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Technology in the News

Technology is constantly changing and providing the casual user with challenges never dreamed of. Technology in the News is provided in an effort to assist you in getting the most out of your computer, while avoiding some of the pitfalls. Your computer really isn't out to get you. Why not learn to be friends?

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by Joost de Valk

August 17, 2012

Twitter is the website / web service most of us love and sometimes hate, a service that has become an integral part of most of our online identities.

It's one of the services we expect to be there when we Google ourselves or other people. So when you Google yourself and instead of, you see a weird result, you think "huh". Then, when you're like me, you try to figure out what caused that and once you figure it, you think "d0h!". You'd think the people at Twitter would know better than to use relative URLs or even worse, a HOST header to determine the domain, resulting in this result when you search for my name...

October 24, 2013

Hollywood celebrities come together and make a video slamming the government

by Rt America

July 18, 2014

Sacramento sheriff's deputies have been playing NSA. They tool around town with suitcase-sized StingRay surveillance devices in their squad cars, scooping up cellphone data from whomever happens to be within a one-mile radius.

The deputies have reportedly been doing their shady business without warrants, and dozens of law enforcement agencies nationwide may be doing likewise. But hey, what's the big deal? After all, the feds say it's OK. Not only that, but federal agents have even been telling local officers to keep their StingRay shenanigans hush hush. If a judge asks, the feds advise locals to say they obtained evidence, not from a StingRay, but from a "confidential source."

by Wakeupoakland

June 17, 2014

If you ask if these can hear conversation they've said no. Now we know better. The question is are they always on.

It's true. They are admittedly like red light cameras. Capt Joyner told me directly. Why doesn't the reporter follow up? The mics she is talking about on this segment are less than 30ft from people's front yard. Where is the privacy policy? Where is the search warrant?

June 1, 2014

The Supreme Court will soon reach its decision on the much-publicized American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. v. Aereo, a case many believe will have a profound effect on the way we watch television.

Aereo rents small antennas and cloud storage to subscribers, allowing them to record and playback over-the-air broadcasts through digitally enabled devices. Broadcasters feel Aereo is retransmitting copyrighted work to paying customers and, based on current copyright law, should be subject to the same retransmission fees cable and satellite companies currently pay. Aereo argues that it is simply a technology company that empowers individuals and therefore isn't engaged in the "public performance" of copyrighted works subject to these fees. April's oral arguments gave little indication of which way the Supreme Court will rule. The decision is expected any day now.

November 8, 2013

Lisa Martinson called customer service after she forgot her password. That's when she was told three different people were given the password to her account, her address and her Social Security number. Then she was told it would take up to five days to get her personal information offline.

October 24, 2013

A brand-new report suggests that Hillary Clinton's State Department leaked confidential national security secrets to New York Times reporter David Sanger.

The leaks were allegedly in exchange for writings that made the department look tougher. Judge Andrew Napolitano discussed the severity of the leaks on this morning's Fox and Friends. "All governments leak information, we know that. But when the government leaks national security secrets in return for favorable treatment in the press, the government is showing its hypocrisy because it is violating the very same statute that it's attempting to prosecute Edward Snowden for violating," Napolitano said.

by Mark Dice

August 27, 2013

by Peterthornenews

August 1, 2013

by Markdice

July 29, 2013

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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