing the casual user with challenges never dreamed of. Technology in the News is provided in an effort to assist you in getting the most out of your computer, while avoiding some of the pitfalls. Your computer really isn't out to get you. Why not learn to be friends?

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by Jean-Baptiste Jung

October 22, 2012

By default, WordPress does not automatically add a rel="nofollow" attribute to external links within post content.

If you want to do it, here is a simple hack to force WordPress to add the rel="nofollow" attribute to every external link. Paste the following code snippet in your functions.php file. Once you saved the file, all external links in your post content will be changed to nofollow.

by Jean-Baptiste Jung

September 20, 2012

Simply paste the following code on the theme functions.php file. Specify the admin username on line 7 so the admin will still see the theme editor link.

December 23, 2010

On December 22, 2010, we received several reports that a new malware attack has infected WordPress sites hosted at GoDaddy and possibly other hosting providers.

The worst part about this virus is it's much harder to clean. The malicious hackers have stepped it up a notch and decided to infect the WordPress database and not just server files. The above script is injected inside every single page and posts inside the database (wp_posts table). This malicious script redirects website visitors to various sites hosting "Fake AV" websites and some are zero-day attacks. A zero-day attack means that anti-virus programs may not yet have their definitions updated and your computer can become infected even with up-to-date software.

by Regina Smola

May 12, 2010

WordPress sites self-hosted on are reporting being maliciously hacked today with script tag inserts.

Warning: This is dangerous malware! Anyone visiting an infected website can get their computers infected, if they do not have a up-to-date anti-virus program using the latest threat definitions. If you receive a message to download anything when visiting an infected site, do NOT click "yes" or "okay" to download. If your website is infected, put it down for maintenance immediately.

by Alex Denning

December 24, 2012

Last week I friend of mine who's a mathematician was helping me out with a formula I was trying to create which could predict how successful a post from a brand page on Facebook was going to be.

We worked for a couple of hours on what I had already and he changed it around a little and added some distributions I didn't really understand, but by the time we were done we had a formula which we thought would do the trick. We ran a couple of randomly selected posts through the formula and... yep, as we'd hoped, it was working pretty much perfectly and scoring the posts on a scale of 0 - 100, with 0 being the least successful post possible and 100 being wildly successful.

by Alex Denning

October 25, 2012

If you have absolutely anything you want people to do when visiting your website - be that subscribe, download, purchase, whatever - you need a landing page.

I realised I needed a landing page earlier this year after I released my eBook WordPress Blogging Guide and nobody was downloading it! This puzzled me as it was, you know, free. I figured I needed a landing page of sorts. The graph above shows downloads from July, when the eBook was launched, through October. I added the landing page at the start of October and it nearly doubled download rates. What did I do to make this magical landing page?

by Alex Denning

September 17, 2011

I always find it interesting when blog authors share how they work, where they work and what exactly the process of writing a post on their site is, so today, in a break from WordPress tutorials, I'm going to do the same.

We'll start with a picture - this is my desk. On the left is my desktop, a pretty nippy machine with an overclocked I5, 8GB of RAM and a decent graphics card. This computing powerhouse has just enough power to let me have Notepad++ and Chrome at the same time, the setup I normally go for, with one on each screen. In the middle of my desk you'll see my lovely Apple keyboard. This is the only bit of Apple tech I've got and I use it mainly because it's a damn good keyboard. As I use it so much, it's something I'm happy spending more on and I'd recommend getting one.

by Alex Denning

September 17, 2011

The latest WordPress update introduced HTML editing captions, reminding us all that captions are in fact a feature in WordPress.

They've not exactly been embraced as the über feature we initially hoped for; many sites still prefer to go for writing under an image in italics instead of using the captions. Smashing Magazine, for example still just have their images and then a short description underneath acting as a caption...

February 2, 2013

After a mini-controversy about a claim from President Obama that he shoots clay pigeons at Camp David, the White House released a photo of "Obama" shooting a $2500 Browning Citori shotgun.

Problem: It doesn't look like the President's watch. The President is generally seen with a more expensive watch prompting the company that sells it to create this website: Barack's Watch. And that leaves aside why the President, or his stunt double (aka Fauxbama) is shooting a fancy Japanese-made gun instead of a down-to-earth Mossberg or Remington. Or we could get into the Jorg Gray watch being made in China. But who cares?

February 14, 2012

A local father who captured worldwide attention after posting a YouTube rant about his daughter is now responding to all the attention.

Tommy Jordan, from Stanly County, got mad after his daughter complained about doing chores on her Facebook page. In the video, titled "Facebook Parenting for the troubled teen" shows Jordan pull out a gun and shoots his daughter's laptop.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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