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Technology in the News

Technology is constantly changing and providing the casual user with challenges never dreamed of. Technology in the News is provided in an effort to assist you in getting the most out of your computer, while avoiding some of the pitfalls. Your computer really isn't out to get you. Why not learn to be friends?

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USA Today (AL)

by AP Wire

September 4, 2003

Students don't get to grade teachers at school, and Shelby County educators are making sure it stays that way.

The county has banned the use of school computers to visit a Web site called, where students can turn the table on teachers and assess their performance in the classroom.

World Privacy Forum

by Pam Dixon

August 11, 2003

Why it's smarter to order federally mandated free credit reports via telephone, not the Internet

The World Privacy Forum urges consumers who qualify [1] to order a federally mandated free annual credit report [2] to call the toll free number (877-322-8228) instead of ordering their free credit report online. Calling the toll free number exposes consumers to fewer potential hazards than ordering online. [3] Consumers who try to use the official online site may encounter numerous challenges, some of them potentially serious.

by Mark Rasch

June 16, 2003

A few odd cases show that you don't have be a digital desparado to be accused of a cybercrime... particularly if you embarrass the wrong bureaucrats.

Some recent (and not so recent) cases illustrate how computer security professionals and well intentioned whistle-blowers face a genuine risk of running afoul of computer crime statutes simply for forgetting to ask the right person, "May I'," before doing a computer security assessment. Take the case of Scott Moulten, a computer security professional in Georgia. He was the principal person responsible for computer security (through a private company) for a county in Georgia. The county worked with various cities coordinating and providing 911 Emergency Response Services. When one city wanted to hook up to the county's 911 network, Moulten performed a port scan and throughput test on that city's network to see if the computers were vulnerable to exploit.

by Martin Bright and Paul Harris

October 19, 2002

Hundreds of child welfare professionals, including police officers, care workers and teachers, have been identified as 'extremely high-risk' paedophiles by an investigation into internet porn.

The discovery came after US authorities passed on more than 7,000 names of UK subscribers to an American-based child porn website. When police examined a sample of the most dedicated users, they discovered that many worked with children. Investigators knew paedophiles targeted jobs which brought them into contact with children, but were shocked by how many British suspects had been undetected by the usual checks. The discovery that many were working in jobs of the highest sensitivity will send shock waves through the child protection world and lead to calls for even more stringent safeguards.

Computer World

by Patrick Thibodeau

September 11, 2002

There's no shortage of anecdotal reports from U.S. workers that the H-1B visa program is costing Americans jobs.

The study, which is due out sometime next year, seeks to answer the question: Do companies show a preference for H-1B workers, and if so, why-


by Robert Lemos

March 15, 2001

Software worms have become the weapons of choice for vandals to spread their latest creations, surpassing all malicious-code predecessors in popularity.

Four hours. That's how long it took for a glamorous tennis player to become the talk of the Net, for countless companies to shut down their e-mail gateways, and for a new virus to spread across the Atlantic.

BBC News (UK)

December 24, 1998

Norad has been monitoring Santa's progress on Christmas Eve since the 1950s, but this year's satellite-to-Internet link-up is bringing the latest technological tools to Santa watchers.

Major Jamie Robertson on calls to Santa at the Combat Operations Centre It all began thanks to a misprint. An advertisement for a local store in Colorado Springs, home to Norad, invited children to call Santa on a special hotline. The misprint meant that the hotline they called was that of Colonel Harry Shoup, Norad's Director of Operations.

The American Spectator

by William Tucker

July 2, 1998

Bill Gates and Microsoft have committed the crime of understanding the Information Age better than anyone else.

Now the Reno Justice Department has joined forces with Gates's competitors to teach him a lesson, ignoring what his brilliant career could teach them. On May 18, the Department of Justice filed an anti-trust suit against Microsoft Corporation, charging it with anti-trust violations in promoting its Internet Explorer over rival Internet browser Netscape. Simultaneously, attorneys general from 20 states filed companion suits on almost identical grounds.

January 10, 1963

Truth is the best irony and this video is filled with great satire.

We tried warning President Obama that his health-care law was unworkable. Now, after a glitch-filled week of implementation, Obamacare is under attack from the likes of not only Senator Ted Cruz, but also CNN's Wolf Blitzer. Yes, even the face of CNN is offering Obama this friendly advice: "They had three years to get this ready. If they weren't fully ready, they should accept the advice that a lot of Republicans are giving them: delay it another year."

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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